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Thread: Do You Have T Keep Taking AAS for Life?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Do You Have T Keep Taking AAS for Life?

    Hey guys

    After you take AAS does your bodsy stop producing test on its own, but after you get off do you get the ability to produce test naturally back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Depends on how long of cycles you do, ability to recover, ect. If you do things correctly you should be fine, well most people are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    This is one of my concerns

  4. #4
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    post proelia praemia
    have a look at the stickys in the PCT section and read the profile on Nolvadex and Clomid

    Alot of good info on the subject

  5. #5
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    Read up a bit more all the answers you're looking for are here!

    The longer cycles you run the longer your natural test production will be shutdown and the more difficult it will be to recover.

  6. #6
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    i have never actually felt any test production shutdown... it has to be there, but i just dont feel it in any ways..

    as far as "taking aas for life" - well, its a lifestyle choice to begin with... ppl should be doin aas because they want to add a inch to their bicepss a little bit faster... you start taking aas because you want to reach something you cant reach naturally... ppl who want to do that never think about quiting because its just not how this sport works.
    its like rich people - no matter how rich they get, they always continue... if they would have the mindset of "ill make some money and then ill stop" they will probably never get rich.

  7. #7
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    I just want to do a 1 cycle to increase my upper body then never do it again and hold on to the gains nothing drastic, because I used to work out for months on my own but my genetics won't let me have beefy guns no matter how long I work out

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I just want to do a 1 cycle to increase my upper body then never do it again and hold on to the gains nothing drastic, because I used to work out for months on my own but my genetics won't let me have beefy guns no matter how long I work out
    Good luck with doing only 1 cycle.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I just want to do a 1 cycle to increase my upper body then never do it again and hold on to the gains nothing drastic, because I used to work out for months on my own but my genetics won't let me have beefy guns no matter how long I work out
    there is your problem, it takes years

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Continually cyvling over many years will lower your test levels which will result in going on hrt sooner than you should. No matter what pct you run the output of your hpta will take a hit nearly every time you use. Cycling with good amounts of time off will help along side a decent pct protocol.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I just want to do a 1 cycle to increase my upper body then never do it again and hold on to the gains nothing drastic, because I used to work out for months on my own but my genetics won't let me have beefy guns no matter how long I work out
    you will lose all the gains from 1 cycle over the time and also the gains you can make in 1 cycle are so small, that over the cycle period you will not be able to really notice them...
    bodybuilding is something that takes years... its like fast evolution of a life form... you start by adding resistance in your life, then you change up all your life style and your body will start to adjust to the new enviroment... huge muscle mass is the evolutionary result of lifestyle changes that takes at least 10 years to be really noticable.

    unless you have some 3-5 years of working out + perfect diet + lots of sleep, you cant really know nothing about your genetics

  12. #12
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    This isn't a sprint to the finish. It's great to be optimistic but your expectations are unrealistic friend. Even with gear, real LBM gains take time. It doesn't happen over night or within months. Most of the guys who blow up fast do so because of dirty bulking or significant water retention. Real, lasting gains take time.

    The primary determinant of how much you retain is based on your nutrition. If you aren't eating enough and enough of the right proportions of macros, you will lose much of your gains. one does just one cycle. Once you try it, you'll want more. Don't fool yourself.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Hey guys

    After you take AAS does your bodsy stop producing test on its own, but after you get off do you get the ability to produce test naturally back?
    Must be a 17er year old

  14. #14
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    Cruising n blast is better than PCT

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowmaker View Post
    you will lose all the gains from 1 cycle over the time and also the gains you can make in 1 cycle are so small, that over the cycle period you will not be able to really notice them...
    bodybuilding is something that takes years... its like fast evolution of a life form... you start by adding resistance in your life, then you change up all your life style and your body will start to adjust to the new enviroment... huge muscle mass is the evolutionary result of lifestyle changes that takes at least 10 years to be really noticable.

    unless you have some 3-5 years of working out + perfect diet + lots of sleep, you cant really know nothing about your genetics
    So I have to work out for years before any real results?? How come in the pictures forum I see guys posting their pics after first cycle just pop some test and anavar and after 6 weeks they look beefy as f#%k compared to their pre cycle pics?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch

    So I have to work out for years before any real results?? How come in the pictures forum I see guys posting their pics after first cycle just pop some test and anavar and after 6 weeks they look beefy as f#%k compared to their pre cycle pics?
    A lot of people look bigger during or right after a cycle and depending on your cycle, much of those gains are water, NOT lean muscle mass. Ask some of those guys to post pictures 6 months after a cycle. If they didn't have a proper nutrition plan and training regimen, they'll shrink back down.

    What's more important, looking huge during and shortly after a cycle only to deflate 6 months (or sooner) later OR, developing strength and real lean muscle that you can retain for years IF dine correctly. IMO, if you don't have a plan to sustain, don't waste your time with short lived gains.

    People will notice when you blow up.....just as easily as they'll notice wen you shrink back down. Do it right. You'll be much happier with the long term results.

  17. #17
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    Yeah that's what I want to do basically just try to bulk up and then hold on to the gains, I don't think nutrition will be a problem I pop 2 protein shakes a day and eat tones of chicken and deli meat so my protein intake is over 200g. (and I weigh 152lbs)

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch
    Yeah that's what I want to do basically just try to bulk up and then hold on to the gains, I don't think nutrition will be a problem I pop 2 protein shakes a day and eats tones of chicken and deli meat so my protein intake is over 200g. (and I weigh 152lbs)
    Deli meats have a lot of fats and preservatives. My caloric intake day is 3600-4000 cals. Only 1 protein shake after workout. The rest of cals come from real food. Most shakes will spike your insulin and promote fat storage.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah that's what I want to do basically just try to bulk up and then hold on to the gains, I don't think nutrition will be a problem I pop 2 protein shakes a day and eat tones of chicken and deli meat so my protein intake is over 200g. (and I weigh 152lbs)
    There is way too much sodium in deli meats. Try low sodium taste like shit lol

    If you are going to eat deli meats go with the store made stuff. Still going to have salt but not like boars head.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Deli meats have a lot of fats and preservatives. My caloric intake day is 3600-4000 cals. Only 1 protein shake after workout. The rest of cals come from real food. Most shakes will spike your insulin and promote fat storage.
    I am really trying to get id of the shakes. I wish I could eat eggs but I just cant stomach to get them down.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    Yeah that's what I want to do basically just try to bulk up and then hold on to the gains
    a mass gained on roids has to be sustained on roids or it will fade away because the human body is not supposed to have that amount of muscle mass... steroids trick your body into beliving that you are some kind of "larger animal" + you have the hormone levels + workout intensity + food quantity of this "larger animal" so you actually become one... but when the cycle is over, your body is like : "wow, dude, this is not how im supposed to look/eat/train" and it just restores the natural balance... the mouse that gained as much mass as the dog on roids, would never sustain that mass naturally since that is against the natural bio-chemistry of the species.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I don't think nutrition will be a problem I pop 2 protein shakes a day and eat tones of chicken and deli meat so my protein intake is over 200g. (and I weigh 152lbs)
    if its not the problem then how come you weight 152lbs?
    im 6'2 and i was 142lbs... i gained 60lbs naturally before i started using roids and i have really bad genetics, so you're doin smth wrong and most likely its the diet.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    So I have to work out for years before any real results??
    depends on what you consider "real results"... it took me 3 years and 60lbs for ppl to start seeing me as "the big guy" not as "the tall skinny kid" what i was before. on a human body that is skinny and weak, 10-20lbs of muscle mass doesnt look like much - its an inch here or there, it doesnt change anything - if your arms are 12inch and then they grow to like 14inch - its still a small arm not to mention that half of the gains would go away during first weeks after the cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    How come in the pictures forum I see guys posting their pics after first cycle just pop some test and anavar and after 6 weeks they look beefy as f#%k compared to their pre cycle pics?
    1)they look big only for ppl who are smaller... when i was a kid i tought that Lorenzo Lamass in the Renegade series was a muscular guy... i also remember "From Dusk Till Dawn" - that vampire movie - there was this one biker dude who i saw as huge and ripped.
    then i started to train and never saw those movies for years... then i remembered my childhood heroes and googled them and i was like : "wtf..." i was bigger than all of them and now i see them as skinny karate-dudes with some small muscle mass. they are in good shape, yeah, but i see them half the size now, that i saw them when i was skinny.

    2)lots of the weight is water... for example - i was on 4 month cutting diet and got down to 211lbs... got on the test+dbol cycle... im in 3th week now, and i weight 230-ish... so what? i might look bigger for ppl like you since its 20lbs, but i know that its just water and im aiming to keep a 4-5lbs after the cycle, so if i started 211lbs and ill stay 220 it would be a super success.
    the first week after the cycle i will have to get up 5 times at night to pee and ill do that for a week or two, and ill lose around 1-2lbs a day untill ill get down to the weight i have really gained...

  23. #23
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    I'm 152 cos I'm cutting right now so I eat 20% below RDI to get my ripped abs, I use deli meat to meet my fat marcos basically, bcos I can't stand peanut butter in it's unattached form and u can't really eat any other fat that doesn't come loaded with carbs, I drink tones of water to combat sodium

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheS1tch View Post
    I'm 152 cos I'm cutting right now
    there is nothing for you to be cutting imo... if 152lbs ir ripped then 180lbs was bulk, and that is not much of a bulk... but if you are 152lbs because of cutting and you were around 200lbs, then you just screwed yourself and lost all the muscle you had.
    either way - your diet sucks either you lost all the muscle or you never managed to gain the muscle before you started cutting.

    it just seems that you have no idea about anything, so using steroids should be the last thing on your mind.

  25. #25
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    lorenzo lamas was the shiznit in renegade tho I used to watch that show when I was little

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