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Thread: ****kkkk!!!! My dad opened my box of syringes!!!

  1. #1

    Angry ****kkkk!!!! My dad opened my box of syringes!!!

    I work with my dad in the family business and usually order my supplements to the office because UPS are a bunch of pricks who dont leave packages at the door, regardless of how many times you tell them to. Anyways, I ordered a box of syringes and it's been sitting in the back for a few days and the guy just helps himself like it's his christmas present! Comes up to me and says "you ordered syringes?"

    I was all like "yeah, it's for my vitamin b-12 shots". He didnt say anything else, but I know he's gonna go tell my mom and she's gonna ask me a dozen questions. How can I cover this up? I'm 2 weeks into my cycle and have a lot of growing ahead of me...they're gonna put the 2 and 2 together.

    ps. The other reason I dont order syringes to my house is because my niece and nephew come over and they think that every package is toys for them. If there are any brown boxes around...theyll open em up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    dont know what your going to tell them. If you do a cycle correct and they saw syringes they will know.
    I would get a po box and set some privacy guidelines with your family
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    You really should not be doing a cycle with all things considered... too young of age, independant status, etc...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    You really should not be doing a cycle with all things considered... too young of age, independant status, etc...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Never mind, I clicked someone else's profile by mistake and thought it was yours, I saw 20. My bad lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    So ordering them to your family business address potentially puting your whole families livelihood at risk is not a better alternative, Go get a P,O box and be more independent and you will not have to worry abou ppl snooping into your business....Right

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170

    Seriously? Your 32 and your asking how to cover this up because of your patents??? I call bullshit lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Your 31 yrs old for Gods sake. Are you emancipated?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    I would suggest moving out and getting your own place, if your man enough to take anabolics then you should be man enough to take care of yourself!!
    that's another whole thing. It's not me being able to take care of myself. It has more to do with different cultures. In indian culture, the son usually stays with the family till he's either married or goes off to school. I know i'd want to have my own family whenever I get married but would eventually want my folks to come live with me when they're old. If i moved out right now and lived in the same town, they'd be heartbroken

    edit: just to add, I do all my own shit to take care of myself. My own cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc etc. Everything i'd do while i was living at home i do living with my parents.
    Last edited by rasc170; 08-07-2012 at 07:10 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    move out

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    So ordering them to your family business address potentially puting your whole families livelihood at risk is not a better alternative, Go get a P,O box and be more independent and you will not have to worry abou ppl snooping into your business....Right
    syringes are legal. Dont see how im putting anyone at risk

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    I would have went with the vit b12 to
    Just tell them vit b12 is the shit
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Shit. I'm curious now what are your stats and what are you running? What experience do you have?

  15. #15
    dad, i dont want you to be upset but im on trt... i know it must come from moms side of the family and it would crush her to find out.... so you better keep quiet. for both our sake.... lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Tell them vitamin B12 in injectable form has accellerated muscle-growth effects if they wonder about anything.

    This reminds me, not too long ago I was over at my dad's for a weekend when I brought some bacteriostatic water with my HGH kit to use there. I finished the bottle of bac water, and I just chucked it into the bathroom garbage not thinking about it. The next day or 2 later, he was taking out the garbage and asked me "what's this?" and held the bottle up. I thought to myself "oh fvck". So I made up some total complete bullshit on the spot about how bacteriostatic water contains Benzyl Alcohol, and I use it as a solvent for extracting specific vitamins and minerals from crushed up multivitamins, LOL. So then he asked me "but it says its for injection?" so I said "yeah, sure, you can use it for injection because the water is sterile". Next thing he asked was "you inject it?" and I said no. Then - and this was totally out of left field - he asks me "can I inject this into myself?" and I was like "yeah... its sterile....". And then he put the bottle into the garbage bag, asked me about something off-topic, and walked away. Never brought it up again. lol...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121 View Post
    I would have went with the vit b12 to
    Just tell them vit b12 is the shit
    Im gonna say I had blood work done and felt lethargic on some mornings even after getting a full nights sleep. Which is true by the way. THe doctor prescribed me b12 shots because he says my body might not be absorbing it correctly through foods/vitamins. We're doing some tests to figure out if this is true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Shit. I'm curious now what are your stats and what are you running? What experience do you have?
    180 currently at 5-10. 12% bodyfat...bodpod verified. Training 2.5 years. 600mg/weekly test eth cycle.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Again just curious. How did you come up with 600 mgs? Ai? Hcg?

  19. #19
    AI = aromasin 12.5 ed. I have adex as well sitting I swap back and forth.

    HCG is gonna be 25o iu twice a week starting after the 4th week

    my test is dosed at 300mg/ml. Im not gonna dick around with the .83 ml. Shoot up a ml twice a week and make things easier.
    Last edited by rasc170; 08-07-2012 at 07:15 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170 View Post
    AI = aromasin 12.5 ed. I have adex as well sitting I swap back and forth.

    HCG is gonna be 25o iu twice a week starting after the 4th week

    my test is dosed at 300mg/ml. Im not gonna dick around with the .83 ml. Shoot up a ml twice a week and make things easier.
    Good answers I wouldn't switch ai back and forth. If it works stick with it.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Good answers I wouldn't switch ai back and forth. If it works stick with it.
    well i adex has worked good for me. I took it before my cycle because I take finesteride and that usually makes your estrogen pretty high. I got bloodwork done a while back and mine was flagged as high. So about 4 months ago I started taking adex at .20 daily. Got my blood work done before my cycle and it was flagged as low (although I have no symptoms of low E). But I did notice my ldl levels were a bit on the high side, which im guessing is because of the adex. I just have a lot of it,so I wanna use it up

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Hey, at least it's not heroin - dad.

    I just like getting swoled up, is that so bad? lmao

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by rasc170 View Post
    I work with my dad in the family business and usually order my supplements to the office because UPS are a bunch of pricks who dont leave packages at the door, regardless of how many times you tell them to. Anyways, I ordered a box of syringes and it's been sitting in the back for a few days and the guy just helps himself like it's his christmas present! Comes up to me and says "you ordered syringes?"

    I was all like "yeah, it's for my vitamin b-12 shots". He didnt say anything else, but I know he's gonna go tell my mom and she's gonna ask me a dozen questions. How can I cover this up? I'm 2 weeks into my cycle and have a lot of growing ahead of me...they're gonna put the 2 and 2 together.

    ps. The other reason I dont order syringes to my house is because my niece and nephew come over and they think that every package is toys for them. If there are any brown boxes around...theyll open em up
    Just tell them you thought about the B12 injections and decided they werent for you and you trashed it all.

  24. #24
    easier to explain than heroin

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    explain to them that your a grown ass man. you can do whatever the f you wanna do..

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Tough to pass as B12 if you look mad yolked out and every vein is visible on your body. . . lol

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1gearhead
    dad, i dont want you to be upset but im on trt... i know it must come from moms side of the family and it would crush her to find out.... so you better keep quiet. for both our sake.... lol

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420
    Tough to pass as B12 if you look mad yolked out and every vein is visible on your body. . . lol
    Exactly what he said... when your on cycle, and you do it right.... well atleast for me... I was ****in yoked as ****! My best friend thought I was on gear but I denied it to him.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    order some injectable b12 and show em maybe that will work but when you start growing and growing fast ehhhhhhhhhhhh tell them its creatine

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Tough to pass as B12 if you look mad yolked out and every vein is visible on your body. . . lol

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2010
    So whats the point of this thread? You are a grown ass man. Act like it. Move out lol, man up, and worring what comes in the mail wont matter...

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    I agree get out
    no discussion needed
    man up and own your decisions

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Your 30 plus years old right? tell him fcvk all.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    ^after re-reading the initial post i don't think he's 30. ups does deliver to the door w/o signature. you just make or adjust your account with them.......i think a 30 yrr would know this. i have a home business machining car parts, i don't sign squat

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce View Post
    ^after re-reading the initial post i don't think he's 30. ups does deliver to the door w/o signature. you just make or adjust your account with them.......i think a 30 yrr would know this. i have a home business machining car parts, i don't sign squat
    Plus the way it is written. Doesn't sound like a full grown adult. I'm just saying.

  36. #36
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Geez! Praying he doesn't find the porn stash!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    A few options here:

    Either A: Tell em you ordered some multi-vitamins n they shipped you the wrong product

    B: Just look your dad in the eye and say "Hey it coulda been worse.. atleast it's not a 12" black dildo"

    Or C: Go with the B12 idea someone mentioned earlier.. pretty solid excuse really.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I think its time you get your own place.Just sayin

  39. #39
    I feel bad for this guy. I hate drama like that. Sucks.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    DAMN!!! You guys beat me to every funny thing I wanted to say

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