My friend is 25 about 6'0 and 155 hes a skinny guy but hes been working out for a couple years now(on and off) and he approached me one day when we where working out telling me that he wants to do steriods.
I then tried to convince him out of it but he determined to do them so i said i could help him out and we can do a cycle together.
His History: at 22 his lung calapsed and doctors told him it was becuase he was tall and skinny and its just something that sometimes happnes to skinny people (called Spontaneus Pneuthorax). Through out his 22-23 his one lung calapsed again and he had a surgery called a bulectamy and they fixed the bubble that was on his lung by closing it. about a 1 year roughly after his first lung surgery his other calapsed and went right to surgery and got it fixed its been about 2 1/2 years since his surgery and hes been casually working out.
So basically he wants to do a cycle with me because he feels he is ready. Now my cycle is going to be a test only 12 week cycle, with proper pct and ai/hcg. (I have been researching for a couple years now and have plenty of knowledge) He wants to do the same cycle with me knowing that i know what im doing.
What can i say to my friend to convince him it is not okay for him to cycle? He says he is going to do the cycle no matter, there is no changing his mind. I much am going to be taking care of him as he has been my good friend since grade school, I want to make sure he stays safe.
So what are the dangers of him doing this some what mild cycle, and what can he do to stay safe during it?