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Thread: Tren hex and high PB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Tren hex and high PB

    For those of you that run Tren what supplements do you all take to keep BP on check?
    I'm currenlty running Andropen, EQ & Tren hex and I feel that BP is rising..
    I got it checked out and came back at 133/65... I know that PB will rise no matter what whie on Tren but I just want to make sure it don't go to high... Can I run CoQ10 with my cycle?

    5.8 HT
    BF 12%
    I have ran over 9 cycles

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You're not bad. Diastolic is fine and Systolic is a little high but nothing to worry about. And yes, you can run that no probs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Thanks... I've just been getting a little head ache, felt lathergy , and my heart would beat fast at times for no reason. This is what concerned me.. I will jump on the CoQ10.. thanks once again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Don't over think this. First time running tren? And a blend?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    No this is not my first time running tren but it is my first time running a lot of gear at once (3 compounds). Aldo running teen at a higher dose than before (300mg) a week.. I might just lower it to 200..

    Current cycle
    Andropen 750 wk
    Eq 600 wk
    Tren 300 wk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Can you lay the complete cycle out?

    MG's per week of each compound and length of each compound? AI's, HCG and PCT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Yes, mg per week.. see below.

    wk 2-14 = EQ @ 600mg
    wk 1-16 = Andropen 750mg
    wk 2-10 = Tren hex 300mg but now swithing it to 200 mg a week as I stated on my previous comment.

    (currently on my 4th week)

    HCG.. I was going to use 250 eod but decided not to and myabe just blast the HCG towards the end of my cycle aothough
    I'm thinking I should just jump on it now considering I still have time, what you think?

    PCT.. (14 days after my adropen shot)
    Clomid 1st 2 day 100mg then 50mg each day for 6 weeks
    Nolva 1st day day 40mg then 20mg each day for 6 weeks

    ****However, I was planning on just cruising on test 150 or 200 a week but still looking into this.
    I've ran so many cycle that to be honest with you, anyone that's ran so many cycle I don't think they ever recover fully 100%... and if I do not cruise I will just jump back on 3-4 monnths back on after my pct....( I know time on time off but I know lot of ppl at my gym that don't stay off this long). Your thoughts?

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