Thread: cycle and pct
08-23-2012, 10:32 AM #1
cycle and pct
Hey guys Im going to run my first cycle. Ive worked out for years on and off but Ive taken the last 2 years toreally get back into shape and get diet dialed in. Just wanted to bounce a few things off of you and get some input.
First off im 32 / 5'11" / 204 lbs / id say around 12% bf
My cycle is going to be 400mg test c /week. I was thinking 10 weeks. Hows that sound?
I was going to run arimidex on cycle for estrogen control. From what ive read its a good choice. Any input on dosage and where i can get it?
Also I want to get my pct stuff right away too so I have it. I was leaning twords nolvadex and clomid after reading in the pct section. I kind of have the same questions . What dosages and where to get it. I was thinking A 4 week pct too.
First off welcome.
Second it looks like you have done some reading up - which is good.
I think 10 weeks is a good cycle length. Id use arimidex at .5 eod. For pct I personally like nolva/clomid. Id do 4 weeks: clomid 100mg/day week 1 / 50mgs/dy last 3 weeks. Nolva 40mg/day week 1 / 20mgs/day last 3 weeks. Remeber to start your pct 2 weks after your last teast inject ..maybe even 16 days or so with cyp.
As far as where to go for this stuff you cant go wrong with ar-r (banner top right of page). Quality stuff.
Best of luck - you should start a log here.
08-27-2012, 11:59 AM #3
Ok so I ended up ordering torem , clomid , and nolva for my pct. Now I know not to use all 3 but I figured better safe than sorry. If i was going to use the torem in my pct what should it look like?
08-27-2012, 12:03 PM #4
08-27-2012, 12:09 PM #5
I hope you got the AI also correct? the arimidex ?
Who did you use, if you don't mind me asking? (if not breaking the rules here, cant be an UGL place posted in public)
better safe then sorry is correct.
for tamox and clomi I would say a pct like this:
wk1-4 20-30mg tamox ed
wk1-14 50mg clomid ed
Also if you run longer cycles (like say 16 weeks or something of that sort) I would also possibly rec HCG the last 4-6 weeks of cycle leading up to BUT NOT into PCT at dose of 500iu 2X a week.
I don't think its needed with this cycle though.
08-27-2012, 12:18 PM #6
I agree with both. 10 weeks is good but I like 12 better. Also I might consider starting your Adex at .25 at first and see how you feel then bump up to .5 if all is well.
08-27-2012, 12:23 PM #7Originally Posted by stevelifts
08-27-2012, 03:04 PM #8
08-27-2012, 03:05 PM #9
08-27-2012, 03:06 PM #10
08-28-2012, 03:00 PM #11
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