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Thread: First cycle (injection).. prop or e?

  1. #1

    First cycle (injection).. prop or e?

    age 26
    height 5'9
    weight 179
    bf 11%
    years of lifting 8
    cycle history ... hdrol and mdrol... both yielded little results (most recent was mdrol which put on 15 lbs of pure lard)

    so next yr (1st week of june) i'm wanting to do my first NPC competition..

    i'm wanting to use this cycle to add LBM... not trying to get as big as possible at the sake of putting on 20lbs of fat.. makes zero sense to me (been there done that)

    so my 2 options are prop or enanthate..

    what my fear is.. is that i will put on so much fat that i will not have enough time do a proper prep.. and also.. i'd hate to not solidify my gains by prepping too early..

    prop looks good because i could do it for 8 weeks.. and start my 4 weeks of pct a few days later.. and then weeks later start my prep
    with test e.. i'll have to do 10 weeks.. then 2 weeks between pct.. then 4 weeks of pct for a grand total of 16 weeks.. also not feeling the water retention that seems to come with it..

    so just looking at the math.. i have about 40 weeks till i'm on stage.. does it seem like the obvious answer is prop? .. remember i've never pinned and that's literally the only downfall of that but i feel like i'd have time to solidify my gains with that.. and with the enanthate i could lose them by starting too quickly..

    your thoughts?
    Last edited by tngator; 08-21-2012 at 07:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    prop is more so preferred during a cutting cycle. but with prop it will kick in faster than test e.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    so you planning on being off cycle when prepping for the show?
    Bloating from e can be controled with diet and an ai
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    oops.. that's one detail i forgot to include

    i want to use the cycle to acquire mass BEFORE my prep... i want to be able to have at least 16-20 weeks to prep..

    and i've done a 21 week prep just for fun as a trial run last year to see exactly how hard it was to get stage lean.. (almost got there but started waaay fatter than i ever will let myself get again *195lbs *)

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    test is test. But prop you have to inject ed or eod, has more pip to it. Will kick in sooner and can pct faster. For your goals (bulk before contest) sounds like E would be a good fit.

  7. #7
    i'm just worried about starting my prep too soon after pct.. with prop i'll get to put about 4 weeks between pct and prep.. with test e i'll have to go straight from pct to prep..

    so my question is.. should i go with prop? or will it even matter

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I would lean towards prop but i've ran it several times wmany other short esters. And sometimes the pinning starts to get to me after a little bit. So in your case since you've never pinned, i would have to suggest E. As Gixxer said, bloat can be controlled w/AI and diet. Would hate to see you start w/prop then all the pinning get to you. I'd play it safe.

  9. #9
    thanks stpete.. what about my time between cut and PCT dilema?

  10. #10
    looking like i'm going to have to go with prop.. just found out that it will be a few weeks till it arrives.. and i can't put off the cycle if it was going to be test e.. looks like prop it is (dreading pinning but hey.. if your first is rough.. that'll make a typical test e cycle a breeze)

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