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  1. #1
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Serious situation, serious question.

    Yes I also posted this earlier in the lounge and recieved some great advice from Roman. I was hoping to hear some others who may have had some experience in this area and how they handled it? Between the test and the tren my labido mixed with increased emotions fueled some nasty ass fights!

    Ok...this may get a little long winded so grab a snack. I am just starting my 5th cycle which consists of test, dbol , tren , mast. During my last test/tren cycle (12) weeks I had some serious relationship issues. I was sooo fn horny! I mean...through the roof type of shit! The stuff I was thinking and wanting to do! I mean I was confusing fantasy with reality BIG time!

    My wife of 20 years and I fought frequently and even spoke of divorce on several occasions due to the differences in our sex drives. I argued (non stop) that I was perfectly normal and that she should view it as a good thing that I want to do things to her that would make a goat puke 7 times a day . I was furious that HER labido had not kept up with mine! She even went on prescribed Estro/Test to assist with her labido.

    Don't get me wrong. We have a great sex life "normally" and there were things that I liked about it when "on" as well. My concern is keeping it under control and keeping things in perspective so that I don't cause a problem that I can't fix.

    Anybody have simialar experiences? Any advise??

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Never heard of a woman having a problem w/a guy wanting to "make love" all the time. Every woman i've ever been w/loves it. am i missing something?

  3. #3
    JohnnnyBlazzze's Avatar
    JohnnnyBlazzze is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've delt with females who arn't as into it sexually as you are. You have to remember you're on cycle on have certain hormones that are off the charts from normal levels. The only real advice I can give is understand that she will probably never be at your level and try to maintain some self-control.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Never heard of a woman having a problem w/a guy wanting to "make love" all the time. Every woman i've ever been w/loves it. am i missing something?
    Maybe I should try to explain in greater deatil. We have a great sex life normally. She is very sexy and not a day goes by I don't think about "taking her for a spin" lol. Normal for us at this time in our lives is 3-4X EW. Sometimes more sometimes less it just depends on work,kids etc.

    Off cycle this is ok with me for the most part. Would I prefer more sometimes, well....I am a guy! But I aslo realize life is what it is sometimes and that compared to most I know I am one lucky bastard!

    On cycle, different story!!! If we are in the car together for an hour I am furious because she didn't try to blow me and equate that to her not wanting to be with me any more and not being in to me sexually. If we come home after work and she chooses to do laundry, cook supper or clean the house insted of get naked and started double clicking her mouse in front of me I blow up because if she isn't wanting to "bang" me as frequently as I am wanting to "bang" her then she MUST be "banging" someone else! Not to mention how pissed that she gets that we can't have a single conversation or me send a single text that doesn't revolve around sex.

    On cycle this all seems and feels perfectly normal and to me it only makes sense that she has some isssues that she needs to deal with I can only play my own instrument so often and that doesn't really curb the emotional fealings I get from her not wanting to perform like a porn star from the moment she wakes till the time I am ready to go to sleep lol.

    I can't believe that I am the only person that has ever experienced this side effect!

  5. #5
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Yes I also posted this earlier in the lounge and recieved some great advice from Roman. I was hoping to hear some others who may have had some experience in this area and how they handled it? Between the test and the tren my labido mixed with increased emotions fueled some nasty ass fights!

    Ok...this may get a little long winded so grab a snack. I am just starting my 5th cycle which consists of test, dbol , tren , mast. During my last test/tren cycle (12) weeks I had some serious relationship issues. I was sooo fn horny! I mean...through the roof type of shit! The stuff I was thinking and wanting to do! I mean I was confusing fantasy with reality BIG time!

    My wife of 20 years and I fought frequently and even spoke of divorce on several occasions due to the differences in our sex drives. I argued (non stop) that I was perfectly normal and that she should view it as a good thing that I want to do things to her that would make a goat puke 7 times a day . I was furious that HER labido had not kept up with mine! She even went on prescribed Estro/Test to assist with her labido.

    Don't get me wrong. We have a great sex life "normally" and there were things that I liked about it when "on" as well. My concern is keeping it under control and keeping things in perspective so that I don't cause a problem that I can't fix.

    Anybody have simialar experiences? Any advise??
    Yea this situation SUX bit u have to be realistic with yourself and understand your body is not in its normal state so your thought process will ne influenced in different ways.. you have to ask yourself if your being rational... what I did... ive been married and with my wife for 10yrs now... I knew my sex drive was unsatisfyable meaning I could do it and 10 minutes later feel as if I hadn't had any for months again lol I lierally couldn't keep my hands off her especially at night and it got to the point it annoyed me lol so I told her I knew I wsnt being rational and the days she didn't want to have sexual relations I simply slept on the couch to avoid any frustration on either part... the days she would then we'd do what we do and id go to sleep... it actually made her want it more (maybe cause she didn't want to sleep alone lol) but yea that's my story....just remember your on cycle and to be rational... good luck

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddy1418 View Post
    Yea this situation SUX bit u have to be realistic with yourself and understand your body is not in its normal state so your thought process will ne influenced in different ways.. you have to ask yourself if your being rational... what I did... ive been married and with my wife for 10yrs now... I knew my sex drive was unsatisfyable meaning I could do it and 10 minutes later feel as if I hadn't had any for months again lol I lierally couldn't keep my hands off her especially at night and it got to the point it annoyed me lol so I told her I knew I wsnt being rational and the days she didn't want to have sexual relations I simply slept on the couch to avoid any frustration on either part... the days she would then we'd do what we do and id go to sleep... it actually made her want it more (maybe cause she didn't want to sleep alone lol) but yea that's my story....just remember your on cycle and to be rational... good luck
    You are sooo right about being "unsatisfyable"! Even if things were just right I could pick them apart. It's easy to Monday morning quarterback this now but while "on" one has to be careful! People talk alot about tren sides such as sweats and insomnia but I think ppl leave out some of the tricks Tren can play on you emotianally. I know like Pete had said earlier "that if someone looked at his wife he had to have the talk with them" or something to that affect. But then there is the " what did you do to cause him to look at you"? When the answer is that most likely nothing just that she is hot and dudes look....sorry Pete I am just assuming she is hot

  7. #7
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
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    being a man also means you have to be responsible. put that in perspective n it might just do the trick. respectively,

  8. #8
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Never heard of a woman having a problem w/a guy wanting to "make love" all the time. Every woman i've ever been w/loves it. am i missing something?
    You arent missing anything. Sounds to me like your doing things right!

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Well, why are you running all these androgens? Is it worth your marriage?

  10. #10
    Wolv256 is offline Associate Member
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    Get a fleshlight, bro.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolv256 View Post
    Get a fleshlight, bro.

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Never heard of a woman having a problem w/a guy wanting to "make love" all the time. Every woman i've ever been w/loves it. am i missing something?
    Are you married with children? If not it will change.

  13. #13
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am a sexual deviant mother f@$&er on cycle too. But you gotta keep shit in check and maintain your thoughts and feelings. You aren't a animal. Don't act like one.

  14. #14
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yes I also posted this earlier in the lounge and recieved some great advice from Roman. I was hoping to hear some others who may have had some experience in this area and how they handled it? Between the test and the tren my labido mixed with increased emotions fueled some nasty ass fights!

    Ok...this may get a little long winded so grab a snack. I am just starting my 5th cycle which consists of test, dbol , tren , mast. During my last test/tren cycle (12) weeks I had some serious relationship issues. I was sooo fn horny! I mean...through the roof type of shit! The stuff I was thinking and wanting to do! I mean I was confusing fantasy with reality BIG time!

    My wife of 20 years and I fought frequently and even spoke of divorce on several occasions due to the differences in our sex drives. I argued (non stop) that I was perfectly normal and that she should view it as a good thing that I want to do things to her that would make a goat puke 7 times a day . I was furious that HER labido had not kept up with mine! She even went on prescribed Estro/Test to assist with her labido.

    Don't get me wrong. We have a great sex life "normally" and there were things that I liked about it when "on" as well. My concern is keeping it under control and keeping things in perspective so that I don't cause a problem that I can't fix.

    Anybody have simialar experiences? Any advise??
    Even though she should bend over when she's told to do so....Looks like you're stuck on having to pretend like you care and take her to a fancy dinner or something..You know, play it off like you're just trying to do something nice ha ha ha

    If that doesn't work then you can always run porn 24/7 and when she gets mad say, "Well, I gotta take care of it somehow, you definitely aren't any help".

    Some bit*ches get mad/turned off when you straight up just ask...As hard as it is sometimes you got to play it off like you don't want any at all, then ALL OF A SUDDEN they're the ones that want it.

    Or you could just tell her let me eat you out baby I don't want anything really...Then right when she's about to orgasm scream really loud and scare the shit out of her. Then, say, "Now you know how I feel. You can finish yourself if you'd like" ha ha ha
    Last edited by calstate23; 08-15-2012 at 08:37 AM.

  15. #15
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    I really hope that was all satire.

    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Even though she should bend over when she's told to do so....Looks like you're stuck on having to pretend like you care and take her to a fancy dinner or something..You know, play it off like you're just trying to do something nice ha ha ha

    If that doesn't work then you can always run porn 24/7 and when she gets mad say, "Well, I gotta take care of it somehow, you definitely aren't any help".

    Some bit*ches get mad/turned off when you straight up just ask...As hard as it is sometimes you got to play it off like you don't want any at all, then ALL OF A SUDDEN they're the ones that want it.

    Or you could just tell her let me eat you out baby I don't want anything really...Then right when she's about to orgasm scream really loud and scare the shit out of her. Then, say, "Now you know how I feel. You can finish yourself if you'd like" ha ha ha

  16. #16
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I really hope that was all satire.
    Yes it was...It was my little comical spin on it ha ha

    But honestly, you should try the not asking for it trick and see if that works. Then she will be like, "How come he doesn't want it anymore, is he getting it somewhere else"?

  17. #17
    Papiriqui's Avatar
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    I really cant give any positive advice since i am not married or have kids, so i wouldnt know what i feels like to have those things and being on AAS on top of that. But as everyone says, you need to think before you act, if your wife and family are as important to you as you say than you need to prioritize her as well instead of always thinking about yourself and wanting to get off. Yes it sucks but its life and reality, otherwise soon you will end up divorced. I hope it never happens but you need to make a change fast for the better.

    Hope all works out just fine!!! Best of luck to you!!

  18. #18
    greenwell001 is offline Member
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    Dude, you have been married 20 years? I got 10 yrs under my belt and i know what your sayin but, wifes don't always just wanna fvck. They are women, they want to be massaged and cuddled and all that bs. You should know this by now bro. It sucks but you gotta be respectful of your partner, or do the opposite and get you some strange, but strap up son.

  19. #19
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    This is why im not having kids...

  20. #20
    Scabtree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Are you married with children? If not it will change.
    So Funny cuz it's True!

  21. #21
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Never heard of a woman having a problem w/a guy wanting to "make love" all the time. Every woman i've ever been w/loves it. am i missing something?
    I knew some Don Jaun would have to try to make it sound like I must be doing something wrong. I say If you are doing it right the first time Pete she should be left satisfied (and sore) for days j/k

    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Are you married with children? If not it will change.
    Amen..although every marraige is a roller coaster. Ups and downs, ebs and flows if you will. Our sex in our early 20's was all about quantity. Our sex in our ealry 30's was all about opputunity and now as we have entered our 40's (she has) lol it is better than ever. Yes kids can be a hurdle but just remember to make time for each other and that it comes back around eventually.

    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    I am a sexual deviant mother f@$&er on cycle too. But you gotta keep shit in check and maintain your thoughts and feelings. You aren't a animal. Don't act like one.
    Deviant is putting it lightly! I can't believe some of the sexual thoughts that run through my head while cycling, not to mention the sheer frequency of said thoughts!

    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    This is why im not having kids...
    T, you will rob your self of the greatest pleasure in life...hands down!!!!!!

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