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Thread: First Cycle, I Need Advice

  1. #1

    First Cycle, I Need Advice

    Hello everyone. This is my first post on this forum. I have been an athlete my entire life and have taken up serious weight lifting in the last year and a half. I am 27 years old, 5'8" tall, 190 lb with about 15-20lb of fat. I have finally decided to try a cycle, so one of my good lifting buddies hooked me up with some gear. I'm trying to decide on what to take, and for how long.

    I currently have:
    2 10ml vials of 300mg/ml of Tes Enanthate
    2 10ml vials of 300mg/ml of Deca
    200 tablets of 25mg DBOL

    I don't have any gear for PCT, or AI, but will probably able to get them if needed.

    I'm looking for some advice on what to do for my first cycle. My goal is to gain as much lean muscle as possible during the cycle and keep most of my gains post cycle. I just started a new eating regimen that will help me gain weight. Any help is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    I don't have a lot of knowledge on cycling yet. I do know I have read several times in many different reports that the first cycle should be test only. This way you know how it effects you (side effects). I also know you definitely need to get some SERM's and AI. Save the oral stuff for a later cycle. I just ordered Enan a week ago. After research a first timer is recommended to do ~500mg/weekly. 250 Monday and 250 Thursday. Everything I told you is from my research and not experience, but I'm sure someone with more experience would back it up.

    My only real issue here is, a year and a half of weightlifting! I have been lifting 12 years and I am still learning! Unfortunately as most ppl (myself included) go along they think they know everything. I thought I knew everything a couple years into it. If I look back now I would laugh at myself. You really have a lot to learn. No offense, but there is no way after a year in a half you could have a solid base, nutrition knowledge, and be ready to cycle.

    My advise is to get your training and nutrition solid for at least 3 years! Then come back and tell us your nutrition, lifting routine, along with a pic and get advise from these Vets if your ready to step it up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    15-20 lbs of fat? After you shape up:Test only for a first cycle. 300-500 my per week split every 3.5 days. Armidex from start of cycle @.25 mg eod. Adjust accordingly. Novla and clomid for pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Central Florida
    Don't listen to your source, they are in it to make money!!

  5. #5
    Thank you guys for the advice and the prompt response. I got the stuff for free, but I'm definitely not going to use it just because I have it. 4 months ago, I was a solid 170 lb lean. I've put on 20lb since I stopped doing Jiu-Jitsu. I'm in great shape, I just have an extra few pounds on me.

    I am currently eating about 3000 calories per day with over 400g of protien and 300g of carbs. 6 Meals per day at 2-3hr intervals.
    Main Proteins: Chicken, fish, protein powders
    Main Carbs: Oatmeal, Baked Potatoes
    Fats: What comes naturally in the food, and about 1 tsp of olive oil per day
    Vitamins: Standard multivitamin, Omega 3, B complex

    Workout: 5-6 Days per week
    Day 1: Chest
    Day 2: Back
    Day 3: Shoulders
    Day 4: Legs
    Day 5: Arms
    Day 6: Compound Exercises (power cleans, etc.)
    Day 7: Rest

    For each day, we do at least 4 exercises with 4 sets of 8-10 reps. On the first exercise we do 3 warm up sets of light weight. We vary the exercises weekly and do the days in different orders. We also do abs 2-3 times a week. I've put on about 10 lb of solid muscle since I started weight lifting this way.

    My friend suggested the following cycle:
    week 1: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 1 DBOL pill every day
    week 2: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pills every day
    week 3: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pills every day
    week 4: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pills every day
    week 5: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pills every day
    week 6: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pills every day
    week 7: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pill every day
    week 8: 2cc Deca, 2cc Test E, 2 DBOL pill every day
    week 9: 1cc Deca, 1cc Test E
    week 10: 1cc Deca, 1cc Test E
    week 11: 1cc Deca, 1cc Test E
    week 12: 1cc Deca, 1cc Test E

    A little bit about my workout partners. They have been lifting for 20+ years and have trained with world class athletes. Both are over 200 lb solid and very strong. They don't use steroids, but have trained with many lifters who have/do use. I've been told that since it is my first time, I need to hit it hard because I'll never get the same growth and results after my first cycle. Many of their friends have used a similar cycle to the one above and had excellent results.

    I'm a little concerned because this advice is much different than what I have been reading on the forums. I'm concerned with over doing it and damaging my body.

    A few questions:
    What will happen if I use this suggested cycle?
    If I were to not use an AI, how likely am I to get gyno?
    What will happen if I don't do a PCT?

    Here's some pics of my current state. I gain and lose fat very quickly, so I'm not concerned with gaining too much fat.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	front.jpg 
Views:	136 
Size:	27.0 KB 
ID:	125257Click image for larger version. 

Name:	side.JPG 
Views:	121 
Size:	27.2 KB 
ID:	125258

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    15-20 lbs of fat? After you shape up:Test only for a first cycle. 300-500 my per week split every 3.5 days. Armidex from start of cycle @.25 mg eod. Adjust accordingly. Novla and clomid for pct.

    +1 agreed. Also HCG.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat
    Gear is not your answer. Training hard and nutrition is the way to get the body you want. Cycling is for ppl that want to take their body to the next level. You first need to establish a level! You would be wasting your time and money with gear.

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