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Thread: Drol & Test e

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla
    yea...sad bro --- but i guess we were all like that at that age.
    True. So true.

  2. #42
    im sorry, im just looking for that abnormal look .. i want to compete sooner or later on in life as well so i figured id get ahead start !

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HandsumHustlaa View Post
    Even with a proper pct i will still face these side effects ? If HRT is a must when older i wouldnt mind .. but i would just juice again if that was needed .
    What happens when you are on TRT at age 25 and get cancer? What then dumb A**? You gonna keep running your TRT and grow those cancer cells? Use your freaking immature brain! TRT is not an accomplishment. It is not safe either. If I get cancer, I cant continue and will be sexless for however long I am alive. Get a damn clue. You have no idea because you are too young to understand anything that is life altering.

  4. #44
    i understand the life altering effects , but it is not guaranteed to happen 100% .

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HandsumHustlaa View Post
    haha thats funny because i never took a pct once in my lifetime after all the juice ive done and had no problems at all . Running doses as high as 1200mg . . *frontloading) some people get gyno some people dont .. im the one who dont . and deca & tren ? haha LIMP DICK TO THE MAX . im aware of how to cycle .. ive done my research these past years . TEST BASE IS A MUST
    This proves you dont know what you are talking about. It isnt the short term moron. I am with austinite, this IS a joke. No way someone is this freaking stupid. It is a vet messing around, IP check. I am done with this. And if it is a joke from a vet, good one! If this is a serious kid, he needs to re-enroll in grade school and follow throughand get his degree. This has done nothing but piss me off. Good night to the smart guys onhere. BTW, dont post after pics, if you even make it. I will be like taking a pic of a deflated baloon and then a semi inflated that will shrink down to the same small idiot. Only going to have dick problems.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Risks to consider from cycling anabolics (this an abbreviated list and applies largely to the "safer" esters):

    - increased red blood cells (which thickens your blood)
    - decreased HDL (good cholesterol)
    - increased hemoglobin
    - increased LDL (bad cholesterol)
    - hypertension (high blood pressure)
    - decreased libido
    - erectile dysfunction
    - water retention
    - increased risk for prostate cancer
    - anxiety
    - depression
    - increased risk of heart attack
    - increased risk of stroke
    - hair loss
    - fatigue
    - weakening of tendons & ligaments
    - arthritis (arthralgia)
    - muscle pain (myalgia)
    - loss of appetite
    - calcification of bone

    Risks increase exponentially with age, length of cycle, choice of compounds, stacks, route of administration, proper cycling protocols, etc.)

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HandsumHustlaa View Post
    i understand the life altering effects , but it is not guaranteed to happen 100% .
    Says who? YOU?

  8. #48
    Lol really not a joke , maybe im just a bit less uneducated then most . . but alright whatever you guys say .. still continuing with cycle !

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Risks to consider from cycling anabolics (this an abbreviated list and applies largely to the "safer" esters):

    - increased red blood cells (which thickens your blood)
    - decreased HDL (good cholesterol)
    - increased hemoglobin
    - increased LDL (bad cholesterol)
    - hypertension (high blood pressure)
    - decreased libido
    - erectile dysfunction
    - water retention
    - increased risk for prostate cancer
    - anxiety
    - depression
    - increased risk of heart attack
    - increased risk of stroke
    - hair loss
    - fatigue
    - weakening of tendons & ligaments
    - arthritis (arthralgia)
    - muscle pain (myalgia)
    - loss of appetite
    - calcification of bone

    Risks increase exponentially with age, length of cycle, choice of compounds, stacks, route of administration, proper cycling protocols, etc.)
    Muscle, you know it isnt goingto work. I wish a milliontimes these threads would end good and we could say we did a great job and persuaded them. We did a good job, but they are smarter than us at that age. No one is willing to listen to advice from people who have already made the same mistakes they are about to do. This has done nothing but break my heart following this and I wishI hadnt even have opened it up. He will come backat you that that is 100% for everyone, yada ya, but what you guys are saying isthe absolute 100% truth. I hope yall can change one, but I got to get out of this one. For some reasone it isbothering me more than others. Just the ignorrance and the selfish, laziness of the kid. It is sad. Good luck with it, and let me knowthe turn out.

  10. #50
    Its sad to say , that i love more of the effect it has on me mentally . I just love the feeling of being on juice .. it feels like having a big S on your chest at a young age .

  11. #51
    Plenty of IFBB pro card holders @21-22 years old (anyone see jay cutler at 22yo ??).. How old do you they started using ?

    Being a bodybuilder is giving the middle finger to your health, be delusional all you ****ing want. Dont talk about health when you still will play with your hormones (including pct which when done constantly is not healthy).

    You talking health ? eat tiny amounts and walk for 1 hour/day.. dont kid your selfes nothing healthier about 4k calorie diets and mental/physical stress from a PCT

  12. #52
    thank you , most of them use anabolics at a young age and theyre in their 40-50s now ! Not dead yet !! still juicing as well !

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