age 26
height 5'9
weight 179
bf 11%
years of lifting 8
cycle history ... hdrol and mdrol... both yielded little results (most recent was mdrol which put on 15 lbs of pure lard)
so next yr (1st week of june) i'm wanting to do my first NPC competition..
i'm wanting to use this cycle to add LBM... not trying to get as big as possible at the sake of putting on 20lbs of fat.. makes zero sense to me (been there done that)
so my 2 options are prop or enanthate..
what my fear is.. is that i will put on so much fat that i will not have enough time do a proper prep.. and also.. i'd hate to not solidify my gains by prepping too early..
prop looks good because i could do it for 8 weeks.. and start my 4 weeks of pct a few days later.. and then weeks later start my prep
with test e.. i'll have to do 10 weeks.. then 2 weeks between pct.. then 4 weeks of pct for a grand total of 16 weeks.. also not feeling the water retention that seems to come with it..
so just looking at the math.. i have about 40 weeks till i'm on stage.. does it seem like the obvious answer is prop? .. remember i've never pinned and that's literally the only downfall of that but i feel like i'd have time to solidify my gains with that.. and with the enanthate i could lose them by starting too quickly..
your thoughts?