Has anyone with multiple cycles under their belts taken an extended time off cycling and gone back to a basic test/dbol cycle? What were your gains like?
Back story:
In 2005 @ 21 I started researching AAS
2007 @23 I did my first cycle Test E only
2008 @24 did 2 cycles TestP/NPP and Test/Dbol prettys sure winny in there too
2010 @26 did TestE 625mg Tren E 400mg and Winny. Finished around June PCT Julyish?
Kind of fell off the map for a bit, still lifted but diet and gear werent in the mix then started getting serious again October of last yr.....bulked up to 214 i think around December trying to pack on as much muscle as possible not worried.about fat then diet and cut like a mad man with clen to a low of 173#s in april around 9% body fat. Im 5'8" about 188lbs right now I am almost as strong as I was on tren over 2yrs ago, in april was more cut than ive ever been even when i was on gear before and all around better than ive ever been (ran tough mudder and can clear 2 miles in a sub 7/min mile average)...and all natural the last 2 yrs not even on creatine until 2 weeks ago.
So im getting to a point where I'm ready to cycle again, i have the best base ive ever had but with my previous cycles is a Test E/ Dbol cycle going to be enough? I think so....back to the basics? Just wanted to get some more opinions?
Ill post links to all previous cycles as well as latest natural cut so you get a better gauge of my history.