I'm 31 and my wife agreed I get her preggo and I can try a cycle. Let me tell you what was recommended to me about pct and get your opinions.
my cycle
1-8 weeks
Test E 400mgs per week
1-4 weeks
Dbol 40mgs
2 weeks after last shot
ACG3 as preworkout, Milk Thistle during whole cycle and after as well.
That is the plan I decided after researching to follow.
Friend told me if i took clomid during the 8 week cycle i would not need to do anything after my last shot. I know he has been using gear for a while and says he never does a pct. Im just taking precautions.
Do I only take the clomid and nolva two weeks after my last shot for a month or am i supposed to take them during the cycle? Sorry for questions but I just want to do the least amount of damage to my body specially with a newborn on the way.