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Thread: is this Gyno

  1. #1

    is this Gyno

    is it possible for Gyno to occur only on one side of the chest while the other side stays normal. or is this somehting else.

    The reason i ask is cause my left pec area looks like its going thru gyno while the right side is perfectly normal. I must add, this started happening way before i got on my first cycle of steroids.( Test,deca,test400). however. about 5 to 6 years ago i did prohormones like M1T and superdrol but i pct with 6 oxo and nolva.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Gyno does not have to occur on both sides.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    yes, its possible.

  4. #4
    so what do i do now?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Montreal Canada
    take n AI

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Defiantly can be on one side . Are you on cycle now ? Also , is it tender .or puffy ..or lumpy ..?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Simon1972 who is that in your avi?

  8. #8
    no, its not tender or puffy, what is an AI?

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by theisonews View Post
    no, its not tender or puffy, what is an AI?
    Aromitaze Inhibitor. This should have been used from day 1 of your cycle. At this point, you need to look at reversing gyno. This is why research is so crucial and why I asked you in your other thread if you are ready to be cycling.

    Research Tamoxifen at this stage. You may want to speak to member Razor, as he was recently able to rid himself of gyno.

    Best of luck.

  10. #10
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    oh dear my friend you should have done allot more research before you started your cycle,a hell of a lot more!! an ai is an aromitase inhibitor which is taken during your cycle to help keep estrogen levels at bay whilst on cycle. look at the stickies in this forum its all clearly explained there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Yes you can get it on one side, I had it on one side only.

    How long have you had the gyno? Months, years? How old where you when you got it?
    Do you have blood or clear discharge? How big is the lump and are you nipples sensitive to the touch or enlarged and puffy?

    If yes you have gyno

    First things first, order these labs.
    You need to get bloodwork done too. Estrodial Sensitive test at labcorps, let me find you a link.

    Secondly choice of treatment..its a tough decision.

    If you want a less harsh treatment do this, Atomi and I came up with it and worked to keep it from getting worse
    but would not clear it up so I had to go to the letro. But you can try this

    If you have nothing on hand or if you have nolvadex, start the nolvadex until you you get the Aromasin and Prami and Nolvadex if you dont already have it till the rest shows up. Nolvadex is gonna help block the receptors from accepting the estrogen. The aromasin will bind it and eliminate it.

    If you stil cant get rid of it, try the letro. This is like a suicide run, it kills everything good and bad and its really harsh and you will feel like shit but it works Follow this to the T and you should be good to go, its hard but its worth it.

    Another option, the least painfull is DHT cream
    Datbetrue and I figured out it would help get rid of it 80% of the time, just google DHT cream, its called "Andractim DHT Gel"

    If I had caught it earlier I would have just gone with the Aromasin, Prami and Nolvadex with the DHT cream, but I had nothing on hand so it got worse and I had to do everything above.

    You might be able to thwart it with DHT cream and Aromasin, Prami and Nolvadex. However Gyno is tricky and there are no simple answers, just hard choices. One thing might work for you better than me. Gyno is stubborn and can be very irritating and it sucks. Feel free to ask a million questions. I would like Atomi to get in here, since he helped me so much.

    I cant tell you what you should do first. I can tell you that if I could do it all again myself I would have gone straight for the DHT Cream and tried that by its self with some Nolvadex. Thats the least harsh way to go I think, but mine was advanced, I ended up trying everything above aside from the DHT cream still waiting for it in the mail. All this costs money, around $200 I would say including labs

    I bought everything at

    The breakdown of the drugs are on the website.

    Aromasin is Liquid Stane
    Prami is Prami
    Nolvadex is Liquid Tamox
    and Letro is Letro

    The DHT cream is at It ships from Europe.

    Best of luck, if you have any questions postem up on here.
    Last edited by Razor; 08-11-2012 at 12:58 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012
    read this mate and read it again it wil help you,but for now it might be too late like austinite said you may have to look at reversing the gyno now!! and get on it qickly dont **** round bro

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Focusmen View Post
    Simon1972 who is that in your avi?
    I have been wondering the exact same thing for weeks!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Listen to Razor, he recently got over a bout of gyno (and a very complicated one too!). I helped him in trying to combat it, and it was a tough one where we couldn't pinpoint what the damn cause was and eventually we tried EVERYTHING and when the gyno went away, it came back. We finally took care of it though.

    Don't know how long you've had gyno, but if you can get it early enough or at least prevent it from getting past the point of no return, it is reversible.

  15. #15
    if you read my op carefullly, i said, this gyno like growth started before i started my first cycle. about 6 months before i started. so the gyno is from before the steroids and after the prohormones i did back in 2007.

    i have no discharge, no puffyness. no tenderness.

  16. #16
    take a look at this pic Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG037.jpg 
Views:	18860 
Size:	820.7 KB 
ID:	125373

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