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Thread: Tri-Tren and ....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Tri-Tren and ....

    I have a friend who is about to begin a cycle of Tri-Tren and Deca if not mistaken, total newb, being mislead by the person who gave him the gear, no proper nutrition, etc.

    Regardless of talks i've had with him he will begin cycle most likely today, but i told him i would look for some advise here regarding said cycle, like dosages and stuff, off just remembered, no PCT, i looked for tri-tren here without any luck. So i am asking some knowledge on this compound so i can at least give him the best advise i can.

    If he is going to do it half assed at least one half would be somewhat right. Ohh for sure he will not do proper nutrition and most likely no PCT, PCT i might convince him but nutrition is definitely out of the question. I dont think there will be any test involved either.

    I dont know what else to say since i asked him a few weeks ago to send me some pics of the gear but he hasnt and i just remember about this. So here i am!!

  2. #2
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    Sep 2001
    there is no right way to do tren, deca cycle. The best advice is not to do it. And if he is going to the lowest dose you can get him to run. I give it about 3 weeks and his d!ck stops working
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
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    Yeah well thats not an option, yes i suggested it many times but its one of those who dont listen, also i dont know enough to advise on dosage, he was advise to shoot once a week of each. I dont know how much his deca or whatever else he is doing nor the tren. I really dont have a lot of details, he is texting me the photos in a bit, all i need is some knowledge to kind of guide him as best as possible even though it wont matter since the cycle is shit but whatever. You get tired of talking to a wall after a while you know!!

  4. #4
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    Oh boy, his he ever going to regret doing deca and tri tren ... he is going to have deca dick for sure... honestly bro, IF he is not listening to you, dont even give him advice on the dosage... like gixxboy1 said there is no way to to it right, and thats the bottom line... he needs to had TEST to that cycle, BOTTOM line.

  5. #5
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    Defiling Myself
    2 nor -19's hope he like slow self esteem because he can't get a hard on.

  6. #6
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    To update this, i got the picture yesterday. I have a picture of 3 boxes which say,
    Teston 400, Test Prop 30mg, Test Iso 60mg, Test Phenyl 60mg
    Stack 375, Test E 125mg, Drostanolone E 125mg, Tren E 125mg
    Boldenone, Boldenone Unde 300mg, 10% Benzyl Benzoate, 0.5% Benzyl Alcohol

    All human grade and made in the US, legit, well i have no clue LOL.

    Snowman i agree with you, i dont think is worth it since he wont do it correctly anyways, but since i have already asked, might as well learn about this substances since i have never research them or heard of them at all, this cycle seems complicated and most likely very damaging.

    Anyone has any opinions? Just trying to add to my knowledge i guess.... Thanks guys for all the replys

  7. #7
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    Oct 2008
    There simply is no way to do this right...

    I dont know how test 400 can be a combo of 30mg. 60mg and 60 mg but anyway...

    What will his cycle look like?
    What are his stats and experience?

    Compounds being used are:
    Test 400 Blend (maybe 400)
    Test E
    Mast E
    Tren E

    Really you shouldnt be here asking these questions becasue you know the answers already, there is no right way for this guy to cycle, especially with these compounds and the best thing you can do is convince him of that or at an absolute minimum get him to do a test only cycle

  8. #8
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    and those are not human grade, its def a ugl
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
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    test 400 with that blend its under ground... you may say its human grade, but i can tell you its not in any pharmacy.
    as for the tren, i can tell you that's underground too.... human grade tren ,called Parabolan ( tren H) was last produced by a company in france, called megma, and they stopped making it in 1997...anything made after that, its underground.
    Well its a stack, blend of 375, obvious underground.

    having said all that, you can do a cycle with those products, as long as you know its underground...What are his stats and experience?

  10. #10
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    May 2002
    Actually i dont have to know his stats and experience... its obvious, he does not know what he is doing, IF he is asking those questions, so i would say he does not have a lot of experience with aas, having said that he SHOULD STAY AWAY from TREN untill he has more experience under his belt, and do just a test cycle, and maybe some deca.. Tren is god when nothing else is doing the job.
    again a test and deca cycle would only be recommended if he is over 28, and been training for several years

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    There simply is no way to do this right...

    I dont know how test 400 can be a combo of 30mg. 60mg and 60 mg but anyway...

    What will his cycle look like?
    What are his stats and experience?

    Compounds being used are:
    Test 400 Blend (maybe 400)
    Test E
    Mast E
    Tren E

    Really you shouldnt be here asking these questions becasue you know the answers already, there is no right way for this guy to cycle, especially with these compounds and the best thing you can do is convince him of that or at an absolute minimum get him to do a test only cycle
    My bad i missed a few things on this bottle!!!

  12. #12
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    When i said Human Grade is because it says it on the package, i wouldn't know the difference to be honest. You guys have far more experience in the subject obviously. As far as his stats i will take a close guess because i havent asked.

    28yrs old
    5'-4" maybe 5'-5" around there i guess, im 5'-11" and hes definitely shorten than i am
    150-160lbs i think, bf% would be around the 15%
    On and off he's been training since 04 when i met him at the gym i was going to at the time. I dont think he knows much about work outs as he started last week and took him through a few of my routines at light weight and he mentioned he was hurting all over.

    He has done gear before, obviously no pct or proper nutrition in any of them. I would say this would be his 3rd cycle, maybe less or more, just going by the times he has mentioned it to me as far as i can remember. Last cycle it was a Tren Oral cycle if there is such a thing, at least thats what he said.

    Anyways to make the long story short yesterday i went by his house and somehow i got him to change his mind, he will return the gear he has on hand and get either test prop or test e with some tren ace. Also advised him on pct, which i am not really sure what the correct pct would be for a cycle like this. also a read a few threads here while on his house and saw some advise on liquid stane and stuff so i advised him on everything.

    Is he going to do it? I dont know, i hope he does so he can get better results and not **** himself up more than he has already done i guess. He's a friend who doesnt understand english very well which is the reason i am doing this for him otherwise i would have told him to do it himself LOL.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui View Post
    When i said Human Grade is because it says it on the package, i wouldn't know the difference to be honest. You guys have far more experience in the subject obviously. As far as his stats i will take a close guess because i havent asked.

    28yrs old
    5'-4" maybe 5'-5" around there i guess, im 5'-11" and hes definitely shorten than i am
    150-160lbs i think, bf% would be around the 15%
    On and off he's been training since 04 when i met him at the gym i was going to at the time. I dont think he knows much about work outs as he started last week and took him through a few of my routines at light weight and he mentioned he was hurting all over.

    He has done gear before, obviously no pct or proper nutrition in any of them. I would say this would be his 3rd cycle, maybe less or more, just going by the times he has mentioned it to me as far as i can remember. Last cycle it was a Tren Oral cycle if there is such a thing, at least thats what he said.

    Anyways to make the long story short yesterday i went by his house and somehow i got him to change his mind, he will return the gear he has on hand and get either test prop or test e with some tren ace. Also advised him on pct, which i am not really sure what the correct pct would be for a cycle like this. also a read a few threads here while on his house and saw some advise on liquid stane and stuff so i advised him on everything.

    Is he going to do it? I dont know, i hope he does so he can get better results and not **** himself up more than he has already done i guess. He's a friend who doesnt understand english very well which is the reason i am doing this for him otherwise i would have told him to do it himself LOL.
    150 pounds to 160 he should not be touching gear...he should be able to get to 200 without gear with training and a good diet.. either way if he chooses to use gear he SHOULD NOT be touching any thing else other then TEST... TREN should not even be consider...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    150 pounds to 160 he should not be touching gear...he should be able to get to 200 without gear with training and a good diet.. either way if he chooses to use gear he SHOULD NOT be touching any thing else other then TEST... TREN should not even be consider...
    Couldn't agree with you more since this is the same answer i read up on every day here given to everyone else, which i also suggested to him, specially the diet since i've been saying im going to go on gear for i dont know how long but havent because im cutting and want to achieve a natty result before even going there. He wont do diet, i know that for a fact, i could convince him of doing a test e 500mg/wk or at least try but he already did tren in oral form so i dont know if he would want to stay away from it since he said he got pretty good results from it but i can try.

    I know what im doing in the near future because i have my head on my shoulders but this is the kind of people you see everyday who do AAS without proper nutrition or pct just for the mere fact of looking good for a few months, and than next year comes and it starts all over again for summer. Welcome to MIAMI where everyone wants to look like a model but no one wants to do the leg work!!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    there is no right way to do tren, deca cycle. The best advice is not to do it. And if he is going to the lowest dose you can get him to run. I give it about 3 weeks and his d!ck stops working
    Im with gixx on this, bad idea!! Talk him outa that man, whatever you have to do, if hes dead set on cycling just get him on test!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman

    150 pounds to 160 he should not be touching gear...he should be able to get to 200 without gear with training and a good diet.. either way if he chooses to use gear he SHOULD NOT be touching any thing else other then TEST... TREN should not even be consider...
    He is 5,4 he isnt getting to 200lbs naturally or probably with gear. Where did ypu get the idea everyone can get to 200 naturally
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    He is 5,4 he isnt getting to 200lbs naturally or probably with gear. Where did ypu get the idea everyone can get to 200 naturally
    hahaha i thought the same thing but since my experience in the bodybuilding world is limited compared to you guys i didnt want to make myself look like a moron. I would think you can get a good 15-20 in a 1 year period natty but that is busting your behind every day and almost if not perfect diet.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Im with gixx on this, bad idea!! Talk him outa that man, whatever you have to do, if hes dead set on cycling just get him on test!
    Just tried and it did not work LOL, the answer was, nahh i want to do tren because it gives you a lot of mass hahaha i still cant stop laughing,

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui

    Just tried and it did not work LOL, the answer was, nahh i want to do tren because it gives you a lot of mass hahaha i still cant stop laughing,
    Get him to sign up on the board or show him this post. Maybe we can talk him out of it. We have pros here that know everything to help him make the right decisions

  20. #20
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    Look, if he wont take your advise just sit back and let him do it...

    Then when he comes to you asking what to do sell him some test at a massive profit

  21. #21
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    Stress limp dick, Gyno and hair loss and insomnia see if he likes those

  22. #22
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    I have stressed them all, but as i mentioned he did oral tren before, last year i think and only got roid rage nothing else even without pct. So yeah he's not going to take these things into consideration. I helped him all i could, apparently he will do tren and test e or prop with hopefully a proper pct and stane while on it. Doesnt have any stane or pct on hand but says will get it as it gets to the end, doesnt even have full cycle on hand. Regardless i am not wasting my time anymore, i rather use this time to continue readinf threads here and adding more knowledge to my vault.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papiriqui
    I have stressed them all, but as i mentioned he did oral tren before, last year i think and only got roid rage nothing else even without pct. So yeah he's not going to take these things into consideration. I helped him all i could, apparently he will do tren and test e or prop with hopefully a proper pct and stane while on it. Doesnt have any stane or pct on hand but says will get it as it gets to the end, doesnt even have full cycle on hand. Regardless i am not wasting my time anymore, i rather use this time to continue readinf threads here and adding more knowledge to my vault.
    Lost cause them move on don't even bother with I told you so after, just laugh and say this is what you asked for

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    He is 5,4 he isnt getting to 200lbs naturally or probably with gear. Where did ypu get the idea everyone can get to 200 naturally
    Ya you right, i miss read that... i thought the other guy was 5,11, but papiriqui is the one 5,11... my bad :-) regardless , in my opinion he should not touch tren without having more years experience ....

  25. #25
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    Your boy is hilarious..... Let him find out for himself....

    It is obvious he is dumb- that much we are sure of

  26. #26
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    ^^ hahaha yeah, you'd be surprised how many young kids i see them at the gym doing AAS without knowing what it really takes to do a proper cycle. Like i said most people here in Miami (Guys) are trying to look good for summer, so you see them doing the same thing each summer or prior to just so they can look good at the beach but in reality they dont have the smallest clue of what they are doing to themselves.

    I didnt until i got here and started reading thread after thread after thread.....

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