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AAS do for a fact increase hemoglobin levels, as they signal the kidneys to start secreting Erythropoietin (EPO). EPO is the hormone that signals your bone marrow to start cranking up red blood cell production, and therefore hemoglobin levels. Some AAS increase the secretion of EPO more than others (Anadrol being one of them). Many AAS are used in medicine to treat anemic individuals (people with very low red blood cell counts) in order to bolster their hemoglobin levels. Though, this is more of a practice that was done in the past. Today, they just give these people EPO injections instead of AAS.
A few common things that increase hemoglobin levels:
- Anabolic steroids and growth peptides (HGH, etc.)
- Intense physical exercise
- Lengthy arobic exercise
- Lack of oxygen (either from sleep apnea, or from living/training in a low oxygen or high altitude environemnt)
- Smoking (causes alveoli death in the lung cells, therefore less oxygen uptake through the lungs will force the body to adapt to its lack of O2 demands by increasing red blood cell count)
- Genetics
And there are a lot of other causes.
I would say that your high hemoglobin levels are specifically due to your AAS use and weight training. Even those who train naturally without the use of AAS have high hemoglobin levels, simply due to the increased O2 demands that come with intense physical exercise. This is one of the reasons why athletes typically have a lower resting heart rate than the average person (especially endurance athletes).
I personally have very high hemoglobin levels. I have had it this way for many years, and my doctor has noted it but we understand what is causing it (AAS use and physical exercise). High hemogrlobin isn't really a bad thing, but the idea is to make sure it doesn't go TOO high. Even as someone who just engages in physical training (excluding AAS), we are going to have higher hemoglobin levels than the average human. If level gets extremely high, however, then you run the risk of high blood pressure and other related risks. Some of the things you can do to keep levels low is to donate blood, or stay off AAS for a while (red blood cell life is on average 3 months).
The red blood cell production increasing effects of AAS is the big reason why we get such incredible pumps in the gym while on cycle too.