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Thread: Im totally new to this please help....T400, Deca250, Dbol stack

  1. #1

    Im totally new to this please help....T400, Deca250, Dbol stack

    Hey I have taken 10ml of sus 250 one time and that is all i have ever experienced other than some fake gear from biogen one other time. No gains at all from that junk!!!! I have T400 25ml, 100Dbol pills, Deca250 10ml.. i have no idea how much of this to take and how to spread it across a 10 week i work up toward a pyramid and then back off to wing off of it..please help!!! I am 6'0" tall 170 lbs and I work out 4 days a week. I am semi cut up but no size.. I would really appreciate the help and will post pics of when i start the cycle...

  2. #2
    You need to do some research first, then come up with what you think is a good cycle, then ask the forum for feedback. If you haven't done your homework there's a good chance you'll get flamed. There's a lot of information on this forum do some research first.

  3. #3
    Thanks.. i just seem to confuse myself with all this information on hear.. Guess thats y im asking for help!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    The honest truth is you light for your height. You need to work on you diet and get a base to work with. That being said I know your not going to do that so look at the educational threads and do some research on first cycles. It will be a test only for the first time. Look up ai's hcg and pct. Put something together and post it for approval. Welcome.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the information.. Ill check that out.. And your right about Always been tall n thin runs in the family..

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