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  1. #1
    kmms's Avatar
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    arimidex side effects

    2 weeks into a test e (250mg 2x)/dbol (25mg p.d.) cycle and have now taken arimidex twice (.25mg eod) and noticing clear sides from its use so posting for reference.

    wasn't having any sides from the cycle, began with arimidex solely due to an AI on cycle seems to be the prevailing course of action here.
    should note that aromasin was not available at my pharmacy, i live on a small island so this isn't unusual, she says it will be here september but if you've ever been to thailand you know that september doesn't necessarily mean this year.

    anyway, within 24 hours of second dose of arimidex at .25mg eod have certainly noticed several complaints that can only be attributed to its use. it has almost completely "dried" me out. arthritic symptoms, knee and shoulder joints popping and painful, general malaise etc.

    i always take 1tbsp of liquid fish oil every day (1 teaspoon recommended dose) in addition to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil split up throughout the day and consume more than a gallon of water every day.

    as i wasn't having any sides or complications from test e/dbol, i won't be taking arimidex today to see if and how quickly these are resolved without arimidex in my system. if necessary, i'll resume at a frequency of every third day instead of every other day and see what happens.

  2. #2
    AXx's Avatar
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    Sounds like to me for some reason you have squashed your E levels. But .25 EOD is the general consensus

    Are you on liquid or tabs??

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
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    I'm suprised this low of dose is causing this issue.
    Cut this dose in half and see how that works out.

  4. #4
    venturac's Avatar
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    I am taking 7mg ed and i have no side effects. i am using liquid

  5. #5
    kmms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Js View Post
    Sounds like to me for some reason you have squashed your E levels. But .25 EOD is the general consensus

    Are you on liquid or tabs??
    1mg pharma grade tabs, cut down to 4 pieces

  6. #6
    kmms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I'm suprised this low of dose is causing this issue.
    Cut this dose in half and see how that works out.
    same here. reducing the tablets again was my next alternative although far from perfect as i'll not be getting the exact same amount each time.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by venturac View Post
    I am taking 7mg ed and i have no side effects. i am using liquid
    you must be referring to exemestane. i am taking arimidex .

  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Did you start running your a.i from day 1 or did you wait a week or 2.

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    barely even broke a good sweat in the gym this morning. gotta say that it was the least focused, most unpleasant hour in there in the longest time. sad too because today was back day and wide grip pullups have always been my favorite.

    haven't had any blood work done since beginning this cycle, was intending to wait for 1 month. i did read somewhere that eating leafy greens/fiber can lower blood estrogen levels by up to 22% and i eat more leafy greens each day than all of our 30+ rabbits combined. can't say for sure one way or the other if that was contributing to my lack of estrogen related sides from the cycle at only 2 weeks in.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Did you start running your a.i from day 1 or did you wait a week or 2.
    as it is my first aas cycle, i wanted to wait for any obvious estrogen related sides before beginning, simply so i would know how to quickly recognize them in the future. i didn't stick to that plan though and at 10 days i started with .25mg arimidex followed up with another .25mg day before yesterday. schedule says tonight is the next dose but i will either cut the pill down again into unrecognizable 1/8ths of powder or just stop altogether unless and until obvious estrogen related sides show up. only clearly noticeable side so far is back pumps and i remedy that pretty quick with hanging knee raises or lying flat on my back and hugging my knees.

  11. #11
    gearbox's Avatar
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    What cycle u running?

  12. #12
    venturac's Avatar
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    yes, i'm sorry. i'm taking liquid stane, or aromasin

  13. #13
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    What cycle u running?
    Quote Originally Posted by kmms View Post
    2 weeks into a test e (250mg 2x)/dbol (25mg p.d.) cycle and have now taken arimidex twice (.25mg eod).

    Seems silly for a first cycle i know

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bevsta123 View Post
    Seems silly for a first cycle i know
    not sure i understand your comment or maybe you didn't understand the information provided.

    test e 500 p.w. (250x2 for 12 weeks) and dbol 25mg per day for 4 weeks. basically the recommended aas cycle as provided on this website.

  15. #15
    gearbox's Avatar
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    you dbol is causing your back pumps not adex...
    and we do not recommend dbol for a first cycle for these exact reasons. so we can know what is causing what!

  16. #16
    Shsm is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    you dbol is causing your back pumps not adex...
    and we do not recommend dbol for a first cycle for these exact reasons. so we can know what is causing what!

  17. #17
    Bevsta123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    you dbol is causing your back pumps not adex...
    and we do not recommend dbol for a first cycle for these exact reasons. so we can know what is causing what!
    @OP i know what i was saying, and /\ That

    First cycle should be test e 500mg/week

  18. #18
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    first, thanks for the responses. i am well aware that back pumps are related to dbol use, thought i made that clear already. also, this website does suggest a test e/dbol cycle as a first cycle, that's where i found it and used as a basis for research before starting. now, whether or not that same cycle is advocated here on the message board is an entirely different matter.

  19. #19
    GorillaNuts's Avatar
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    1mg arimidex eod seems to be working for me, I'd probably just take 0.5 mg eod but I have capsules.

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GorillaNuts View Post
    1mg arimidex eod seems to be working for me, I'd probably just take 0.5 mg eod but I have capsules.
    isn't it possible to mix that capsule with an amount of liquid, juice or milk for example, and then dose the liquid accordingly?

  22. #22
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Problem with caps is if you break in half your not sure of half has equal mg ratio.

  23. #23
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    i'm putting the arimidex back on the shelf for now. tomorrow will be two weeks in and if it was that easy for 2 doses of .25mg of the stuff to KTFO of my E levels then it seems to me as if they weren't yet much of a threat anyway. shouldn't be more than a few weeks before my pharmacist has exemestane anyway so i'll pick some up to try it out for comparison purposes.

  24. #24
    600@50's Avatar
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    It could be possible that you really don't need an AI at that dose of test. No way to know without bw. Any chance you could get bw and post your numbers?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    It could be possible that you really don't need an AI at that dose of test. No way to know without bw. Any chance you could get bw and post your numbers?
    sure, but i had originally planned on waiting for the one month mark, which is now two weeks away from today. since i live on a small island in the middle of nowhere, i have to use the government hospital and that means a loooooong wait for labs. i was intending to drop the dbol at one month coinciding with the blood work and do BW again one month after that which would only be test e.

    quite certain those sides were arimidex related as they are all gone now (3 days from last .25mg) except for some minor arthritic pain behind a knee cap and some mild cramping in hands and feet, all of which had never existed prior to arimidex. still no common estrogen related sides from either dbol or test e, no bloating, no acne/oily skin etc. weight is up 4.2kg at the two week mark.

  26. #26
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    updating this now as i have additional information that may be useful to some.

    first two doses of arimidex at .25mg each were counter productive, see above for reference. had intended to drop arimidex completely absent of estrogen related sides becoming apparent. well, third and fourth day from last .25mg it was obvious that my body was responding to the effects of my E levels bottoming out by ramping up production. bloating, itching in rib cage/pecs etc so i responded on the 5th day since last .25mg dose by taking another .25mg last night and the effect of that dose was rapid and clear.

    debilitating joint pain, lethargy, cramping in my hands and feet, significant loss of mental acuity etc. really wish i'd never heard of arimidex at this point. best analogy i can think of would be having a friend call me up to tell me that some kids had TP'd my vacation house so i respond by dropping a nuclear bomb in the neighborhood. completely unnecessary. have now lost out on one weeks worth of workouts due to this shit and it's pissing me off. imagine having someone drive a spike through your delts into your chest cavity, i can't even pick up my kids without wincing in pain. completely ****ing unnecessary.

    pharmacies around here don't carry aromasin but i'm not sure that is even a viable option at this point anyway. my pharmacist tells me that she'll have it sometime in september but i'm not counting on that. basically it looks like i'm screwed at this point. it seems obvious to me that my body is going to respond to this once again by ramping up E so i'm either going to have to live with it or find another option. i really don't want to take arimidex again but my options are limited.

    i'm considering now waiting for the third day from last dose and taking the last .25mg piece i have, pulverizing it and putting it into 3 shot sized glasses of juice and taking then 1 of those shots or roughly .08mg to counteract what is about to happen. if anyone here with more experience has any suggestions, my ears are open.

  27. #27
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    Sounds like you have a really bad reaction to adex. Although its quite likely that your sides are due to crashed estro, still the only way to be sure is bloodwork. I know your plan was bloodwork at wk 4 but looking at the current situation, i would recommend that you do it sooner. Remember to also check your total test to make sure your gear is good. If you have taken adex with bunk gear, it would explain why such a low dose of adex caused so much problems.

  28. #28
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    have done what i can to verify authenticity of test e and dbol . both are legit, plus the intended sides of both are highly evident. sex drive is through the roof, diamond cutter at 4am every morning waking us up, strength gains are phenomenal, literally was setting new personal bests each day until the day after starting to take arimidex .

  29. #29
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    Maybe you are really extremely sensitive to adex. Either you go to extremely low dose like 0.25mg a wk, or stop completely. Use bloodwork to decide.

    I dont think you should try aromasin even if its available. It is an irreversible AI, which i think will be worse than adex for you.

    My first cycle was test c 400mg/wk only. I took the standard .25mg eod. It could barely control my water retention. Everyone is a little different. Good luck.
    Last edited by AD; 09-02-2012 at 12:41 AM.

  30. #30
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    i ended up tossing that bottle holding the blue hearts because the "child proof" lid made me rage every time i had to open it, put the tablets into a different container after comparing photos on this site and others. still have all the boxes and ampules of the test e. bought all of it directly from my pharmacy, not fool proof of course but it is what it is.

  31. #31
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    And you wash down your dbol with chang? Lol! Always good to know your gear is reliable.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    Maybe you are really extremely sensitive to adex. Either you go to extremely low dose like 0.25mg a wk, or stop completely. Use bloodwork to decide.

    I dont think you should try aromasin even if its available. It is an irreversible AI, which i think will be worse than adex for you.

    My first cycle was test c 400mg/wk only. I took the standard .25mg eod. It could barely control my water retention. Everyone is a little different. Good luck.
    thanks for the input and comments. i'm into the third week now so i'm probably going to stick to the previous schedule and have BW done at 4 weeks. until then i'm going to micro dose that arimidex because .25mg just hits me too hard. i'll probably smash up a .25 piece and split that into thirds, and take that e3d and go from there.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    And you wash down your dbol with chang? Lol! Always good to know your gear is reliable.
    lol nah that was just for effect really. took that photo the day i started this cycle, so that was my last beer.

    i am on only 25mg dbol though, which isn't exactly pushing the limits and i do split that 25mg into 5 separate pieces taken throughout the day, which may or may not be why i'm not experiencing much in the way of sides.

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