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Thread: First inject for rele dizzy and bad cold sweats

  1. #1

    First inject for rele dizzy and bad cold sweats

    First time I injected I got rele dizzy and pale and felt like I was ganna pass out but was able to just sit down and it eventually went away. Any idea y this happened cause I'm nervous to inject again if that is ganna happen

  2. #2
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    Defiling Myself
    Nerves. It will get easier as you go. Or it may be your body telling you at 21 you are too young and ton stop now.
    Just a thought

  3. #3
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    Nerves. I was a scared little boy on my first pin, I was older thought lol.

  4. #4
    also happened to me on my first pin. youll grow on it. literally.

  5. #5
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    Never had that problem, but someone else is giving me the shots

    Just your nerves man. . . . .

  6. #6
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Def the nerves. Somrthing about pinning yourself that messes with your brain!

  7. #7
    Ok thanks guys and my other question is I inject in my glute and it's very hard to aspirate since I have to do it one handed. I know I should aspirate but it's difficult any tips?

  8. #8
    AXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice head 9
    Ok thanks guys and my other question is I inject in my glute and it's very hard to aspirate since I have to do it one handed. I know I should aspirate but it's difficult any tips?
    I know this may sound silly but just try to follow.

    Hold the syringe with your thumb and ring finger and use your index finger and bird finger to pull back to aspirate. Sounds silly but that's my tip for you. Or you could do your quads.

  9. #9
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    Lean on one leg against the wall. Let the other leg hand. Pin with the same side hand you are the glute. Helps to do with a mirror. Piece of cake.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Lean on one leg against the wall. Let the other leg hand. Pin with the same side hand you are the glute. Helps to do with a mirror. Piece of cake.
    My first cycle I would lay front down on the bed and reach back to pin glute. I knew if I fainted I would not fall and hurt myself. Now I can do it driving down the road.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    My first cycle I would lay front down on the bed and reach back to pin glute. I knew if I fainted I would not fall and hurt myself. Now I can do it driving down the road.
    Yeah first time i pinned took me 30-45mins. Ill never forget it. I was shaking like crazy.

    I was scared of needles ever since i was a kid because of a nurse. She drew blood from my arm. I jump, didnt hold me down. Blood went everywhere. Walls, ceiling, me,my mom and nurse. It was a real life blood bath lol.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Never had that problem, but someone else is giving me the shots

    Just your nerves man. . . . .
    Thata baby! Me too, Iam a puss in that department. I will one day do it myself though, I hope.....

  13. #13
    And a few of my dudes that do it said they stopped aspirating because they drew blood every time sometimes more then other times but how much blood has to b in the needle so u know u r in a vein or blood vessel?

  14. #14
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    My first cycle I would lay front down on the bed and reach back to pin glute. I knew if I fainted I would not fall and hurt myself. Now I can do it driving down the road.
    Ha! Now that is funny.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice head 9 View Post
    And a few of my dudes that do it said they stopped aspirating because they drew blood every time sometimes more then other times but how much blood has to b in the needle so u know u r in a vein or blood vessel?
    i do glutes 100% of the time and i got tired of aspirating too. Sometimes i do but most the time i dont. i hit the exact same spots with in a 1" circle everytime, so i just dont aspirate anymore. probably not what some on here want to here but it doesnt bother me not to

  16. #16
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    I didn't read all the posts, so someone may have already mentioned this, but when you're self-injecting into your glute, a mirror does wonders. Definitely helps to make sure you're not aspirating blood. As a former junkie, I can tell you that you can also FEEL if you have hit a vein. When you aspirate and have NOT hit a vein, the plunger will pop right back to where it was, because the inside of a syringe is pressurized. If you've hit a blood vessel, when you aspirate, the plunder will not "pop" back, as the chamber fills with blood. So if you aspirate and the plunger moves smoothly when you pull back and then stays there, you've probably aspirated blood. Between the mirror and this feeling, you should be able to tell quite easily if you've hit a blood vessel.


  17. #17
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    Same thing happened to me when I was 17 and shot my first time. Young and dumb. Exact symptoms occurred maybe 10 minutes after my shot. I held them off for as long as I could. Second time I pinned it never happened and hasn't from then on. even though I never really did more then 3-4 cycles or.. Something anyway I'm not even sure anymore.

    BUT! Now it happens every time I get a blood test. Guess I just got used to sticking needles in myself and subconsciously I don't trust anyone else anymore hahaha

  18. #18
    Definitely nerves. Happened to me last week for the first time too. I was sweating as much as after legs day haha. I was drenched. Pinned 3 more times since then and nothing of the sort. Seem to like delta so far and easy on both sides.

  19. #19
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    I talked a friend of mine thru his first shot over the phone. He was sitting on the edge of the tub with a head set on and i heard a thump noise and heard nothing else for a few mins. He finally come back on the phone and said he passed out with a 21ga x 1 1/2 hanging out of his leg!!!!! hahahahahah

  20. #20
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    I agree, it's the nerves. you'll get used to it and eventually will look forward to your next pin.

  21. #21
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    Hell just lay on the bed and do you glute shots, in case you get dizzy again

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    My first cycle I would lay front down on the bed and reach back to pin glute. I knew if I fainted I would not fall and hurt myself. Now I can do it driving down the road.
    Lol too funny... I decided to read this thread for comments like this (I knew id be laughing) OP just nerves as everyone has stated it'll get easier

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by greenwell001
    i do glutes 100% of the time and i got tired of aspirating too. Sometimes i do but most the time i dont. i hit the exact same spots with in a 1" circle everytime, so i just dont aspirate anymore. probably not what some on here want to here but it doesnt bother me not to
    Yea but it will bother you if you inject a vein... this is a informational thread so if yous don't have good advice keep your dumb lazy ideas and ways to yourself.. not to be a pr*ck but people are reading this and will take into account what they read

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice head 9
    And a few of my dudes that do it said they stopped aspirating because they drew blood every time sometimes more then other times but how much blood has to b in the needle so u know u r in a vein or blood vessel?
    I don't know what your friends are saying or advising bit that's a crock of sh*t... I've done enough pins to know that isn't true... if you get a drop in your syringe its surprising but trust me if your in a vein or vessel you will know when you aspirate... it will fill the syringe with blood most likely

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan
    I talked a friend of mine thru his first shot over the phone. He was sitting on the edge of the tub with a head set on and i heard a thump noise and heard nothing else for a few mins. He finally come back on the phone and said he passed out with a 21ga x 1 1/2 hanging out of his leg!!!!! hahahahahah
    Lmao great story thanks for sharing that 1

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddy1418 View Post
    I don't know what your friends are saying or advising bit that's a crock of sh*t... I've done enough pins to know that isn't true... if you get a drop in your syringe its surprising but trust me if your in a vein or vessel you will know when you aspirate... it will fill the syringe with blood most likely
    Exactly! I have had a touch of blood in the plactic at the bottom of the needle, but when you asparate in a vessel, you will KNOW it! It will turn your solution into a red mess. No mistaking it.

  27. #27
    Ok thanks a lot guys just one mOre thing once I inject how far do u pull back the plunger wen u aspirate?

  28. #28
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    Just a tiny bit. If your in a vein blood will come into needle quickly

  29. #29
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    Like I said in an earlier post, syringes are pressurized, so you won't be able to pull back on the plunger very much, and it will literally pop right back into place when you let go. However, if you hit a blood vessel, when you pull back on the plunger it will pull back smoothly, and just keep coming as the chamber fills with blood. It will not "pop" back into place. So, yeah, you only pull bace a little bit. Your syringe won't let you pull back much.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    Like I said in an earlier post, syringes are pressurized, so you won't be able to pull back on the plunger very much, and it will literally pop right back into place when you let go. However, if you hit a blood vessel, when you pull back on the plunger it will pull back smoothly, and just keep coming as the chamber fills with blood. It will not "pop" back into place. So, yeah, you only pull bace a little bit. Your syringe won't let you pull back much.
    No. They just create a vacuum because the plunger end of the chamber is air-tight (thank God) and you can't suck muscle tissue out with an injection needle.

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