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Thread: Test E and Boldenone Cycle advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Test E and Boldenone Cycle advice.

    So I need a few questions answered. I'm about 6'1 185 and im thinking about doing a cycle of test e 250 and boldenone 250. What gains could i expect from this stack cycle, assuming i have proper nutrition and diet and proper training (4 days a week). Here was the cycle that i was planning on running-

    Boldenone 250mg per week (Wk 1-10)
    Test E 250mg per week (Wk 2-11)
    Nolvadex 10-20 mg/day (Wk 10-13)
    Clomid 50-100 mg/ day (Wk 13-14)

    Please, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully this cycle will get me some nice lean mass and size. Please tell me if this is a decent cycle? Please and thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    welcome bro first whats your age?
    second not a good cycle mate i wouldnt run my endo test to the floor for that amount
    p.s give your age if you want help pal

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    @ 18 years old. I would drop everything and stick to a clean diet and training. This way you don't risk any health issues in the future.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    let me put it this way you know that hot girl you see in school or college or the club well she wont go within 100ft of you if youv got a permenetly limp dick which is a possible out come at your age my dude stick to protein creatine food and work outs (personally dont like creatine because its just water but hey thats me)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    How the hell did you know I was doing this to get chicks?! But man im tired of looking like i dont even lift! All the girls at my college are all over the guys that are jacked and ripped and no girls look twice at me. I'm tired of feeling like sht and i want girls to notice me. I've been doing the natural lifting thing since I was 16 on and off and its getting me nowhere. I've tried sht tons of supplements, proteins, multivitamins, weight gaining shakes and they do nothing. It's time for me to go hard or go home so i can get the body all the girls fall head over heels for. So what cycle do you suggest if this one isn't so good?

  6. #6
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    You've been lifting on and off. Why not stay on regular routine? That should be your first step. Second, hit the Nutrition Section and compare yours w/some of theirs. Better yet, post your diet for those guys and gals to critique. It all starts w/proper diet and solid training. Besides, shutting down your natural production at your age could lead to long term side effects that aren't pretty.

    Good Luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Good luck Bro eat right and stay consistant with lifting.And you will grow.

  8. #8
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    It is totally stupid to take AS for "hot chicks"... If you would have right nutrition and enough sleep you wouldn't look like you don't lift! Really I do not know what to say to guys, who does this..
    The only real reason why to take AS is if you wanna succeed in something you are doing almost like a PRO or you are getting there... I am not saying about lifting three times a week and drinking with friends and "hot chicks" during weekend... No.. I mean if you wanna go to nationals or something like that and the only way for you to be competitive is to do what everyone does...

    And just for the record... That cycle is really bad and stupid

  9. #9
    your dedication is terrible and you're looking at steroids as a short cut, you should "go hard or go home" as you say and get serious about lifting. your "on and off" just proves you dont have the motivation to be bodybuilding. how's your diet like? what is your macro split? steroids are no magic pills and you wont get any lasting gains from a cycle if your diet sucks. Btw, 250mg per week of equipoise is a total waste of time and gear

    please list your diet. i bet its like 2000 calories and 85% of your protein come from shakes
    Last edited by Exilus; 08-28-2012 at 09:46 AM.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2012
    Well i mean, i'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't bodybuilding on and off. But i was 16, what do you expect. Im about to turn 19 in November and im more serious about it. I'm going to start 4 times a week again, which is what i used to do when I started and i went from a 6'0 150lb ectomorph to what i am now in 2 years of on and off lifting. So I know that If i really put in the time and effort nonstop, none of this on and off bs, i know i can make some serious gains. Especially with AAS. And my diet may not be in check now, but if i were on AAS, I would be doing everything to make sure my diet was right so i didn't make it a waste. And Why is the Boldenone a total waste at 250 per week? I'm stacking it with test E so it can't be a total waste.
    Last edited by Bloodhoun116; 08-28-2012 at 10:59 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodhoun116 View Post
    Well i mean, i'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't bodybuilding on and off. But i was 16, what do you expect. Im about to turn 19 in November and im more serious about it. I'm going to start 4 times a week again, which is what i used to do when I started and i went from a 6'0 150lb ectomorph to what i am now in 2 years of on and off lifting. So I know that If i really put in the time and effort nonstop, none of this on and off bs, i know i can make some serious gains. Especially with AAS. And my diet may not be in check now, but if i were on AAS, I would be doing everything to make sure my diet was right so i didn't make it a waste. And Why is the Boldenone a total waste at 250 per week? I'm stacking it with test E so it can't be a total waste.

    Why do you "have to be on gear" to be serious about your diet? are you saying when your cycle is over you're just gonna go back to your shitty habits?

    and yes equipoise is a waste of money for muscle mass, its a good cutting compounds (at 800mg+) to dry and get veins, and it also help with mood and appetite but its a waste of money for muscle gains.

    To me, it seems like youre just looking for a magic pill to get the body of your dreams easily and effortlessly. thats not gonna happen. i bet your next thread in 2 months will be "Help! lost all my gains from my cycle is it normal?"

    btw your PCT shows lack of research: test enanthate takes 2 weeks to clear out of the system, 3 weeks for equipoise. starting PCT right after your last injections is a total waste. Start your PCT 3 weeks after your last injection of enanthate.

    why do you start the clomid 2 weeks after the nolvadex? start em together and run em together for 4 weeks.

    you still haven't answered my question: what is your diet??
    Last edited by Exilus; 08-28-2012 at 04:07 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    So you will be dedicated if your on steroids?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    So you will be dedicated if your on steroids?
    I think most people are more dedicated on AAS, you spent the money right.

    No, you should not use steroids yet bud, I have seen some hot ass chicks with ugly dudes. You just need to work on your game a little bit.

  14. #14
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenwell001 View Post
    I think most people are more dedicated on AAS, you spent the money right.

    No, you should not use steroids yet bud, I have seen some hot ass chicks with ugly dudes. You just need to work on your game a little bit.
    Gixxers point is that if you're not motivated to begin with, you will waste your time and money. Once you come off, what will motivate?

  15. #15
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    You can spend money on food and the gym. You spent money you are now dedicated. Easy peasy. Seriously food cost more than a cycle if your eating right. Spend it on food.

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You can spend money on food and the gym. You spent money you are now dedicated. Easy peasy. Seriously food cost more than a cycle if your eating right. Spend it on food.
    No shit. I wish I could eat for as much as I spend on gear.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    You can spend money on food and the gym. You spent money you are now dedicated. Easy peasy. Seriously food cost more than a cycle if your eating right. Spend it on food.
    LOL good post.

    it cost me 200-400$ a month for my cycles and it cost me 600 for my food, sometime more.

    roids or not, if you're eating like you should, the bill is enough to keep you motivated.

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