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Thread: Hello everyone

  1. #1
    CaptainZ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Hello everyone

    Well these products have been the most amazing that I have gotten. I have been working out for about 3 years now and lost a lot of weight but never really saw any gains and for the first time in after about a month my friends that I hadnt seen in that time commented about how much more muscle I have gained. I was at a bot 140 and now at about 160. I have tried HGH, d anbol and clen , kinda testing them to see how they reacted. Somethings that I noticed were i got really deepresed at random times. Not like I hated life or anything I would just randomly start crying after about 3 days though the symptoms whent away. For the first time in my life I feel like an athlet and my over all strength is increasesing. I havnt really noticed any other side effects right now. I manly have 2 questions, what could have causeed me to get deepresed? Also, I just got the growth homone stack and was wandering how you are supposed to take each of them? Thanks for the help everoyne these products have been awsome and I am going to keep track of everyhing that I do know to get my knew goal of 190 pounds and keep at about 6.6% body fat.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At 21 you are rolling the dice with your health.As for the crying that could mean your estro was high.Were you using a Ai? Did you do a pct after your cycle?Do you know wat these are?

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