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  1. #1
    Musab19 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    Side-effects and age

    Hi everyone
    I had a question about the side effects from AAS. I know that when you start using AAS yearly in your life you will damage your HPTA system. So it will be better to take them in your last twenties.

    But how about the other side effect that you can get from AAS, like more body hair, acne, pigmentation etc.
    Is it any difference there too? if a person who will get gyno and pigments very easily if he takes AAS would it be any difference for him if he takes the gear at the age of 18 or the age of 30 (not talking about his HPTA system, only the other side effects, pigmentation, acne etc)

    Sorry my bad english, thanks for answers

  2. #2
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Killa Cali
    I think the other side effects all depend on the individual and how they react to the compound. I've known people that have taken the same gear and reacted differently.

    Some are extremely prone to gyno and some not at all. Some develop acne on chest, back, face and some develop none. It is good to be aware of the sides so you know what to expect when something pops up but knowing how you yourself responds and reacts it comes more from experience.

  3. #3
    Musab19 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thanks for answer bro

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