18 years old, kinda youg but, ive cleared up my mind and im going to do this whatever ya people say ;p
5 weeks of tbol 50mg Ed.
For pct: Day 1-3 nolva 40mg Day 4-14 nolva 20mg Day 15-21 nolva 10mg
Does this look ok?
18 years old, kinda youg but, ive cleared up my mind and im going to do this whatever ya people say ;p
5 weeks of tbol 50mg Ed.
For pct: Day 1-3 nolva 40mg Day 4-14 nolva 20mg Day 15-21 nolva 10mg
Does this look ok?
Forget it. Just tell me what you are taking that makes you younger!!
I won't even get into your age because I'm sure plenty of others will, but that sounds like a cycle kickstart and PCT, without an actual cycle
It looks terrible.Originally Posted by wedgies0ck
8 weeks of turanabol 50mg ED(5 tabz 10mg)
Day 1-7 nolva 40mg Day 7-14 nolva 20mg- day 14-21 nolva 20mg ?
Come with good answers about how i should run it then!
Dude. give your body time.. diet and cardiovascular... lets start with goals.. stats .. and let me gues you doinf orals only because your scared of injections ? ... not bagging on you but we research and see what happens when tou play with goals your hormones at 18....
Great. We have a troll.
As i said.. Im gonna do this cycle whatever you say! Been working out for 2 1/2 year now. Kinda willing to make it bigger now
How would you set up this cycle then?
Im not scared of injections.. People saying that Turanabol is the best oral steroid..
Stats ...b.f. weight . diet and..etc.
Havent calculated my bf but im 75kilos.
Been eating healthy food. Eggs, chicken, potatos, fish and meat![]()
Honestly id research the dietfourms and training . no one will steer you in the wrong direction. and coming on here with the" i don't give a "f#%*" attitude wont help. i know you want gains, but it can seriously jack you up for life. Saying that id approach this in a different. way. you have at least. 5 more years of natural growth potential . best of luck
I am assuming you already have the stuff, and you are not going to listen to anybody, U have already planned out what you want to do and probably already have the stuff. You are not really asking for advice you just wanted to post your cycle in hopes that people would give you positive feedback about what great results you are gonna get, somebody does the same thing every day on these forums, and then they get defensive when people tell them its a crappy cycle. You are already locked and loaded...good luck with your crap cycle.
I just want a answer![]()
What you think is crap with this cycle :O?
Ill rather shoot testo E then for 12 weeks![]()
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