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Thread: Finaplix cycle, i need help.....plz from people with experience and no haters thanks

  1. #1

    Finaplix cycle, i need help.....plz from people with experience and no haters thanks

    First off i havent done any juice in over 7 years. I got bad off on pain pills and lost 50 pounds, just got out of rehab and i want to get back in the gym and be happy again, so im going to do a fina only cycle. Im only 155 pounds and im wanting to know anything to help put on weight fast as possible. Im 6'1'' 155 pnds and looking to gain around 30 pounds for now. Plan is to workout and eat eat eat. Just wanting to know how much i should start out taking and how i should taper up and taper down toward the end. I plan on doin it everyday verse eod. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My new addiction is going to be the gym. Plz help me and quick, im ready to get this shit started and get my life back. Thanks you guys are awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If your a self proclaimed addict maybe you should not be doing steroids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    probably should just stay natural for a while, let your body recover and grow with lots of food and rest

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