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I have been out of the game for 8 months due to herniated L4-L5 & L5-S1. Enough time has passed that i can start training again, but am taking it slowly and am only working core stability and swimming (for the last month).
My plan is as following with regard to my training:
Aug- 2 x Swimming / X-Trainer & core stability 5 days a week.
Sept- 1 x Swimming / Machines & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
Oct- 1 x Swimming / Light free weights & core stability 5 days a week. (light cardio)
Nov- 1 x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)
Dec- 1x Swimming / Regular workout 5 days a week & core stability twice a week. (light cardio)
I go away over X-mas for 2 weeks and was planning once back, after a week of re-warming up, to start my first cycle & heavy training.
This would be my 1st cycle (at the age of 31) and am unsure which to go for. I have done allot of research and from what i can see i have 2 options:
- The basic Test E or Test C cycle with a relative small dosage of 200-400mg & a kickstarter - 20-25mg Dianabol. I dont think i need to a higher dosage as its my first cycle - but am open to experienced option on the dosages (im 6'5" 110kgs)
- Do i go with 5-8ui HGH with a supplement of 200mg Test with it. (Not 100% sure if my units are correct - open to suggestions)
Now i know the test and kickstarter would be the right way to go, if i wasn't recovering from injured. On the other hand HGH is beneficial to repairing my body - disc, but is not ideal for my first cycle. So the question is - do i go with [test & kick] or [HGH & test] for my first cycle & if so - what are the recommended measurements for someone my size, pros & cons of both options with regard to my disc. My worst nightmare would be to re-injure myself (and i know it was not my technique - just lack of core strength).
Thanks for all your help & suggestions.