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  1. #1
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    Now I'm ready for that first cycle.. Have a look & feel free to throw ya thoughts in

    I signed up on here at the start of last year and asked if you guys thought I was ready for my first cycle.. Much to my disappointment I got told to add a little more naturally first then come back.
    It wasn't what I wanted to hear but I'm kinda glad I did it so I spent the last year training hard and eating well and have added some good size and all round strength.

    Stats are
    30 years old
    Training for 6 years
    Height is 5'8
    Weight 180 lbs
    Bodyfat 15%

    I have put on about 13lbs in the last 14 months and Bodyfat is only slightly higher as I started bulking 4 weeks ago but im not worried as summer is over!

    I know strength isn't purely measured at the 1 rep max but its a guideline for where I'm at -
    My bench is at 300lbs
    Dead at 400lbs and Squat at 340lbs.
    I admit there is still room for improvement but I'm not getting any younger and this doesn't get any easier!

    Anyway, I have made some good lifting buddies over the past year with lots of cycle experience and I will be starting my first in the next 6 weeks as I now have access to what I need.
    One of my buddies has suggested a 10 week cycle of Test E and Winstrol as he says the gains will be much better.
    I have read so much about cycles that I keep seeing Test only as a first cycle and feel that might be better?
    Anyone on here tried Test and Winstrol as a first cycle? (or even if not first be good to hear results)

    So here is my current Cycle idea

    Test e 500mg every week (2 shots of 250mg on Monday + Thursday) 10 weeks

    PCT 2 weeks after last jab
    Clomid 50, 50, 50, 50
    Nolva 40, 40, 20, 20

    Well if you guys could share your opinion on my cycle plan and and offer any suggestions or tips I'd appreciate it!
    Last edited by scootz; 08-27-2012 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by scootz View Post
    I signed up on here at the start of last year and asked if you guys thought I was ready for my first cycle.. Much to my disappointment I got told to add a little more naturally first then come back.
    It wasn't what I wanted to hear but I'm kinda glad I did it so I spent the last year training hard and eating well and have added some good size and all round strength.

    Stats are
    30 years old
    Training for 6 years
    Height is 5'8
    Weight 180 lbs
    Bodyfat 15%

    I have put on about 13lbs in the last 14 months and Bodyfat is only slightly higher as I started bulking 4 weeks ago but im not worried as summer is over!

    I know strength isn't purely measured at the 1 rep max but its a guideline for where I'm at -
    My bench is at 300lbs
    Dead at 185 and Squat at 155.
    I admit there is still room for improvement but I'm not getting any younger and this doesn't get any easier!

    Anyway, I have made some good lifting buddies over the past year with lots of cycle experience and I will be starting my first in the next 6 weeks as I now have access to what I need.
    One of my buddies has suggested a 10 week cycle of Test E and Winstrol as he says the gains will be much better.
    I have read so much about cycles that I keep seeing Test only as a first cycle and feel that might be better?
    Anyone on here tried Test and Winstrol as a first cycle? (or even if not first be good to hear results)

    So here is my current Cycle idea

    Test e 500mg every week (2 shots of 250mg on Monday + Thursday) 10 weeks

    PCT 2 weeks after last jab
    Clomid 50, 50, 50, 50
    Nolva 40, 40, 20, 20

    Well if you guys could share your opinion on my cycle plan and and offer any suggestions or tips I'd appreciate it!
    Congrats on your gains. I would def. stick to the test only and suggest considering a 12 week cycle at the same dosage you listed. What are you planning for an AI?

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yes I would go 12 weeks maybe 14. i would also run hcg (optional) but you need to run an ai...not do you have one, you should get one.
    things you need

    keeping hitting those legs bro...your numbers are low but who cares you can only go up from here! good luck

  4. #4
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    yes I would go 12 weeks maybe 14. i would also run hcg (optional) but you need to run an ai...not do you have one, you should get one.
    things you need

    keeping hitting those legs bro...your numbers are low but who cares you can only go up from here! good luck

    GEARBOX.. I hadn't realised but I had the chest 1 rep max converted to lbs but left the legs in kg! Just changed all 3 to lbs so it's not quite as shite as it seemed!

  5. #5
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    Def run an AI and bumb it up to 12 weeks minimum. Hcg is a plus if you can get it!! I always see Clomid at 100 for the first week so you may want to look into that, that's what I chose to do.

  6. #6
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    I was thinking arimidex at 0,25/OED and still not sure about the hgc, getting mixed ideas as to wether to use it on first cycle or not. Keep getting told not to over complicate but wanna get it right too.
    What's ya thoughts?

  7. #7
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    Def run an AI and bumb it up to 12 weeks minimum. Hcg is a plus if you can get it!! I always see Clomid at 100 for the first week so you may want to look into that, that's what I chose to do.
    I originally had 100/75/50/50 for Clomid but tweaked it after some chatting with gym buddies and reading online. Although I do find lots doing what your saying so maybe I'll have a think about that..

  8. #8
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Im gonna ditto what Blue and gearbox have said. Push it at least 12 weeks, run AI with it. A-dex at .25 eod, and run pct 14 days after last pin

  9. #9
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scootz View Post
    I originally had 100/75/50/50 for Clomid but tweaked it after some chatting with gym buddies and reading online. Although I do find lots doing what your saying so maybe I'll have a think about that..
    keep clomid as you had it. 100mg is too much and could get visual sides (fvuck up your eyes). I only use 50mg first 5 day's then 25mg.

    And HCG you def. want to run it. It's easy sub-q inject with BD 31 guage 5/16inch 1/2cc slin pins. 250iu 2x per week.

  10. #10
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scootz View Post
    PCT 2 weeks after last jab
    Clomid 50, 50, 50, 50
    Nolva 40, 40, 20, 20

    Well if you guys could share your opinion on my cycle plan and and offer any suggestions or tips I'd appreciate it!
    I would personally run Clomid 150/100/50 and Nolva 60/40/40/20 but it's up to you.
    Last edited by Shsm; 08-27-2012 at 03:38 PM. Reason: Quoting.

  11. #11
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    Have been thinking to get my bloodwork checked before and after too. Was wondering what you guys normally tell the doc and do they try and talk you out of it (good luck!) or support that fact your willing to check blood before a cycle?
    Last edited by scootz; 08-28-2012 at 03:56 AM.

  12. #12
    ScottSteiner is offline New Member
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    I'm no expert but my first cycle looked very similar. You could kick start the cycle with 3 weeks of dbol meaning u would notice gains straight away.

    I agree definitely get an AI for on cycle, I would wait until you feel any symptoms then use it straight away - my preferred is arimidex rather than nolva - it prevents oestrogen being formed whereas nolva just blocks it from binding to receptors. A danger with nolva may be that it allows blood oestrogen to build up (even though you wont notice the effects) whereas arimidex will completely stop it. I've heard of people suffering from gyno after stopping long courses of nolva as the high oestrogen in the blood begins to take effect once nolva has been stopped.

    Ive also heard that suddenly stopping arimidex may also cause your body to suddenly produce oestrogen. Therefore one thing to consider - you could taper off the arimidex rather than come straight off it towards the end - e.g. continue it for 2 weeks after the last pin and then I would taper it for 2 weeks into the pct, this should stop any oestrogen rebound occuring (although you wouldn't notice it anyway being on nolvadex ). Better to be safe than sorry imo

    e.g. do something like taper down to .25mg eod the first week of pct, then to .25mg e3d the 2nd week, then drop it completely the 3rd week of pct. a slow taper like that shouldnt have any rebound effect
    Last edited by ScottSteiner; 08-28-2012 at 02:07 PM.

  13. #13
    scootz is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottSteiner View Post
    I'm no expert but my first cycle looked very similar. You could kick start the cycle with 3 weeks of dbol meaning u would notice gains straight away.

    I agree definitely get an AI for on cycle, I would wait until you feel any symptoms then use it straight away - my preferred is arimidex rather than nolva - it prevents oestrogen being formed whereas nolva just blocks it from binding to receptors. A danger with nolva may be that it allows blood oestrogen to build up (even though you wont notice the effects) whereas arimidex will completely stop it. I've heard of people suffering from gyno after stopping long courses of nolva as the high oestrogen in the blood begins to take effect once nolva has been stopped.

    Ive also heard that suddenly stopping arimidex may also cause your body to suddenly produce oestrogen. Therefore one thing to consider - you could taper off the arimidex rather than come straight off it towards the end - e.g. continue it for 2 weeks after the last pin and then I would taper it for 2 weeks into the pct, this should stop any oestrogen rebound occuring (although you wouldn't notice it anyway being on nolvadex ). Better to be safe than sorry imo

    e.g. do something like taper down to .25mg eod the first week of pct, then to .25mg e3d the 2nd week, then drop it completely the 3rd week of pct. a slow taper like that shouldnt have any rebound effect
    How did your first cycle go Scott? Interested to know what gains you got and what you kept after pct?

    Thanks for the info about tapering off the ai, even though I am no expert it does make a lot of sense.

    I have had a problem though, my source has had no problems getting my Test, clomid & nolva but doesn't have any options of any AI. These guys are real oldskool and seem to think there is no point, although from my research i believe there is I am not about to start questioning there methods!

    So I have been looking at Rui products and they seem to have options & products (and reviews). Can anyone suggest the best the AI they have as its only a choice of Liquidex, Liquid letro and Liquid stane.

    I have read Letro is pretty strong and not needed for my cycle but would be keen to hear from anyone else about this? Cheers!

    (p.s I started another thread about the Rui AI options as the title of this one doesnt refer to anything about my last question)
    Last edited by scootz; 08-29-2012 at 12:12 PM.

  14. #14
    ScottSteiner is offline New Member
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    Well I'm ashamed to admit I made a mess of my first cycle - my guy ran out of test and I didn't order everything to begin with so I had to end it short. I really enjoyed it though as you tend to find improvements in strength straight away with dbol and I would notice one muscle group improving in size at a time. Before you know it you are looking really pumped. Because I ended my cycle short out of bad luck I skipped the pct and have started again but that is what I am going to do with the pct this time. Havn't felt too bad just being in limbo for a few weeks tbf. If I were you I would google eroids and look on the reviews page which may contain information to help you with arimidex .

  15. #15
    The Kernal's Avatar
    The Kernal is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle looks good bro

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