right now i am prepping myself for a cycle in december and im adding supplements into my diet until my cycle starts consisting of
2000mg vitamin C
2500mg BCAA
1000mg Vitamin B12
A50 testbooster
milk thistle
My cycle will consist of : 12 weeks starting December 1st/2012
Test Cyp 800mg/week - 12 weeks
EQ 600mg/week - 12 weeks
winstol 75mg ED from weeks 8 to 12
anavar 80mg ED from weeks 8 to 12
T3 - 25mcg 75mcg 75mcg 25mcg for 4 weeks 8-12
Anti A's and Support
Arimidex .5mg - EOD
Cycle support - 1 scoop ED 12 weeks
Post cycle:
14 days after last test pin
clomid 100 / 100 / 50 / 50
Hcgenerate 5 caps ED for 6 weeks
milk thistle
vitamin C 2500mg ED
B12 1500mg ED
if anyone has advice on any of the topics ive talked about send me a msg and help me get everything in order
Sonny P