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  1. #1
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    Mar 2012

    Started superdrol cycle ; have some questions

    Currently on day 5 of superdrol 7.5/15/30/15 cycle. I have nolvadex for PCT.
    Today I woke up with one of my nipples being puffy. I'm not sure if its due to slight pre existing pubertal gyno or if the superdrol is making the gyno worse.
    It appears that my nipple is puffier than it has ever been before cycle(s).
    Should I start taking nolva 10/20mg per day for the rest of my cycle and then continue on doing a PCT 40/40/20/20 of nolva?
    Should i stop the cycle and do PCT immediately?
    Should I get some letro to run with the cycle?
    advice is greatly appreciated
    also running a test booster from infinite labs with PCT.
    Last edited by Do you even lift bro; 08-29-2012 at 07:51 PM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldn't do any of that at age 19. Check out this thread please...

  3. #3
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    20* and I am completely aware of what the possible outcomes are. I am going to take them regardless. I'm here looking for advice on my situation not to be lectured on why I shouldn't take them.

  4. #4
    Bevsta123's Avatar
    Bevsta123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Do you even lift bro View Post
    20* and I am completely aware of what the possible outcomes are. I am going to take them regardless. I'm here looking for advice on my situation not to be lectured on why I shouldn't take them.
    If your smart and old enough to make your own decisions regardless of what members say then you should be old enough to google the PCT.

  5. #5
    TheTimeIsNow's Avatar
    TheTimeIsNow is offline Junior Member
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    lol... bro, stop cycle asap. if your hell bent on doing steroids . start simple and small..

  6. #6
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    Because my questions totally asked what to take for pct. I "googled" everything and nothing has come up on whether I should start taking a serm or ai during cycle and then continuing with standard procedure after cycle.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Do you even lift bro View Post
    20* and I am completely aware of what the possible outcomes are. I am going to take them regardless. I'm here looking for advice on my situation not to be lectured on why I shouldn't take them.
    Thats like the 4th time I have seen this in less than a week! This must be the best way to politely ask for assistance from those who probably have better things to do than help young kids stay healthy all day. I am going to attempt this attitude at work the way is anybody hiring after tomorrow

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Thats like the 4th time I have seen this in less than a week! This must be the best way to politely ask for assistance from those who probably have better things to do than help young kids stay healthy all day. I am going to attempt this attitude at work the way is anybody hiring after tomorrow
    lets keep the posts productive and not ramble on. this sub section of this forum is meant for advice if your here to bash on people then please scroll up and click log out then burn your computer.

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Do you even lift bro View Post
    lets keep the posts productive and not ramble on. this sub section of this forum is meant for advice if your here to bash on people then please scroll up and click log out then burn your computer.
    Will do Jr. good luck!

  10. #10
    AcquireMass is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Do you even lift bro View Post
    lets keep the posts productive and not ramble on. this sub section of this forum is meant for advice if your here to bash on people then please scroll up and click log out then burn your computer.
    What isn't productive? OP asked a question, got legit advice from everyone, didn't like what he heard. Then he proceeds to say he is gonna do what he wants no matter what anyone says. Sure.....everyone help this mofo out.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Will do Jr. good luck!
    thanks bud!
    Apparently asking more experienced cyclers is no use on these forums.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeIsNow View Post
    lol... bro, stop cycle asap. if your hell bent on doing steroids. start simple and small..
    i have done other cycles of anavar and winstrol . I responded very well and wanted to try a PH

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by AcquireMass View Post
    What isn't productive? OP asked a question, got legit advice from everyone, didn't like what he heard. Then he proceeds to say he is gonna do what he wants no matter what anyone says. Sure.....everyone help this mofo out.
    one person says not to do it at all, well guess what? whats done is done.
    another says google it
    third person gave legit advice and to stop cycle.
    fourth rambled on about my im going to take it regardless attitude.
    Yeah. I asked these questions to have them answered. Tell me why I should/shouldn't start taking a serm/ai during cycle.

  14. #14
    AcquireMass is offline New Member
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    Tell me why you wouldn't be taking an ai during cycle already. Nobody here is gonna give you info at age 19 other than STOP. Not safe for anyone to suggest otherwise.

  15. #15
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Do you even lift bro View Post
    thanks bud!
    Apparently asking more experienced cyclers is no use on these forums.
    Let's get things back on track here. Op this is a forum where ppl come looking for advise. Sometimes the best advise that can be given is not what the OP wants to hear. In this case Austin (who would not give you bad advise) told you that you should stop and read another thread that supported his advise. EVERY day some young person get's on here and asks for advise on how do properly hurt themselves. Nobody worth thier salt is going to help someone endanger themselves. I hope this makes sense and expalins why it will be difficult for you to recieve the advise you WANT but will be easy to recieve the advise you NEED. If this is not acceptable practice in your eyes you are free to seek advise on other web sites other than this one. Have a fantastic evening and be safe!

  16. #16
    TheTimeIsNow's Avatar
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    First off.. lets just simplify this for you my man. The vets and long time members are gonna tear you up... You say " im gonna take them regardless". Your body so more power to you. To be honest when you ask for advice you dont say " hey give me your opinion but oh btw i dont give a ****, if its not what i want to hear then i wont pay attention". Stating this is not good when your asking a bunch of test up guys for advice. This is why your getting the responses ypu are. So start over. Now personally im not the most knowledgable and am on on my first cycle and ive done a ton of research before i started (hope you did to), so with that being said i would stop the superdrol your on .. like NOW. Take your pct and come down off of it. At 20 years of age i wouldnt really **** with anything but again its your body so why dont u just stick to some test.. Get a kick ass diet and just pin some test. I mean your gonna do what your gonna do but .. everyone will prolly agree with me or just say stop.. those are probally the two answers your gonna get. I think you should stop and pct and stay off test for a few years but you wont like you sayd , "you dont care". So again diet and pin test. good luck

  17. #17
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Why would you be so arrogant/ignorant and keep going.
    you askedforadvice, got it, and continue. Did you even really want advice? Is 5 unmaintainable pounds of a worthless compound worth growing titties?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeIsNow View Post
    First off.. lets just simplify this for you my man. The vets and long time members are gonna tear you up... You say " im gonna take them regardless". Your body so more power to you. To be honest when you ask for advice you dont say " hey give me your opinion but oh btw i dont give a ****, if its not what i want to hear then i wont pay attention". Stating this is not good when your asking a bunch of test up guys for advice. This is why your getting the responses ypu are. So start over. Now personally im not the most knowledgable and am on on my first cycle and ive done a ton of research before i started (hope you did to), so with that being said i would stop the superdrol your on .. like NOW. Take your pct and come down off of it. At 20 years of age i wouldnt really **** with anything but again its your body so why dont u just stick to some test.. Get a kick ass diet and just pin some test. I mean your gonna do what your gonna do but .. everyone will prolly agree with me or just say stop.. those are probally the two answers your gonna get. I think you should stop and pct and stay off test for a few years but you wont like you sayd , "you dont care". So again diet and pin test. good luck
    I never said I did not care nor don't listen to someones post I didn't like. I just know the negative effects using PH/Steroids at my age may/will have on my body and that's a risk I am willing to take. I respect your opinion, but the reason you're telling me to stop is because of my age. See where I am going here? I'm trying to avoid possible gyno ( because lets be real who WANTS gyno? ) I want to continue cycle but I am not sure if I should run a serm/ai for the rest of the duration or stop it completely do a pct to avoid possible breast tissue growth based on the fact i only have nolvadex available on hand right now and letro would take a few days to get my hands on.
    Gyno is my biggest concern and I want to be certain on the protocol to follow if you suspect you are getting gyno. Will Nolvadex make any gyno symptoms disappear if i run a full cycle after this point or will it only work when symptoms start to show

  19. #19
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Good nite

  20. #20
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Just a side note, both prostanozol and methasterone were officially classified as Schedule III controlled substances today. This includes their salts, esters and ethers. Anyone who is now caught with Superdrol is now in the same boat as someone caught with Dianabol , Testoserone or any other anabolic steroid .

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