Hey Guys i am 27 yo 189lb with 10% Bf 5'11 i going to star a cycle next week of anavar and test E 400 can you guys tell me the quantities of anavar i need to take.
I will be using 1 shot of test E 400 a week for 10 weeks
Hey Guys i am 27 yo 189lb with 10% Bf 5'11 i going to star a cycle next week of anavar and test E 400 can you guys tell me the quantities of anavar i need to take.
I will be using 1 shot of test E 400 a week for 10 weeks
Split that shot up into two doses 200mg Monday and Thursday to keep blood lvls stable. But I would run 500mg a week not 400mg. Are you planning on running an AI and pct afterwards?Originally Posted by Readeck11
I would only take var maximum of 8 weeks at maximum of 100mg. I would not run test e for anything less that a full 12 weeks unless you load with prop in tthe beginning.
Last edited by Razor; 08-15-2012 at 05:43 PM.
It's best to shoot Test E twice per week. Is this your first cycle? Do you have an AI on hand and what is your plan for PCT?
Why not do 500mg/wk broken into 2 shots of 250mg 2x weekly? Is it just the way your gear is dosed?
What is your cycle history?
lol, I think we all typed at the same time.
Ok 2 shot a week 250 E second cycle and i have arimidex and nolvadex and clomid for pct
so is better run sustanon 250 at 500mg/week
i don't have any Hcg yes i will run arimidex from day 1 and nolva and clomid for pct
Yeah.. Arimidex is on cycle and not part if PCT...
Var you can run anywhere between 40 to 80 mgs a day. I would suggest to start low in the cycle and gradually work your way up a bit throughout the first few weeks... Start at 40 a day and by week three be at 60 and follow that dose throughout....
Everybody is a little different so no harm in a gradual increase to see where you are at...
i have alot stuff but i dont know what to run test and anavar or sustanon and anavar
thanks Razor for the advice on anavar i really need that one so bad thank bro
sust is test, bro. Test is Test.
sust is a blend of test so i don't know if will be better than test E
Thanks bro i will run Test E and anavar
1-12 Test E 250mg Monday and Thursday
1-12 Adex .25 mg EOD or E3D, hone that in on how you feel
4-12 Anavar 50-100mg Everyday once in the morning and night.
Start PCT two weeks after last pinning of Test E
Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolvadex 40/40/20
Done and done
Thanks guys i will post pic after my goal is 220 lb will see what happen
Id run the anavar at 6-8wks. Id start at 60mg's a day. You will see good results from it pending you are at the bf% you said. Test E is good for you at 400-500mg's a week, split it in two pins a week. Id run Test E also for 12wks to get a full effect being a longer ester.
Just get your AI sorted and PCT down, and you should be good.
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