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Thread: 1st ever cycle - just a few questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds

    Question 1st ever cycle - just a few questions

    Hi there, just looking to pick your brains with a couple of questions. I'll keep the first post short as I know people dont like the read masses of text so I'll put my questions here and then all my details in second post below:

    If you could please answer each question it would be much appretiated:

    • I was thinking of either taking test + deca or test+tren only I read tren can be bad for asthmatics which I am so would you recommend me staying away from tren altogether?
    • Also would Nolvadex be suitable to take as a PCT with either of these stacks?
    • Would you stack any other steroid with these or is it ok for me to start with just test+deca?
    • Should I take any other PCT with Nolvadex?

    My goal is to bulk for around 6 months.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    My details are as follows, I'll try sum this up without writing a big wall of text because I know you guys will prob ask me a few questions.

    I've been training for 5 years
    I've cut down from 24 stone to 16.7st
    I'm 6 foot 4.
    I've been reading on this board and others for over a year now (I took your advice and was patient because you guys told me to get bodyfat down and wait which is why I've been cutting for past 16 months....eating same food all day everyday, it's been hard but so worth it as I can now see my abs.)
    I've been researching like a mad man, I would liken this very much so like studying for my degree...
    I've read all the begginer/newbie threads on this forum and others and researched different types of steroids, pct, side effects, how to inject, how to cycle, how to pct, etc.

    Despite all the research though I still have questions, as well as the ones I've wrote above I've probably got more to come.

    My overall goals is to become the best bodybuilder I can become. Bodybuilding is my life and my passion. I'm not just doing this to stay fit or look good, I watch the sport of bodybuilding and I believe in what I'm doing.

    I've been studying nutrition for past 18 months or longer now, cant actually remember, and have had the best progress since eating clean food. My friends/family and co-workers all think I'm crazy because of the ammount of fish/eggs/veg I consume each day lol.

    I hope I have given you enough info to understand the point I'm at. I feel I have been patient and waited 5 years and got my bodyfat down before jumping into steroids. (my friend at work has been going to gym a couple of months tells me hes going to do steroids which I just think is ridiculously stupid.)
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-20-2012 at 12:37 PM.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher_UK View Post
    Hi there, just looking to pick your brains with a couple of questions. I'll keep the first post short as I know people dont like the read masses of text so I'll put my questions here and then all my details in second post below:

    If you could please answer each question it would be much appretiated:

    • I was thinking of either taking test + deca or test+tren only --- NO. Do not stack for a first cycle so you can identify what is causing sides.
    • Also would Nolvadex be suitable to take as a PCT with either of these stacks? --- 1st cycle should be test only and Nolva+Clomid will be needed.
    • Would you stack any other steroid with these or is it ok for me to start with just test+deca? --- NO.
    • Should I take any other PCT with Nolvadex? --- Clomid

    My goal is to bulk for around 6 months.

    Thanks in advance.
    SEE RED.

    That said, you should really bring BF down to 15 % before you cycle anything. Best of luck.

  4. #4
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    England - Leeds
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    SEE RED.

    That said, you should really bring BF down to 15 % before you cycle anything. Best of luck.
    Sorry you replied too fast ha...I was writing 2nd post to go give you the relevant info and an update on my situation. Thanks for reply though

  5. #5
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    England - Leeds
    I'll take your advice and just run a course of test on its own. My friend at the gym did recommend me doing that anyways. I just wanted to know if test+deca or test+tren was best though and then I read a thread on this forum how tren effects asthmatics badly so I was thinking of staying away from tren and just doing test+deca after a course of test on its own?

    Would you agree with this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro before you do anything read all the stickys.Hit the beginners cycles this is some of the things you should know before you cycle.Good luck Bro.

  7. #7
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    A test cycle @500mgs EW for 12 weeks will be sufficient. You can make some really nice gains.

  8. #8
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    England - Leeds
    Thanks for your replies. After reading the the pct thread again I'm thinking should I ask mu source for l-dex as well to go with nolva and clomid or is nolva and clomid ok on its own? Also can you tell me how much I'd need for 2x8 week cycles. I've told him I want to do 8 weeks test on its own followed by two weeks pct followed by 8 weeks test+deca followed by 2 weeks pct as thsts what I've read to do on these forums.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. #9
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    chris, keep it simple man don't over analyze. do a 12 WEEK cycle test E at 500 mg per week STRAIGHT, pct is clomid OR clomid and nolva for about 4-6 weeks after that take a 12-16 week break off of EVERYTHING, IMO clomid is more effective for PCT i know that from experience. READ THE STICKIES BRO everything you need is there. hope this helps.

  10. #10
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    England - Leeds
    I have read stickies and begginerd guides mate which is how I knew to do 8 weeks cycles followed by 2 week pct. I thought that was keeping thins simple.

    The problem with this forum is people give differant advice and have their own opinions. Slso people presume because its your firdt cycke you havent researchef when in fact I've prob been researching gor over a year.

    The sticky on pct recommends to take l-dex as well as nolva and clomid. Also I wanted to know exact dosages of each pct to give to my source because thats the main thing sm not sure of and didnt want to get wrong.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-22-2012 at 11:58 AM.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2008
    ok bro, first of i know you did your research man i directed you to the stickies again just as a reference to help you. Yes each person have his own opinion man because each one of them is different, you will have your own opinion with time and experience, you will know what works and what doesn't for YOU, the stickies are general guidelines so to speak so goodluck mate don't get me wrong you are most welcome here.

    as for the dosages, i would do 4 weeks of clomid at 100 mg per day the first 2 weeks then 50 mg for the last 2 weeks, with nolva at 20 mg per day for all the 4 weeks for the PCT.

  12. #12
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    England - Leeds
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    ok bro, first of i know you did your research man i directed you to the stickies again just as a reference to help you. Yes each person have his own opinion man because each one of them is different, you will have your own opinion with time and experience, you will know what works and what doesn't for YOU, the stickies are general guidelines so to speak so goodluck mate don't get me wrong you are most welcome here.

    as for the dosages, i would do 4 weeks of clomid at 100 mg per day the first 2 weeks then 50 mg for the last 2 weeks, with nolva at 20 mg per day for all the 4 weeks for the PCT.
    Ok I'll take your advice mate. Thanks for quick reply.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    ur welcome bro, goodluck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    Actually mate I do have one more thing. You see I already asked my source for test+deca for 2x8 week cycles. And I dont want to mess him about. So do I need to do the 4 week pct plan the way you said or can I do a 2 week plan?

    I origonally told him I wanted 16 werks of test and 8 weeks of decs. And he said he can get that no prob. But you guys have been telling me to do 12 week cycles instead.

    Do you see what I mean? So if I go by my origonal plan and do 8 weeks test followed by two weeks pct followed by 8 weeks test +deca followed by two weeks pct. Would that be ok?

    And if so how much pct would I take for those 2 week deloads?

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Christopher_UK; 08-23-2012 at 06:31 AM.

  15. #15
    My dimensions are H:6'0 W:210 BF: 23% and I'm 38 old. I have my juice ready 2 months ago. Will start next week. I will be running
    testosterone oenanthate (500 mg/ week) X 12 weeks
    dianabol (20 mg/day) X 4 weeks
    nolvadex (20 mg/day) X 12 weeks

    for PCT I would go as follow: Clomid 100/100/50/50 + Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks starting week 14.

    I did my homework and I'm hoping for the best. Wish you the same.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    England - Leeds
    I appretiate your response but can anyone please answer this question. Can I just do a 2 week deload with pct like I read in the sticky or do I have to do 4 weeks pct?

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