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  1. #1
    eazyduzit's Avatar
    eazyduzit is offline Associate Member
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    Looking for some good advices

    Hey people, as the title says.. I've been taking clen for the past week for the first time, and ive run into a bit of a brick wall.

    I've been training for god knows how long, dieting great so far, been losing 0.5k a week as planned. I'm 80kgs 6'0. Ive recently aquired some liquid clen, and been dosing up pretty quickly as it looks like my body can handle it (minimal side effects/if any) so far its been


    today it's 160 lol yes sounds dramatic but i havent had any problems, slight shakes, bit of cramps here and there nothing to worry about. Personally i dont think i should go any higher, but would it be worth a try seeing as though some people are buzzing of 80mcg and here i am sitting with 160 and only got a bit of jitters?

    My clen is liquid, purple colour sorta looks like liquiclen.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    side effects isnt the way to judge if your on a correct dose. That is how people have issues. Just because you arent getting alot of side effects doesnt mean its not working or that you can take to much and do some damage.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    eazyduzit's Avatar
    eazyduzit is offline Associate Member
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    I definitely know this, all i'm asking is that is this normal for some people what i'm going through? Should i stick to 160 or maybe take it back down to 140 and leave it there?

    Thing is, not even sure if it's working =/ Is there something i need to look out for? I cant check my blood pressure, don't have the machine

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i never go above 120mcg. the way your supposed to dose it to go by your body temp.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Ive never used more then 120mcg's either. Increased body temp and increased heart rate are what need to be monitored.

  6. #6
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    side effects isnt the way to judge if your on a correct dose. That is how people have issues. Just because you arent getting alot of side effects doesnt mean its not working or that you can take to much and do some damage.
    THANK YOU! I gave what I had to my cousin and told him to start at .20 @ 8AM and Noon. If he though he could handle it, go to .30 twice but no more than that. He came back at me a week later and said "this stuff is amazing!" "I havent eaten in 3 days!" He is wanting to lose weight, but come on, I said. You have to eat whether losing or bulking. Then he has the nuts to tell me that "I was wrong in my dosing. Another forum said to take 2 cc of this stuff." I texted him all night checking up and telling him to stop for a few days and start back up like I said. He thought you were supposed to "feel" it like you would a stimulant. So stupid to do. It was liqiClen. Just use it as experienced people say and no more. Thanks for clearing that up.

  7. #7
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eazyduzit View Post
    I definitely know this, all i'm asking is that is this normal for some people what i'm going through? Should i stick to 160 or maybe take it back down to 140 and leave it there?

    Thing is, not even sure if it's working =/ Is there something i need to look out for? I cant check my blood pressure, don't have the machine
    The machine will cost less than half of what the clen did I am sure. 19.99 at Walmart. Well worth the investment!

  8. #8
    eazyduzit's Avatar
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    I'm taking it back down to 140 tommorow and will invest in a heart rate machine and get back you guys in a few days! Thanks for the advices Cleared that up i was in the dark for a while. And lol at your cousin warmouth lucky u sorted him out before he hurt himself mate!

  9. #9
    eazyduzit's Avatar
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    Alright so i went and picked one up! so much for a few days.. lol

    My reading is 112 / 58 / 84bpm (I think the first one is blood pressure) I'll do it again tomorow and see where i'm at too, the beats per minute are pretty high imo

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You need to check your body temp!

    I gave advise with a heart rate monitor because you can see the difference from a normal resting heart rate to a clen heart rate. Plus if you run, or do alot of cardio like me, its a good tool to have.

  11. #11
    eazyduzit's Avatar
    eazyduzit is offline Associate Member
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    Yeh im logging it all now and everything seems fine Thanks for the input man

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