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Thread: First cycle plan advice

  1. #1

    First cycle plan advice

    Hi guys, firstly, before i start, here are my stats:

    age: 25
    height: 5'9"
    weight: 210 lbs
    bf: approx 20%
    years training: 6

    so ive been training 6 years, and in that time i've gone from around 135 to 210 lbs naturally, bf going from 5%-20%. haven't made any gains last couple years and feel that i'm reaching my natural limit, so given age and size, feel it's time to start my first cycle. not really hoping to do any further cycles, i just want to do one carefully planned cycle with effective PCT, and keep as much gains afterwards so i can continue my training.

    i've been doing a lot of research online, but felt i should probs post my own thread to get better personalised advice.

    it's important for me not to lose hair, so that's the side effect i most want to avoid... DO NOT WANT TO LOSE HAIR! i'm not sure how prone i am to MPB so hard to know, would rather go for the safest option in that regard. (bare in mind i haven't lost any hair yet).

    firstly, i am thinking of starting with a course of Sustanon 250 for 10 weeks at say 400-500mg once weekly. and follow with 4 weeks PCT of clomid and novidex, tapering. would this meet my needs? what should i take with the Sus during my course to avoid sides such as gyno. as for my PCT, is that enough? how long will it take before my test levels return to normal? and is there a risk that they won't, after only one cycle?

    furthermore, is Sus alright compared to single ethers. i've read that the ether blend in sus is not particularly effective, and many stick with a single ether Test. but is there a disadvantage of the sus 250 blend? are there increased risks or sides?

    am open to any options, so your any help would be really appreciated.

    cheers guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Central Florida
    First Cycle Protocol

    Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg per week. The 500mg is split between 2 shots that are 3.5 days apart, so Monday morning and Thursday evening for example.

    Please see this thread by jimmyinkedup for further explanation:
    You want to run and AI from day 1 of your cycle to control estrogen levels. You can use Arimidex or Aromasin to do so.

    Please see this thread by Swifto for more info:

    Proper PCT is needed to return your natural testosterone levels back to normal. This will involve the use of Clomid, which is up for debate with Atomini, and Nolvadex. Clomid is dosed at 100/50/50/50 per week and Nolvadex is dosed at 40/20/20/20 per week.

    For more information regarding PCT start times:

    For more information regarding proper PCT:

    HCG can be incorporated into your cycle and how to do so is debatable also. Most vets recommend 250 IU every 3.5 days starting in the second week up until the start of your PCT.

    For more info please read Swifto’s HCG thread:

    Now that you have done some research, come up with a cycle and the forum will be happy to critique it for you and provide and adjustments needed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    Also, the gear doesn't cause you to lose your hair. If you're prone to male pattern baldness then it will speed up that progression. Hit the AR spa, Razor and I are going back and forth about hairloss prevention, he knows his stuff!!

  4. #4
    thanks a lot! great advice, lots of useful info, appreciate it, will get back to u with a full plan.

  5. #5
    btw, after my cycle and PCT, how much of my gains will i be likely to keep?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You are also going to want to get your bf down to 15% prior to cycling bro.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You are also going to want to get your bf down to 15% prior to cycling bro.
    Agree. It's important if you want to see results.

  8. #8
    really? what will the disadvantages/effects be of having a higher bf when starting my cycle?

  9. #9
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    More chances of high bp and gyno.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    A lot of fantastic advice here from knowledgable members. Sustaining your gains is largely determined by your nutrition. If you aren't eating enough and enough of the right foods and macros, many of your gains will be harder to sustain and your bf could actually increase post cycle.

    The key to success is having everything dialed in: (1) nutrition, (2) training, (3) a proper cycle.

    Everything is connected. If you skip one, you'll struggle to keep gains and most likely be frustrated by the lack of sustainable results.

  11. #11
    cheers guys, golden advice. so u reckon i should spend a couple of months trimming down bf before beginning cycle?

    also, what do you reckon of going on propecia (finasteride) during cycle, as well as 2% nizoral? would it be a futile effort to tackle inevitable MPB, whilst risking unattractive sides such as ED etc?

  12. #12
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    Not being a dick but you have been training for 6 years and your BF% went from 5-20? Where have you been training? McDonalds??

  13. #13
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    Sustenon 250 can't be run in 400mg dosages unless you get around the fact that there is"250mg/ml" in each 1ml ampule. 500mg would be a more likely dose.
    However...this is a bad idea on your first cycle. You should start with a single ester testosterone, as everyone should to determine your reaction to AAS.

    One more thing...Sustenon 250 is difficult to keep a steady level of hormone in your bloodstream due to differing half lives of each different ester in it.

  14. #14
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    Ah, yeah. I agree with everyone saying that you should cut down before you cycle. The range between 10-14% is the best for muscle development, or so I have been told.

  15. #15
    nice one mate, so sus out, will look into single ester test, probs test E. but either way i'm gonna trim bf before i do cycle.

    also, what do u guys think of HGH? how does it compare to test. am considering just running growth hormone instead, as i'm still hesitant about the sides. and is it true it can stimulate hyperplasia, or is that an unfounded myth???

  16. #16
    Re: lunk1, tbh my bf% is probably less than 20.
    i was out a year until about 4 months ago due to consecutive injuries, so when i started again bf was about 20% and i'd lost muscle. been working on getting back to where i was at before.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dravidian View Post
    Re: lunk1, tbh my bf% is probably less than 20.
    i was out a year until about 4 months ago due to consecutive injuries, so when i started again bf was about 20% and i'd lost muscle. been working on getting back to where i was at before.
    I wouldnt run a cycle with anything more then 12% bf

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dravidian View Post
    Re: lunk1, tbh my bf% is probably less than 20.
    i was out a year until about 4 months ago due to consecutive injuries, so when i started again bf was about 20% and i'd lost muscle. been working on getting back to where i was at before.
    kOOL...keep up the hard work partner and get back to your fighting weight....stay safe and avoid those injuries! great job!!!

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