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Thread: Advice on my first cycle

  1. #1

    Advice on my first cycle

    Hello to all,

    I am new to steroids and new to forums so take it easy on me if I am wrong on either matter. I have been reading a lot of posts that are very informative and respect the knowledge. I am going to start my first cycle soon but I want to hold off until I am comfortable in what I am doing. I have a friend who has been on the stuff for some while now and have been going off what he has recommended me and I have already got the stuff but I want some more input first.

    I guess I should start with my stats and goals.
    My goal is appearance and physique. I want to be cut up, defined and ripped. I do not want to be huge but also not small.

    I am currently
    25yrs old

    My friend has me scheduled to do a 10 week bulk and then 10 week cut

    For the bulk I have D-bol and Test E

    For the cut I have
    Test E
    Super Tren (tri tren)

    I have nolva and clomid for PCT

    *Also I do not plan to get on many cycles. I am looking to get to my goal physique wise and with proper pct (which I need advice on) to maintain most gains and then a strict diet, workout, and exercise to stay the way I want to look.

    I will stop there and see what feedback.
    Thanks for what help I get.
    Last edited by JoshP8687; 08-28-2012 at 08:01 AM. Reason: ran out of time and thought of more to add

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Stick with just straight Test for ur first couple cycles to see how u respond. Tren is not for the beginner. U can bulk or cut on Test, depending on diet and workout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro 1st cycles are test only.You run 1 compound to see how your body reacts.Plus if you run 2 compounds and have a bad reaction.You wont know which one caused it.Run test 500mg weekly with a ai like Adex @ .25 eod to start.Run cycle 10/12 weeks do your pct.Then wait the proper amount of time to do your cut.Lenght of cycle + pct = time off. You should have blood work done.Save the Tren for later cycles tren can have some bad sides.

  4. #4
    Ok. So I guess the last thing I need to do is get greedy here and want to reach my goal right off the bat. I will run Test E only as my first Cycle. Tell me if this is right.

    I have 6 vials of Test E at 10ml/vial 250mg/ml

    that has enough for 30 weeks at 500mg a week. Im trying to figure out the best way to not waist my stuff but get the most out of it. I can run two cycles eventually of 12 weeks a cycle which would leave me 6 weeks left or I can run 3 10 week cycles exactly. Yall are saying run 12weeks so what is best for me to do with the amount I have.

    12 weeks
    500mg once a week (250mg mon. and 250mg thurs.) or just do 500mg every mon?

    I have clomid and nolva already. I can try to get AI and hcg if you guys think necessary but if i can not will you tell me best PCT for me.

  5. #5
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    Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by JoshP8687 View Post
    Ok. So I guess the last thing I need to do is get greedy here and want to reach my goal right off the bat. I will run Test E only as my first Cycle. Tell me if this is right.

    I have 6 vials of Test E at 10ml/vial 250mg/ml

    that has enough for 30 weeks at 500mg a week. Im trying to figure out the best way to not waist my stuff but get the most out of it. I can run two cycles eventually of 12 weeks a cycle which would leave me 6 weeks left or I can run 3 10 week cycles exactly. Yall are saying run 12weeks so what is best for me to do with the amount I have.

    12 weeks
    500mg once a week (250mg mon. and 250mg thurs.) or just do 500mg every mon?

    I have clomid and nolva already. I can try to get AI and hcg if you guys think necessary but if i can not will you tell me best PCT for me.
    Week 1-12 Test E 500mg/week, (Pinning Monday mornings and Thursday evenings)
    Week 1-12 Aromasin (Exemestane) 10mg/ED on cycle incase of estrogenic sides.

    and no you cant run a cycle 12 weeks after another. Basic rule of thumb is before you start a cycle get bloodwork done so now you know what all your natty levels are. Cycle time + PCT time = Time to wait till your next cycle after PCT, EG 12 week cycle (wait 14 days (2 weeks) from last test E pin to start PCT) PCT 6 weeks. So it would be 12w+2w+6w= 20 weeks after PCT to wait till your next cycle. After those 20 weeks get more bloodwork done to see where your levels are. If they range back where they were before your first cycle your good to go, if not report to the forums and/or consult a doctor

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    Start here if you’re under 24:**-(GOOD-READ)

    First Cycle Protocol

    Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg per week. The 500mg is split between 2 shots that are 3.5 days apart, so Monday morning and Thursday evening for example.

    Please see this thread by jimmyinkedup for further explanation:

    You want to run and AI from day 1 of your cycle to control estrogen levels. You can use Arimidex or Aromasin to do so.

    Please see this thread by Swifto for more info:

    Proper PCT is needed to return your natural testosterone levels back to normal. This will involve the use of Clomid, which is up for debate with Atomini, and Nolvadex. Clomid is dosed at 100/50/50/50 per week and Nolvadex is dosed at 40/20/20/20 per week.

    For more information regarding PCT start times:

    For more information regarding proper PCT:

    HCG can be incorporated into your cycle and how to do so is debatable also. Most vets recommend 250 IU every 3.5 days starting in the second week up until the start of your PCT.

    For more info please read Swifto’s HCG thread:

    Now that you have done some research, come up with a cycle and the forum will be happy to critique it for you and provide and adjustments needed.

  7. #7
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    Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    Start here if you’re under 24:**-(GOOD-READ)

    First Cycle Protocol

    Test E or C for 12 weeks at 500mg per week. The 500mg is split between 2 shots that are 3.5 days apart, so Monday morning and Thursday evening for example.

    Please see this thread by jimmyinkedup for further explanation:

    You want to run and AI from day 1 of your cycle to control estrogen levels. You can use Arimidex or Aromasin to do so.

    Please see this thread by Swifto for more info:

    Proper PCT is needed to return your natural testosterone levels back to normal. This will involve the use of Clomid, which is up for debate with Atomini, and Nolvadex. Clomid is dosed at 100/50/50/50 per week and Nolvadex is dosed at 40/20/20/20 per week.

    For more information regarding PCT start times:

    For more information regarding proper PCT:

    HCG can be incorporated into your cycle and how to do so is debatable also. Most vets recommend 250 IU every 3.5 days starting in the second week up until the start of your PCT.

    For more info please read Swifto’s HCG thread:

    Now that you have done some research, come up with a cycle and the forum will be happy to critique it for you and provide and adjustments needed.
    I swear this is your copy and past for 99.99% of the threads i see you on, what do you do store that in a notepad and paste it whenever you need it haha :P

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    West Coast Desert Rat
    Definitely get an AI!

  9. #9
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bevsta123 View Post
    I swear this is your copy and past for 99.99% of the threads i see you on, what do you do store that in a notepad and paste it whenever you need it haha :P
    Blue Waffle knows his way around the site. If only we could get all the newbies to do research before asking questions.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bevsta123 View Post
    I swear this is your copy and past for 99.99% of the threads i see you on, what do you do store that in a notepad and paste it whenever you need it haha :P
    Yeah I wrote this up and copy and paste it. If you read all the stickies that I have included like every new member should then there should be almost no questions. In the even there is a question it will be detailed and not a general question like most noobs post. Everyone wants the easy way out by just asking questions instead of doing the appropriate research. It's great info and every new person should take the 30min to read through it!

    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Blue Waffle knows his way around the site. If only we could get all the newbies to do research before asking questions.
    Exactly and thanks buddy!!
    Last edited by BlueWaffle21; 08-28-2012 at 10:23 AM.

  11. #11
    thank you for the info. I do understand the wait time between cycles. I guess I worded my last post in not enough details...What I was getting at was how to break up the amount of test I have to get the most cycles out of it (giving the proper time in between cycles of course).

  12. #12
    thanks for the info
    Last edited by JoshP8687; 08-28-2012 at 11:55 AM.

  13. #13
    OK so far everyone is helping me out a ton. Also I am not trying to be lazy and am trying and willing to put in the effort and research. To be honest research is the reason that I did not just follow what my friend put me on and wanted to learn more, which lead me to this site. So I apologize if I ask "newbie" question but is that not why you guys are on (threads like mine), to help us? I know everyone was in my shoes at some point. Anyways... thanks to the info I was given I am steering away from the death cycle that I was originally going to take and going to start on just Test E.

    I am now going to do a 12 week test E only
    500mg a week (250mg/mon. 250mg/thurs)
    Week 1-12 Aromasin (Exemestane) 10mg/ED on cycle
    Week 14-18
    Clomid 100/50/50/50 per week
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 per week
    (trying to get a hold of HCG)
    (Should I take Aromasin for PCT as well?)

    My next set of questions are...

    Getting a blood test...what kind and what am i looking for. Also what do I tell the doc when they ask why. If there is a link with the info please post and I will read it and research it.

    Next...I know about bulking cycles and cutting cycles....What am I to expect with just taking test E. What kind of improvements and how big of improvements. As I stated before at the beginning of post...I am looking for good physique. I want to be cut with nice arms, shoulders and abs. I do not want to be huge. I want to feel real good about myself when I take my shirt of ya know.

    I know this will be determined by my diet and workout plan. I guess what I am trying to figure out is how would I go about taking Test E and getting good gains while loosing body fat. Should I eat like I am on a bulking cycle or cutting or an in between. Right now I have a strict diet. I eat around 2800 to 3000 cal a day...6 meals a day....I consume around 300g of protein and 50g of crabs and I make sure I get 8 hours of sleep. I take protein shakes...glutamine, creatine, fish oil, multi v and joint support. How should I alter this.

    If this matters or helps any...Winter is coming up so is it logical to treat first cycle as a bulk and eat a lot more for gains and then wait the proper amount of time and then treat next cycle (only Test E again) as cutting...or should I just treat first cycle as trial and error cycle and see how my body reacts with normal diet and exercise that I listed above that Im currently on?
    Last edited by JoshP8687; 08-29-2012 at 06:38 AM. Reason: typo

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    500 g of crabs? LOL

  15. #15
    was typo. to many 0's...I've been trying to lose weight and body fat so I have been on a low carb diet

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