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Thread: Aesthetic art - make me your project (please)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Aesthetic art - make me your project (please)

    Aesthetic art - make me your project (please)

    I know this is a long post, but it is well thought out and I hope it strikes a chord and some can relate or help me.

    Goal : Aesthetics - over muscled physique/fitness model look. As tight as possible, especially the mid section, no bloat. Peak condition for precisely the last week in May, 2013. Basically camera ready @ 6%ish BF. The looks I like are something like Greg Plitt, Jeff Seid and of course zyzz.

    History: Been lifting on and off (mostly on) for 15 years. Pushed my physique a couple of times to the point where gains became hard to come by. Best condition was probably about 220lbs @ 10-12%. Regrettably I have never really gone below that in BF%.

    Current: mid 30s, 6'1 230lbs approx 18% body fat. Had a hard setback (I don't give sob stories, I'll be okay), but am back in the gym chasing where I was, I will lose the excess fat naturally, no problem. I have had a few set backs from where I was aesthetically and no longer have the time to get back there or beyond naturally. I want to plan backwards to be in peak condition for the last week in May, a little over 9 months to go. I hope to do 1 cycle only to prime for this date and then spend the rest of my life trying to maintain as much of it as I can naturally. ( doesn't everyone say I still have some muscle memory gains I can attain naturally and am trying to be responsible by planning way ahead as much as possible.

    Reason: I'll be on a beach getting married to a woman of my dreams with a goddess body, it will be documented by 4 professional photographers and this moment of my life will be etched in photos forever. I owe her, myself and the photos to push this to the max. I'd like to have the option to paint a tux on my naked body and still look

    Dieting and training:

    I know how to do this naturally. I plan everything meticulously, count every calorie and every macro. Weigh everything. Take body measurements weekly and keep a training log, then make adjustments as necessary. 15 years of training has taught me this is the best way to do it. I would certainly open to adjustments or adaptations for using AS.

    AS history

    - been a member here and reading since 2007
    - tried only winny orally 10 years ago - this was plain stupid I know. This was when I was young stupid and before I began educating myself.
    - Bought a full cycle around 5 years ago that I planned but never used (car accident). I have never done injections. So essentially I am a full noob that is well trained and mature, but has been thinking about doing this for almost a decade.

    Wish list - Aesthetics model - Peak condition last week of May 2013.

    1.) extra lean gains (body recomp) that just make me look genetically gifted
    2.) keeping gains
    3.) no bloat and staying as lean as possible (more important than giant gains)
    4.) be responsible

    First draft templates :

    * I'd like to do some thing more advanced, but it is intimidating to learn so much.

    " simple" - 12 weeks

    Test - Cyp 400mg weekly
    Winny or Var - 50mg ed weeks 5-12
    Arimidex - 0.5mg / eod

    PCT - whatever you guys tell me to do, this confuses the heck out of me

    B) "Max potential" - basically want to construct an advanced cycle, maybe with much milder dosages, but I need help planning and don't want to rush in. It's a work in progress - Length, 16 weeks???...I'm student here, so I'll listen to anything.

    Test ( which?) - 250mg? weekly
    Tren ace - 100mg weekly
    HGH - 4iu ed
    winny - 50mg / ed - weeks 8 - 16
    Mast prop - 100mg / eod - weeks 12 - 16
    Clen 2 weeks on/off
    Arimidex - 1mg / eod

    PCT - whatever you tell me to do.


    1.When and which cycle to start to drop any water weight and be as tight as possible for the last week in May, 2013.
    2. I know most will say keep it simple for your first cycle, but i have 1 shot at this with the deadline and want to make it my best shot. Who would ever regret educating themselves and trying their best? I have plenty of time to plan this out and am advanced lifter and very experienced with nutrition. Please help a mature individual plan something more advanced responsibly?
    3. Heck I would even pay a senior expert to help plan this out meticulously. I don't want to learn from some "bro science" at the gym.


    I thank you all in advance, this is a heavy issue. Without other understanding people like you I would never even fathom doing this. I'm sure there are other people on this site that can relate to my situation. I appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    wow those are some nice goals, similar to mine. I like your idea to do one cycle and maintain/ add on to that for the rest of your life but once you have a good run with it you may change your mind. I'm on second cycle right now so def not gonna be your source of wisdom. But I will tell you i've been on prop/d-bol for only 10 days and already feel like a king! with your experience with training and diet and your goals i'd like to see two cycles. That way your could break yourself in with test e shots twice a week and maybe an oral and then after a long enough pct and break get into some test prop/ masteron and maybe maybe even some tren ace, all three leading up to that due date would be ideal for your goals but the experts on hear will let you know if your truly ready for that or even if its a good idea. just my two cents (let me know if I'm out of line guys)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thanks for the reply rider. I'll be sitting here anxiously waiting some help. If I need to do 2 cycles so be it. I do know i still need to lose some BF over the next couple months, so I will do that while I plan this and get ready. How did you do on your first cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    IF protocol of 16/8 daily fasts will acheive this with out drugs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thanks mockery, I am already on the 16/8 IF getting back to where I was. It's a great way to do things.

  6. #6
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    well drugs really wont help you IMO ONLY. You see the sides could be very nasty for you, the loss of hair, the acne not a good thing for a photo shoot...
    Last edited by mockery; 08-19-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Diet forum
    Perhaps someone could chirp in using HGH at 2iu for fat loss.. ? could be a better option considering you have time.

  8. #8
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    Jun 2012
    Ill just throw a cycle out there just for fun. By no means am I saying use this one, but I have been contemplating it for a good while. I have hypertension, so this would be my idea cycle ifI can hit 190-200Lbs first. I am currently @180Lbs. My aesthetic cycle would be:
    Weeks 1-10 Test P 150mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-4 Winny 50mgs ED
    Weeks 5-11 Anavar 80mgs ED

    Liquidex .25mgs EOD or as needed
    PCT- TRT as directed by physician

  9. #9
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth
    Ill just throw a cycle out there just for fun. By no means am I saying use this one, but I have been contemplating it for a good while. I have hypertension, so this would be my idea cycle ifI can hit 190-200Lbs first. I am currently @180Lbs. My aesthetic cycle would be:
    Weeks 1-10 Test P 150mgs EOD
    Weeks 1-4 Winny 50mgs ED
    Weeks 5-11 Anavar 80mgs ED

    Liquidex .25mgs EOD or as needed
    PCT- TRT as directed by physician
    Could I Run this?
    1,90 high
    12% BF ~

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    No you couldnt run this. This is a cutting cycle intended for entertainment only. It is not recommended, only listed in fun. And that PCT I listed is not for anyone else period. I am on TRT and that is not a true PCT.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Thanks for the feedback mockery it is appreciated. I have search the forms for your idea of 2iu of high for the fat loss. I am just getting more confused. My priorities are to get shredded and get my muscle mass back. Recent blood work by the doc said I am on the low end of thyroid levels, to the point he is considering prescribing me synthroid and I am on the low end of test levels as well.... I don't remember the exact numbers, but I know I was in that gray area where he was debating trt. This could explain why I have been working my ass off without the same results I use to get.

  12. #12
    If you have low test and you dont mind injecting for the rest of your life then get on TRT. Just 200mg/week completely changed my body. I gained a solid 25 pounds.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    That is interesting....I know I am on the verge of that. With a lot of extra effort I could probably do some things naturally, but eventually I'll be fighting my age and genetics really quick. I'd love to hear more about your experience naturaljohnny. Is there a thread or could you feel me in. Progress? Pics? Lean 25lbs? Water retention? Regrets?

  14. #14
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patz View Post
    Could I Run this?
    1,90 high
    12% BF ~
    You shouldn't be running any thing Patz and we don't hijack someone else's thread that is just rude if you have a question start your own thread

  15. #15
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I love the long term goal..... I just hope your up for follow through with it....

    I will be honest with you..... If you plan a few nice cycles between now and then you will be able to peak nicely..

    Just depends on what u really wanna do... I would start by getting down to 10% Bf as soon as possible

    From there I would then aim to grow slowly by periodising your training and diet so that you gain for 6-8 weeks and then cut for 2-4 weeks.... Obviously the lengths depend on fat gain....

    Get in the nutrition forum bud

  16. #16
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    You can do all the cycles you want but if you dont maintain a healthy eating habit you will go back to where you are now or worse. So diet is the main key in this, make sure no matter what happens in your life to maintain some sort of diet where at least you are somewhat counting calories otherwise you'll be doing a cycle to get back to that 6-7% bf every year or so. Remember this is a lifestyle!!!

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the feedback problem on the diet. I have been losing 2lbs a week like clockwork, lost 35lbs already. This isn't my first rodeo. My health got out of whack with severe food allergies. I have gone through therapy and now have tolerance to those foods. I know how to diet and know how to train. I'm confident i could lean right out naturally, but not sure how much size I could keep/gain with my timelines....

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ruhkus View Post
    That is interesting....I know I am on the verge of that. With a lot of extra effort I could probably do some things naturally, but eventually I'll be fighting my age and genetics really quick. I'd love to hear more about your experience naturaljohnny. Is there a thread or could you feel me in. Progress? Pics? Lean 25lbs? Water retention? Regrets?
    There is no thread as I've not documented my TRT use in any way. I was about 165 when I got on and after about six weeks I just started eating a lot more than usual (mostly "dirty" although I loathe that term). Within a couple of months I was sitting at around 190. Strength went up a lot. Body fat stayed about the same or less if anything. I was able to see my abs while flexing throughout the weight gain. Water retention was minimal since my dose is pretty small compared to a real cycle. I'd rather not post pics but when I look at a pic from Feb right when I started compared to one in June I look like I did a full blown cycle.

    The only regrets I have are not getting on TRT sooner.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Western Australia
    Patz get a chest before you consider AAS.

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