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Thread: trt

  1. #1
    Cassstalker is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    I am 46, 6'2" 205 pounds. With about 16% Body fat. I work out each muscle group once a week, I work out M, T, Th. F. I have been working out a bout a year. My weight has remained the same, with my body fat going from about 25% body fat to the 16 mentioned above.

    I hit a major plateau about 5 and a half months ago. I think most of my progress was from muscle memory since I did weight train extensively in my early twenties.

    Regardless, I was always tired mind cloudy and had depression, low energy, the whole low t gambit. My PCP has put me on test cyp. 200 mg/ml a week per my request.

    My t-level started at 98 free range .7. After 6 weeks I am up to a whopping 121, and free range of 4.5. The doctor thinks that is significant obviously mostly based on the free range.

    I no increase in size but my energy level is up a little and my mind is not so cloudy. I would like to gain a little bit of muscle and reduce some body fat. After some research I decided to stack the test cyp. 200 mg/ml with stanozolol . 50 mg pills broken if half, one half in the morning and one half in the evening for a total of 50 mg a day.

    I was hoping for some help. Am I going to see some results with this cycle. I not looking to get huge. I just want to look muscular.

    Any advice, am I on the right track? I did not realize at the time but, I read on this site that there is a difference in the quality of a 10 mg and a 50 mg of a oral. I am injecting the test cyp, but the winstrol (stanozolol) is a oral. No choice there I have already ordered it.

    Don't beat me up to bad on the responses. I have done a lot of research. I know I need to do a lot more. Most of the articles that I read have higher doses of test with the stack that I am doing, but that is not a option for me right now.

    Thanks for any and all help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    TRT dosage is between 100mg/wk to 150mg/wk of Test. Test Cyp is normally prescribed for TRT. I you want muscularity and fat loss, I'd recommend you go 300mg/wk for 12 weeks then drop back down to 100mg/wk to maintain.

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