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Thread: Test or GHG for recovery of herniated disc

  1. #1

    Test or GHG for recovery of herniated disc


    I have been out of the game for 8 months due to herniated L4-L5 & L5-S1. Enough time has passed that i can start training again, but am taking it slowly and am only working core stability and swimming (for the last month).

    My plan is as following with regard to my training:

    Aug- 2 x Swimming / X-Trainer & core stability 5 days a week.
    Sept- 1 x Swimming / Machines & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
    Oct- 1 x Swimming / Light free weights & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
    Nov- 1 x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)
    Dec- 1x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)

    I go away over X-mas for 2 weeks and was planning once back, after a week of re-warming up, to start my first cycle & heavy training.

    This would be my 1st cycle (at the age of 31) and am unsure which to go for. I have done allot of research and from what i can see i have 2 options:

    - The basic Test E or Test C cycle with a relative small dosage of 200-400mg & a kickstarter - 20-25mg Dianabol. I dont think i need to a higher dosage as its my first cycle - but am open to experienced option on the dosages (im 6'5" 110kgs)


    - Do i go with 5-8ui HGH with a supplement of 200mg Test with it. (Not 100% sure if my units are correct - open to suggestions)

    Now i know the test and kickstarter would be the right way to go, if i wasn't recovering from injured. On the other hand HGH is beneficial to repairing my body - disc, but is not ideal for my first cycle. So the question is - do i go with [test & kick] or [HGH & test] for my first cycle & if so - what are the recommended measurements for someone my size, pros & cons of both options with regard to my disc. My worst nightmare would be to re-injure myself (and i know it was not my technique - just lack of core strength).

    Thanks for all your help & suggestions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    the issue is not muscular, so unless you normally have low T, then i'd suggest skipping test.

    how do you plan on getting HGH? Have you already secured a legit source? If not, please note that HGH is expensive, hard to find, hard to ship into the country, and quite often bogus. If you can secure a legit souurce, then a mild/moderate course could help.

    There might be something else you have not considered. I'm running a "healing" peptide called TB-500. Many swear by it. I'm one month into the treatment, and I'm slowly starting to think there could be something to the claims made by some. If you are interested in reading my log, you can go here:

    I'm not quite ready to say it works, but I'm beginning to lean that direction. The good news is that Legit TB500 is easy to find, and not that expensive

    something to think about....

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Drachenfells View Post

    I have been out of the game for 8 months due to herniated L4-L5 & L5-S1. Enough time has passed that i can start training again, but am taking it slowly and am only working core stability and swimming (for the last month).

    My plan is as following with regard to my training:

    Aug- 2 x Swimming / X-Trainer & core stability 5 days a week.
    Sept- 1 x Swimming / Machines & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
    Oct- 1 x Swimming / Light free weights & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
    Nov- 1 x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)
    Dec- 1x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)

    I go away over X-mas for 2 weeks and was planning once back, after a week of re-warming up, to start my first cycle & heavy training.

    This would be my 1st cycle (at the age of 31) and am unsure which to go for. I have done allot of research and from what i can see i have 2 options:

    - The basic Test E or Test C cycle with a relative small dosage of 200-400mg & a kickstarter - 20-25mg Dianabol. I dont think i need to a higher dosage as its my first cycle - but am open to experienced option on the dosages (im 6'5" 110kgs)


    - Do i go with 5-8ui HGH with a supplement of 200mg Test with it. (Not 100% sure if my units are correct - open to suggestions)

    Now i know the test and kickstarter would be the right way to go, if i wasn't recovering from injured. On the other hand HGH is beneficial to repairing my body - disc, but is not ideal for my first cycle. So the question is - do i go with [test & kick] or [HGH & test] for my first cycle & if so - what are the recommended measurements for someone my size, pros & cons of both options with regard to my disc. My worst nightmare would be to re-injure myself (and i know it was not my technique - just lack of core strength).

    Thanks for all your help & suggestions.

    I am not offering any cycle advice but I am offering health advise. As someone who ended up having to have back surgery due to herneated L4/L5 due to heavy deadlifting I will say this. Take it slow. Make 200% sure you are ready to hit weights let alone gear. I tried to work through it when it was minor or whenever it would start to feel better. I fought it for a few years before it finally had me doubled over and pinched a nerve. I had a great surgeon who tried evrything before resorting to surgery but in the end it was the only way to relieve the nerve pressure and relieve the herniation. So please just take it easy and make damn sure you are ready. I can never go heavy again and it still gets irritated from time to time.

  4. #4
    Tx. Lunk1

    Yea i feel nearly 100% currently. I have only minor annoyance pain (1/10) for when sitting too long and some mornings, but that dissipates withing 30 mins of moving around.

    I feel, with my osteo and physio that i can start pushing myself a bit more, at a very gradual pace. I have no plans of getting re-injured, that would be my worse nightmare. I'll probably get another MRI before Jan, to make sure im good enough to push myself. But yea i plan to keep myself healthy and if at any point i feel that im close to the cliff-edge, i will step back and re-evaluate.

  5. #5
    Hi Roman

    Tx for another outlook - i had a good read of your post and am interested in it. Will keep checking your post - when is the end date?

    Now 1st thing i wanted to ask is - since i have no real knowladge of TB-500 (apart form what i read in your post), does it have muscle gaining properties [like test] or is it a more a healing/repair supplement [like HGH] that i would need to stack with something else to kill to birds with one stone.

    2ndly does it have rejuvenating properties with regard to the disc and i will it effect the tendinosis [the same way it has eased your tendinitis] since its not an inflamation as much as it is the change/degredation in the collagen structure of the tendon? www. tendinosis .org/ [sorry for the spaces - new member] good explenation about 2/3rds down the page [for anyone not sure what it is]. I already had a cortisone 6 months ago into it and did not help - thats when realised it wasnt tendinitis.

    If money and supply were not an issue with HGH [i'll deal with that bridge late on ], would u still recommend TB-500 or HGH. I'm doing my reseacrch into a worthy supplier - with legitimate retailers and have come across a few companies. And when it come to my health and the ability to train again - i'll suffer the cost!

    With regard to Test - i want make up for the loss of size and training that has set me back (and thats why i sugested it). i want to HEAL & make up for the time lost - in one go

    Tx D.

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