Hey guys
Just started my 2nd cycle consisting of;
Week 1-8 - Test e 500mg (2ml) per wk and deca 300 (1ml) per wk
Week 8-10 - Test e 250mg (1ml) per week DELOAD weeks
I'm doing the slingshot pyramid training/diet/AAS program written about on here by Ronnie.
Into the start of my 3rd week an seemed to gain 5 kg in a 3 day period up from 77kg start weight to 82kg ( came off last cycle for 2 weeks but was unable to train or eat properly in this period due to e-coli poisoning )
I've noticed a jump up again in libido not as drastic as before though, mood is still a little down not feeling as good as I did on test e alone cycle also noticed some lower back pain that's prolonged ?? Not sure if attributed to cycle training or pin point ?? I only do glutes so could this be the issue ?? Just wanted some input maybe different pin points??