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  1. #1
    hobnob is offline Associate Member
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    BRIDGING questions !!!

    okay so this is the way it seems to be you do a cycle gain a decent amount of size & strength come of do your pct keep eating & training but by the time you have completed time off before you can start your next cycle you have lost many lbs of those hard earned gains so my question is i wanted to find out about briding.
    if you want to stay anabolic off cycle are you able to run say 20mg anavar or d-bol which wont be too hard on your HPTA system but will also keep you slightly anabolic between cycles to help hold onto those gains ?
    for ex
    cycle of prop/tren
    prop & tren 6 weeks 100mg each eod
    PCT clomid/nolva 100/100/50/50/40/40/20/20
    but also during pct running say anavar 20mg a day and continueing the anavar for another 10 weeks till you start your next cycle then drop the var and start whatever you intend to do and then repeat but with say 20mg d-bol a day ????
    bottom line is
    1. will 20mg of anavar or d-bol keep you anabolic and help maintain those gains between cycles
    2.will 20mg var or d-bol even shut you down or do much damage to your HPTA ??

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can't run steriods while your implementing pct. Your either on cycle or off and you need to pick one. Coming out of a tren and test cycle is going to be hard on your recovery so even if you take something what's isn't harsh to your hpta your still going to be shut down from the cycle. If you bridge from one cycle to another your technically on a very long cycle which will have some kind if consequence.

  3. #3
    hobnob is offline Associate Member
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    prop/tren was just and example, but will low dose of d-bol or var shut you down & will it keep you anabolic still ?

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    If you're not ready to inject, you shouldn't be thinking about AAS as your suggestion, well, just sucks.

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    No good pumpkiln

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobnob View Post
    prop/tren was just and example, but will low dose of d-bol or var shut you down & will it keep you anabolic still ?
    Taking steriods even.mild ones will shut down your system especially if your already shut down from a cycle. Your not taking any rest and your not recovering. Your choice if you want to stay shut down for months on end but it will yield consequences for your actions.

    Why don't you look,at short intense cycled prime beforehand then recovery then hit another cycle but are you ready for this type of cycling .

    Also if your lossing all your gains after cycle something is wrong,your diet. Training,or pct.

  7. #7
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Taking steriods even.mild ones will shut down your system especially if your already shut down from a cycle. Your not taking any rest and your not recovering. Your choice if you want to stay shut down for months on end but it will yield consequences for your actions.

    Why don't you look,at short intense cycled prime beforehand then recovery then hit another cycle but are you ready for this type of cycling .

    Also if your lossing all your gains after cycle something is wrong,your diet. Training,or pct.

    Listen to Marcus , this happened to me fairly recent bridging for six months on PHs and now dealing with gyno and leaking nips ..Marcus is right . Take time off and post . Time on +time off =pct .. And maybe get blood work

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