08-23-2012, 01:43 AM #1New Member
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18 year old with low test. Need help ! Newbie
Ever since I started going to school , whenever I sit in class or at home to study I feel really tired even thought I get 8 hours + of sleep every night. I always thought I still didn't get enough sleep and would again sleep in the afternoon to get a bit of energy to study at night. This has affected my studies and life in many ways, I'm not exaggerating when I say I can memorize stuff just by reading them and I'm told by many that I'm smart but lazy which is not the case. Now after finding bodybuilding forums I found out that I might have low test , which also contributed to my gynecomastia . This made perfect sense since I have very short to non existent facial hair and body hair and same goes to my brothers.
After doing a blood test , I found out I indeed do have a very low test compared to the average person.
Prolactin 6 (o-15)
Testosterone : 8.6 (8.0-29.0) nmol/L
Estradiol: 90 (0-160)
Now my options are to 1) Supplement with Vitamin d , zinc and magnesium hoping for a few changes.
2) Get steroids prescribed by the Doctor ( which is unlikely at my age)
3) Get steroids from outside , I have good legit sources which will monitor my dosage safely.
What I'm scared of is the side effects one which the hair loss and others.
Advice ? ThanksLast edited by xtremeguy; 08-23-2012 at 01:46 AM.
08-23-2012, 01:53 AM #2
I would seek out the advice of a doctor on this one. There is a chance they might prescribe you a low maintenance amount to reach normal levels. Good luck man, I hope it all works out for the best.
08-23-2012, 02:00 AM #3
Definitely go see a doctor.Your estradiol levels are too high.I dont see why you couldnt get help even if its a low dosage of weekly injections or they might ven try andro gel for you.Its just tricky cause your so young but its really not normal so seek help asap and based on those blood results youre bound to get help.See a trt doc in your area.Take care and god bless.
08-23-2012, 02:00 AM #4New Member
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Thanks, I will but if he wont help will I be safe running a cycle?
08-23-2012, 02:02 AM #5New Member
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08-23-2012, 02:07 AM #6New Member
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Any other advice ?
08-23-2012, 02:18 AM #7
Vitamin D deficiency is always a concern but so is vtamin A-C etc......wont hurt to supplement that along with Zinc for its natural tesosterone raising nature but def see that doc..as far as a cycle youre too young bud..I couldnt recommend one.Baby steps.....supps...doc and youll be ok.I dont see you not getting some kind of help.Stay safe and get a cycle idea out of your mind for now.
08-23-2012, 02:25 AM #8New Member
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Hmm I will consider your advice for the time being , its just that I dont want to fail University. Thanks for your help.
08-23-2012, 02:36 AM #9
You got it little bro.Put up an update down the line so I can see how youre doing.
08-23-2012, 02:40 AM #10
Like everyone said, you definitely need to consult your doctor about this. In your case, you very well might be a prime candidate for subcutaneous implant pellets like Testopel. It's just a small rice grain sized pellet that's inserted under the skin. I'm not talking about major surgery, the whole process only takes a few minutes and it's one of the more effective means of treatment. This would provide you with enough testosterone for at least 4-6 months. With this, you wouldn't have to worry about applying testosterone on a regular basis and could easily move on with your life. Plus, these little pellets are one of the best testosterone medications when it comes to maintaining stable levels of testosterone . Far better than any transdermal application and they appear to be even better than injectable forms in this regard. Still, you wouldn't want to use them for performance enhancement purposes. This would take a large amount of pellets and constant procedures to insert them, but in your case, I bet this could really do some good. I'd definitely mention it to your doctor. Also, make sure the doctor you're going to actually knows a little bit about this sort of thing. A lot of general or family practitioners know very little. If you get the feeling the doctor is ill-equipped, go somewhere else. No doctor can force you to go with his lead.
08-23-2012, 03:42 AM #11New Member
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Thanks all and I will look into it metalject
08-23-2012, 06:59 AM #12
Just keep going to endocronoligists until the right one gives you the trt you appear to need, mind you im guessing the first one you will see will fix you up
08-23-2012, 04:06 PM #13New Member
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Thanks for the advice gonzo. One question ; I heard that trt is for life , does that mean I have to go to the doctor every week or something?
08-23-2012, 05:55 PM #14
What are your stats bro? Do you lift weights at all?
I only mention this because you are on about running a cycle. If you don't lift then surely this is the last idea you should be considering?
08-23-2012, 06:39 PM #15
Definitely go to your doctor. If your normal t levels are low, and you're still not fully developed (21ish), you should not run a cycle. You should get the therapy you need to get into the normal range, and work on getting to your genetic limit with that. THEN, if you feel it's safe, try a cycle. Steroids are not a quick fix.
08-23-2012, 06:51 PM #16
Look, you need complete BW. Low test can be caused by many things that are correctable. It does not mean your low T for life. Your guessing here unless you've had the aforementioned "complete" BW. You need to find the reason your low before you bandaid it. I'd hate to see you jump on TRT from some doc who doesn't understand hormones (most dont btw) and have to deal with all the related issues.
Your low T could easily be caused by hypothyroidism. Hell, even high cortisol levels can pretty much shut down T production. Get the point! So, full BW including LH/FSH to determine if there's a pituitary issue is a necessity. If LH/FSH is low and T is low you may have a pituitary issue which would need an MRI to rule in or out adenomas. If LH/FSH is high and T is low then there may be a testical issue to address as primary hypogonadal. Make sure a full thyroid panel is run as well as cortisol and IGF-1, SHBG, albumin. Basically everything if possible. Then lets evaluate this properly. In the mean time if your D is low definitely supplement with D3. It will improve your free T level via suppression of SHBG. I'm also assuming your Estrogen test was a sensitive assay right?
Take some time and visit the TRT forum stickies and check the BW recommended in the Finding a Physician one. There are also some search engines there that may help you find a doc.
IMO, do not start any T supplementation until you figure this out.
08-23-2012, 07:44 PM #17New Member
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Alright for the people wondering if I lift , yes I have been for the past 4 months , I think I have a really good body compared to many my age who are still not my stats or body after 3 years of working out.
kelkel I will try to ask the endocrinologist about the tests you mentioned and see what he can do. I'm really thankful for your post warning me of the dangers of not researching well before doing something.
08-23-2012, 08:03 PM #18
Visit the sticky I referred you to and get that BW done. Post up your progress on this thread please. Good luck!
08-23-2012, 10:08 PM #19Originally Posted by kelkel;612***3
08-24-2012, 05:19 AM #20New Member
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Any chance you could link me to the sticky kelkel ? I'm kinda lost
08-24-2012, 07:59 AM #21
Here you go: http://forums.steroid.com/showthread...-TRT-Physician
Remember, do not let a doc put you on TRT at your age without locating the primary cause first and then evaluating if treatable with other methods first. If a doc does that it is basically mispheasance IMHO.
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