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Thread: Who would want to feel this way??....

  1. #1

    Who would want to feel this way??....

    2nd time runnin Tren A, didnt have bad sides, first time, jus night sweats.....first time runnin with Prop, tho(150mg EOD).......
    Its day 6, 100mg Tren A EOD, wit the prop, and every day has sucked!........Nausea, uneasy feeling, lethargy, no appetite....jus overall unhappy!
    Ive spent the day reading old Tren side threads......and trying to mentally get myself out of this funk......

    So, my question, to all who have dealt with this experience is........will my body adjust and will this go away?? long does it last?....

    If its a matter of sucking it up, and getting thru it, i can def do that.....but, if im gonna feel this way for the rest of the summer.....f that...
    Ill move on with the developement of my body, the way i have ok with how i am....
    Other cycles, have made me feel like im on top of the world......not under it, wanting to sleep all
    This isnt how i want to feel...please tell me, if i man up, and hang in there, it will go
    Thanks for the advice......

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Could be bad gear is the source reliable? And your a bit young to playing with AAS. So thats the cycle prop and tren A is the pct in place? What are your stats?

  3. #3
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    What is your cycle history? Are you running any prolactin antagonizers on cycle? Any aromatase inhibitors?

    If its only day 6, your body may be going through the first little bit of 'shock'. I used to get this, it happens with short estered compounds. The first week or so of my cycles I would get this lethargic, shitty feeling. Some dub it 'test flu'. I would say ride it out a few more days and see if your condition improves. I know quite a few people who get this issue every time they run short estered compounds.

  4. #4 42 and on hrt....but thanks, i look ......and write, i guess, young.....5'8 185....11%bf....i have 4yrs exp. with diff compounds, blasting 2 or 3 times a yr....and cruising.
    Gear is reliable, and im taking caber, and arimidex.........
    Do you think its the short estered thing??.....ive hardly used them, except for the first time with Tren A....if thats the case, then my body will adjust?.....
    and, i have oral winny , i was gonna take the final few weeks....
    Thanks guys....

  5. #5
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    tren has thouse side effects. Some people get them more then others. Thats why people recommend tren a so if you have to stop it it is out of your system faster
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Yeah, so Ive read.....but i wanna ride it out, if i can. Most of the threads just kind of end, without the OP saying if they went
    Anyone with recent exp. feel better after a week or two?.......

  7. #7
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    the tren sides i get usually last the whole time i am on tren
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8 else have a better answer.....jk.....obviously, im looking to hear what i

    Maybe they will diminish some.... we'll see........i feel better at night......going to do chest

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Your profile says your 26 now but was 23 before, so now your 42.

  10. #10
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    Like I said, I know this commonly occurs with some people. The short esters release these substances into your body at a much faster rate than the longer estered stuff. And you are injecting supraphysiological levels of these hormones as well. A sharp rising spike in blood levels can cause a lot of people's bodies to go through sort of a few days to a week of 'shock'. The body reacts in such a way because it detects these hormones increasing in massive amounts, and very rapidly, and so the body will treat it as though it is a foreign invader. Those who I have seen that react this way (and i've reacted this way myself as well once or twice), these feelings and reactions tend to subside as the days go by. It's only been 6 days into your cycle. Give it 2 weeks before you decide to terminate your cycle due to this (if these symptoms are still around 2 weeks from now). Just ride it out and see how it goes.

  11. #11
    Where does it say my age???...
    Are you lookin at my posts, fit???......i know they are not alot....imma long time, hey, my eyesights going to

  12. #12
    Sounds like a plan, Atomini........thank you for taking the time to are a great source of info, here.......
    Anyone else care to share their experience?.....

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    For me the sides last until 3 days after my last injection. (When using Tren A)

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    For me the sides last until 3 days after my last injection. (When using Tren A)
    Damn trensominia last night! Screwed up my workout today. Had to cancel and reschedule for Saturday. Pissed me off. Got a total of 90 minutes sleep last night.

    I am sleeping tonight if I have to heavily medicate myself!!!!!!!

  15. #15
    Have you thought of decreasing your tren dose if the sides persist? As I learned from Atomini, a little tren goes a long way. I'm only taking 200mg/week myself.

  16. #16
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    i would.......lower......yout test.... level.....sorry.....i couldn't............... ....... ...resiiiist!

    ya definitely check out atomini's sticky at the top of this forum great read. what is your caber and arimidex dosage? r u sleeping? maybe get some lunesta prescribed. to some people a change in the sleep cycle will affect appetite, energy, drive, etc.

    perhaps try pinning ed vs eod. more stable levels should lower sides.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalJohnny
    Have you thought of decreasing your tren dose if the sides persist? As I learned from Atomini, a little tren goes a long way. I'm only taking 200mg/week myself.
    Yes, thought about but this week is week 6 so I may lower or drop tren. Leaving it up to trainer at this point.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce
    i would.......lower......yout test.... level.....sorry.....i couldn't............... ....... ...resiiiist!

    ya definitely check out atomini's sticky at the top of this forum great read. what is your caber and arimidex dosage? r u sleeping? maybe get some lunesta prescribed. to some people a change in the sleep cycle will affect appetite, energy, drive, etc.

    perhaps try pinning ed vs eod. more stable levels should lower sides.
    No, I'd rather keep test higher as I have naturally
    Low T (about 160). Adex is .25 EOD. Never used caber, nor has any of the guys I cycle with. My one concern is that too many guys automatically throw extra crap in to their cycles without knowing if the truly need to. For example, I've never used T3 with GH and my thyroid levels are fine. Other guys I know used T3 religiously and have fried their thyroid permanently. Before messing with my prolactin levels (caber), I'd want to see if there is a reason to add more compounds, physiologically.

    I have several sleep aids, some exponentially much stronger than lunesta, ambien, Tylenol PM, etc. I use them sparingly because again, I'm already loading my system with a lot of gear and if I can manage the sleep deprivation without additional chemicals, that's my preference. I have compounds that will put down an elephant, but again, I'd use it in extreme cases.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Seriously, enough with the ellipses. I don't believe that you're 42.

    If you feel like shit, the obvious solution is to stop using Tren. Unless you are competing or otherwise making a shitload of money off your appearance, how is looking good more important than feeling good?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte
    Seriously, enough with the ellipses. I don't believe that you're 42.

    If you feel like shit, the obvious solution is to stop using Tren. Unless you are competing or otherwise making a shitload of money off your appearance, how is looking good more important than feeling good?
    Boneparte, you don't have to be condescending about it. I was born in 1969, do the god damn math Einstein. I'm having labs done on Friday as per plan. Adjustments will be made accordingly based on full panel analysis. I don't agree with adding a cocktail of shit onto a stack like some people do here. You could be doing more damage than good. Sleep impairments can be driven by multiple factors. I've had two bad days of sleep among a 6 week cycle and your differential diagnosis is "tren". Wow, stupendous. My colleagues would be impressed with your powers of deduction.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Boneparte, you don't have to be condescending about it. I was born in 1969, do the god damn math Einstein. I'm having labs done on Friday as per plan. Adjustments will be made accordingly based on full panel analysis. I don't agree with adding a cocktail of shit onto a stack like some people do here. You could be doing more damage than good. Sleep impairments can be driven by multiple factors. I've had two bad days of sleep among a 6 week cycle and your differential diagnosis is "tren". Wow, stupendous. My colleagues would be impressed with your powers of deduction.
    Seriously? I was clearly addressing the OP. An ellipsis is that punctuation mark of three periods in a row ... (like that) which you didn't even use in your post. For future reference: any post on an internet forum, unless quoting another member or otherwise specified, should be assumed to be aimed at the original poster (OP).
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 08-08-2012 at 11:48 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by devster30 View Post
    2nd time runnin Tren A, didnt have bad sides, first time, jus night sweats.....first time runnin with Prop, tho(150mg EOD).......
    Its day 6, 100mg Tren A EOD, wit the prop, and every day has sucked!........Nausea, uneasy feeling, lethargy, no appetite....jus overall unhappy!
    Ive spent the day reading old Tren side threads......and trying to mentally get myself out of this funk......

    So, my question, to all who have dealt with this experience is........will my body adjust and will this go away?? long does it last?....

    If its a matter of sucking it up, and getting thru it, i can def do that.....but, if im gonna feel this way for the rest of the summer.....f that...
    Ill move on with the developement of my body, the way i have ok with how i am....
    Other cycles, have made me feel like im on top of the world......not under it, wanting to sleep all
    This isnt how i want to feel...please tell me, if i man up, and hang in there, it will go
    Thanks for the advice......
    let get back to the op question.
    op- I have ran tren and you pretty much described my experience and I stopped after 4 weeks. Was not worth it to me. Yes I am jealous of the few that can handle the sides no problem cause tren is so powerful

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Seriously? I was clearly addressing the OP. An ellipsis is that punctuation mark of three periods in a row ... (like that) which you didn't even use in your post. For future reference: any post on an internet forum, unless quoting another member or otherwise specified, should be assumed to be aimed at the original poster (OP).
    And it can happen just like that,just as it did me yesterday.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    let get back to the op question.
    op- I have ran tren and you pretty much described my experience and I stopped after 4 weeks. Was not worth it to me. Yes I am jealous of the few that can handle the sides no problem cause tren is so powerful
    How much tren were you using? Did you attempt a smaller dose?

  25. #25
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    Pinning Ed helped for me, once I did that I felt a whole lot better, I also had to up my test from 250mg a week to 400, I started tren at 50ed and after 2 weeks kicked it upto 75mg, only sides being night sweats and the odd case of insomnia, is your test reliable?

  26. #26
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    If you don't feel good don't do it? Is your diet in check?

  27. #27
    So, it seems everyone is different. I will give it 2 weeks, myself...I would have to look like im carved out of granite, at the end of this, for these feelings to be worth it!...for some it might be.
    And you're right, i dont compete, but the gym is my therapy, and i like to look good.....but feeling good, is much more important to me. Im sure we all, at times, live a bit of a contradictory lifestyle, in this world, tho.
    It all depends what your priorities are, but I would never judge anyone......or assume i knew how mature they were, based on what and how they wrote a couple of posts on the internet...................
    I just wanted to hear users experiences, and if the sides went away for some.
    But.....seriously, seriously......thanks for all the tips guys, and maybe I can experiment with some of the ideas and get some success.

  28. #28
    Im thinking of cutting back the Tren dose, before i stop completely.
    Anyone else wanna share their experience?....

  29. #29
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    I have ran tren at very high doses. I had to start BP meds, I learned to love the other sides. lol They never went away. The results I got made it all worth it to me. I guess it really depends, how much quality of life you are willing to give up for gains, and a few points of BF% lost.

  30. #30
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Damn trensominia last night! Screwed up my workout today. Had to cancel and reschedule for Saturday. Pissed me off. Got a total of 90 minutes sleep last night.

    I am sleeping tonight if I have to heavily medicate myself!!!!!!!
    MI you definitely need a good nights sleep!

    Auswest I always lose track of the thread when your avi stares me in the face, jeez.

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