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Thread: More help please

  1. #1

    More help please

    Hey again, as I was saying yest I'm doing a sus deca and dbol course over 12weeks I'm coming off the dbol at the end of this week I pyramid it from the start 30mg a day 1st week 40mg 2nd 60 3rd then back down. My question is about winstrol and how and when to take it on your cycle recommended doses and times to take would be greatly appreciated?? I'm really just a newbe to all this and most of my info comes from 1 person a friend of mine.

  2. #2
    Last 6 weeks of cycle you would want to be taking winstrol and the doseage around 40-50mg/ed. That's presuming it's oral Winstrol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Winstrol is normally best at the backend of a cutting cycle...say the final 6-8wks. However, it's normally best not to run C17-aa steroids your entire cycle, which you would be doing if you added in Winstrol to this plan due to the Dianabol use at the beginning of the cycle. Just too much undue stress on the liver. Regardless of the form, oral or injectable Winstrol, both are C17-aa.

  4. #4
    So you think scrap the idea?? As I said I'm pretty new and open to ideas I was amature boxer for 10 years so cutting weight is not an issue but keeping a chiseled physique is??

  5. #5
    What are your stats ?

  6. #6
    26 6"2 100kg I don't know in pounds not sure about fat % but I'm not ripped or flabby. Hope that helps??

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrod086 View Post
    So you think scrap the idea?? As I said I'm pretty new and open to ideas I was amature boxer for 10 years so cutting weight is not an issue but keeping a chiseled physique is??
    You're doing plenty for first cycle. Keeping gains is going to be more dependent on your diet and training. Are you running an AI, HCG? Do you know about PCT? These also aid in keeping your gains.

  8. #8
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    ^^^^Agree with StPete, more than enough for a first time. AI, HCG, PCT??

  9. #9
    I have clomid & nolvadex but pregnol is a bit tricky to get your hands on in aust as the plant that used make it has shut down (well so I have been told) this is my 2nd cycle after my last I just did sus&deca put on 14kg and kept 8kg using Nolvadex & clomid. I know I sound impatient but just trying to find ways to mix it up and create new gains??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarrod086 View Post
    I have clomid & nolvadex but pregnol is a bit tricky to get your hands on in aust as the plant that used make it has shut down (well so I have been told) this is my 2nd cycle after my last I just did sus&deca put on 14kg and kept 8kg using Nolvadex & clomid. I know I sound impatient but just trying to find ways to mix it up and create new gains??
    then change your diet or work out not add new drugs. you are taking plenty for your cycle.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    I'm nearly positive I have my training in check my gym partner has been in the gym for 15 years we start a new program every 2-3 weeks so I'm not getting comfortable but he has never juiced (says he's afraid he'll like it too much) but he's in much better shape than me. A general day of food for me will consist of about 4 major meals a day 6am 2 poached eggs on rye bread an apple protein shake 9am 200g tuna with 200g veg 12pm 2 chicken n salad wraps with maybe 50-100g mixed nuts 3pm banana and protein 7pm usually a red meat veg and mashed sweet potato and a desert shake. Should I be increasing intake more carb or less or decreasing intake??

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