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  1. #1
    punjabi_virus is offline New Member
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    First time steroid user

    Hi, Im just confused about steroids atm as i have read abt them a lot but i dnt know what to choose for the first time.
    my stats are- height- 176cm
    LBM- 61.80kg

    I wanna start a steroid cycle so this gonna be my first cyc. I have been advised to use test enthanate or propoinate for the first time for about 8 weeks. so my questions are-
    1) Shud i do a Test E cycle or Test Prop? and for how many weeks?
    2) Do i need a PCT after cycle?
    3) Will i able to recover my natural test levels? coz i dnt wanna **** up my sex life and wanna have babies in future
    4) how the cycle shud b done with minimum or no side effects?
    Advice will be much appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    At 22 you should not be taking anything except working in a nutrition and training plan. You will do more harm than good because your HTPA has not finished maturing and steroids will adversely effect you and your natural hormone cycle.

    The person giving you advice is clueless, moreover the questions you are asking indicates you have no knowledge of steroids. You are putting yourself at too great a risk right now. Develop your nutrition and training, spend time on here learning and in 3-4 years you can consider your first cycle.


  3. #3
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    You are 22 you will screw up your HTPA if you do a cycle. Please hear me on this, I was one of those that tried oral only cycles and test cycles before I was 25. Guess what?? Now I'm a TRT candidate at the age of 30. Sucks huh. Btw TRT is for life

    Running cycles are cool and easy when your young, but you pay for it when your older. Wait till you are 25 and get your diet in check before. diet and training your ass off will yield awesome results at your age.

  4. #4
    brettpaterson is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by punjabi_virus
    Hi, Im just confused about steroids atm as i have read abt them a lot but i dnt know what to choose for the first time.
    my stats are- height- 176cm
    LBM- 61.80kg

    I wanna start a steroid cycle so this gonna be my first cyc. I have been advised to use test enthanate or propoinate for the first time for about 8 weeks. so my questions are-
    1) Shud i do a Test E cycle or Test Prop? and for how many weeks?
    2) Do i need a PCT after cycle?
    3) Will i able to recover my natural test levels? coz i dnt wanna **** up my sex life and wanna have babies in future
    4) how the cycle shud b done with minimum or no side effects?
    Advice will be much appreciated. Thanks
    You have a lot of research to do my friend. I've even reading posts everyday for about 7 months now and still probably require another 7 months. Thisis stuff you're going to be injecting into your body, listen to the pros on here, they're just trying to lead you in the right direction. I'm sure some of them have started a young age and are giving you advice based on their own experience. Take their info seriously bud.

  5. #5
    BobTheBodyBuilder's Avatar
    BobTheBodyBuilder is offline Associate Member
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    whats up my punjabi friend. For now i would just continue eating my saag and roti and try to learn as much as i can on these forums.

    You should have several months of research before doing your first cycle.


  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with the above.

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    yup wait a few years. don't mess yourself up before youre finished growing naturally.

  8. #8
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I wont say anything about the age because I feel you should understand from the above posts. I hope you take them to heart. I will say that if you are confused about AAS, wait! Proper research on this site will steer you, and hopefully it will persuade you to wait a bit until you understand the effects on your body. It can cause long term damage, etc. Austinite has a good story for starting at an age that is too young if you wanted to hit him up. Reseach and understand before you do anything that alters your body and mind. Good luck!

  9. #9
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Everything above. You will thank everyone if you wait now.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Agreed. You'll be happy you waited.

  11. #11
    punjabi_virus is offline New Member
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    Thanks to all of you and im not gonna do any cycle now just wanted to let u know all that im doing IF(intermittent fasting) for abt 2 months now. do u guys have some advice on IF?

  12. #12
    imdevs28's Avatar
    imdevs28 is offline New Member
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    I completed my first cycle at 18yrs of age with no real guidance other then the "you'll be right" from my supplier haha. No pct's where even mentioned until my fourth cycle but i had never had any problems but i guess it's each to their own hey

  13. #13
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by imdevs28 View Post
    I completed my first cycle at 18yrs of age with no real guidance other then the "you'll be right" from my supplier haha. No pct's where even mentioned until my fourth cycle but i had never had any problems but i guess it's each to their own hey
    I dont see how this is good information for the OP or the relevance it has on helping him make an informed decision. Actually an insult to those trying to give him guidance.

  14. #14
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
    BlueWaffle21 is offline Senior Member
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    Wait a couple years man!

  15. #15
    AXx's Avatar
    AXx is offline AR's hose draggin' post whore~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by punjabi_virus
    Thanks to all of you and im not gonna do any cycle now just wanted to let u know all that im doing IF(intermittent fasting) for abt 2 months now. do u guys have some advice on IF?
    There are tons of threads in the nutrition section dedicated towards this.

    IF is good if done right. Go to nutrition section and res up. Also look at leangains dot com

  16. #16
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by imdevs28 View Post
    I completed my first cycle at 18yrs of age with no real guidance other then the "you'll be right" from my supplier haha. No pct's where even mentioned until my fourth cycle but i had never had any problems but i guess it's each to their own hey
    I would hold out a bit before giving ANY advice whatsoever. This forum gives educated information, unlike some of the "other" crappy forums you cango and hear what you want to hear. And to the OP, I personally like IF, and if done right, you can experience gains or loss. I sort of have my own spin on it, and it works ok for me. Now at the moment, I am eating everything in site in order to "bulk up". Good luck and good choice in waiting abit.

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