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  1. #1
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    Brand new in need of knowledge

    Hey brand new here do to recent curiousity....i randomly started doing some research a couple weeks ago and my interested really got peaked....I'm doing intense workouts and also need to lose weight....was trying to find something that could give me a kick but also allow me to be able to drop the weight that i need to....just stumbled across alot of steriod information websites and after reading all about them Anavar peaked my interest enough for me to go back to researching a couple days later....sounded like Winni is really bad for your joints from an athletic standpoint.....was wondering what everyone thought about my needs as far as something to help my workouts, etc, as well as anavar....another big thing i wanted advice or information about is whats the real difference between the pro-hormone forms of anavar that you can buy at stores and the real stuff.....any information is greatly appreciated....this site seems great and im excited to join


  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Can you give me your height, weight and Body Fat %?

  3. #3
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    5-10, currently about 181-185....i should naturally be down to 175 comfortably within 2 weeks just from diet and current workout....i dont know how to figure out my body fat but i dont think its too high...i would guess at my comfortable 175 weight it should be decently happily listen to how to figure out my fat % if instructed

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can measure BF with calipers.

    From your stats, I don't think you really need to bother with gear. You're not that far off from decent weight it seems.

    Can you give me an example of what you would normally eat during a day, and what is your cardio routine like? Also need to know your daily liquid intake amount and what it consists of.

  5. #5
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    i usually would walk around 190-195 if i was lifting heavy and trying to stay bulked up....ive completely changed everything and now lower weight matters....i comfortably will be able to get to 175 but considering 165....that is why i was looking for alternatives to keep my strength and endurance while dieting to get there...this is why im asking specifically about anavar (or anything else that would fit the puzzle) and an explanation of what exactly pro hormones are in relation to that?

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ok. Anavar will do nothing over layers of fat. You can see results if you're at 15 %... maybe 16. This is why you want to know your BF, it's not advised to cycle anything beyond that BF%.

    If you're at an appropriate BF. You could run Var for 5-6 weeks @ 60mg ED. You need to run Testosterone with it.

    It wouldn't kill you to post your diet in the nutrition section for some critique. I did this and was told to take a single item out of my diet and the fat loss started again.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    ok thanks....this is all are u saying i need to be lower then 15% for anavar to be useful or higher?....also if i used test with it would i still be able to lose that much weight?....that is my concern...i have not seen anything under 170 in YEARS....part of my fear is losing too much strength and tons of endurance which is very important....thank you for suggesting the diet just in transition now and havent COMPLETELY fixed my diet transitioning still over the last few two weeks it will be very structured and i will post it then

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Lower than 15. Yes, you can lose weight with Test. You bulk and Cut with food, not gear. Gear will assist in the process. A poor diet will result in terrible results, on or off gear. I'm on Test and experiencing one of my best cutting cycles yet.

  9. #9
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    so is anavar useless by itself?
    an idea of my diet will probably be something along the line of....protein shake + banana 7 am...930ish snack (around 200 calories)....lunch grilled chicken/brown rice....230ish snack (200 cal)...dinner grilled chicken/broccoli(or green beans)....2 hour later gym....after gym protein shake...maybe a banana before bed....probably drink 80-100 oz of water not including while working out....only stick to whole wheat bread, brown rice, fruits and veggies for carbs...sometimes nutrigrain bars as snacks

  10. #10
    dynamicnewb is offline New Member
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    im guessing i would be trying to keep my cals around 2500 a day?...180 g of protein a day? many carbs &/or g of fat?....any suggestions on all those numbers?

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