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Thread: On TRT, overusing dosage for gains... But am I at a plateau now?

  1. #1
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    On TRT, overusing dosage for gains... But am I at a plateau now?

    Here are my stats.

    Height:6' 1"

    Around 400mg every 10 days for the last 2 months, gained almost 20 lbs weight and bf has gone down 1 or 2% I am around 10% now.

    I feel like every time after I work out, the next day or so I don't really feel sore. Is that because I am on TRT, or am I not working out hard enough to cause soreness? I feel like I am adding more weight, and more sets. But I only get a small amount of tightness / slight soreness. Should I always be getting sore to expect gains?

    Thanks in advance for any answers to this.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    Here are my stats.

    Height:6' 1"

    Around 400mg every 10 days for the last 2 months, gained almost 20 lbs weight and bf has gone down 1 or 2% I am around 10% now.

    I feel like every time after I work out, the next day or so I don't really feel sore. Is that because I am on TRT, or am I not working out hard enough to cause soreness? I feel like I am adding more weight, and more sets. But I only get a small amount of tightness / slight soreness. Should I always be getting sore to expect gains?

    Thanks in advance for any answers to this.
    How long have you been working out. The soreness is something that normally goes away for the most part after your body becomes accustomed to the lifts. It's a feeling that I fgrow to miss. You can always change up your routine some and target muscles from different angles or mix up your routine.

  3. #3
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    I have worked out off and on for over 20 years now, never been big, or concidered muscular. But now I have become more seriously for about the last year to 8 months. Progressively more serious, starting out slow, then gaining traction and adding in more sets and weight as time goes on. But when I started on the Test C, I progressed at an amazing rate, and I feel like I work out a little more than I use to and don't get that soreness. At the beginning of taking Test C I was a bit sore, but now hardly at all. I try new angles more weights, and nothing is really giving me that soreness. So in my mind I am thinking I am not going to gain if my muscles aren't tearing down so they can be built back up. Is this part of what is happening, am I not challenging myself hard enough?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What is your normal TRT dosage and protocol out of curiousity? You went from mid 150's to 174 which is nicely done. Also, you'd do better splitting the dose in half and injecting it every 3.5 days for more stable levels, hence better gains if diet/training are on target. Are you on an AI?

    Other than the above, what Lunk said.

  5. #5
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    So I was prescribed the normal Testosterone Cypionate 10ml 200mg/ml and it said on the script 10qty. He initially injected 400mg for day 1, a shot from his own vial at his office, before I got my script, then after I picked up my script and had my insurance cover it, I was told to inject 2cc or 200mg once every 2 weeks, I inject them myself no problems. Now I know this is on the low side, but I see his reasoning. I was also prescribed arimidex after I complained a bit about the sore nipples 3 weeks into it, although I only was taking .25 every other day for about a week, the stuff kept me wide awake I could not sleep on it. So I stopped it, and about a week and half after the sore nipples went away on their own... not sure why.Probably because I was on the high/low side of the scale... 300 on my test. Now I currently don't have free testosterone numbers with me, and don't remember them unfortunately.

    So the day he gave me the first shot, I weighed 154, and my wifi withings scale said I was around 8-10% bf I usually add 2% over, that thing can't be really trusted, especially when I see the bit of fat around my waist. Now over the past year before all this TRT, I put myself on a strict diet with all the trimmings greens, proteins, and eating 6 times a day. I also did an average of 4-5 day cardio run of only around 2-3 miles, and some working out. So the weight came off from 183-152 at my lowest, this was over a 3 1/2 month period. So I felt great somewhat but I knew I lost muscle with this, I looked pretty skinny at this point.

    So my weight on July 2nd day of my first shot was 154, as of today I am 174, and the withings scale says 7%bf. I was still running a bit, but less only 3 times a week at around 2 miles, and I started lifting... Not crazy lifting but lifting to the point of getting sore each time, not anymore though. So thats why I am wondering what I am doing wrong, I pin about 350mg to 400mg once every 10 days, I am not splittling it up. But sounds like I should. I think my body being skinny at the time responded really well to any dose of Testosterone at that point so I made quick gains. But now, I feel like I have plateaued. Apologize for the long read.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    I have worked out off and on for over 20 years now, never been big, or concidered muscular. But now I have become more seriously for about the last year to 8 months. Progressively more serious, starting out slow, then gaining traction and adding in more sets and weight as time goes on. But when I started on the Test C, I progressed at an amazing rate, and I feel like I work out a little more than I use to and don't get that soreness. At the beginning of taking Test C I was a bit sore, but now hardly at all. I try new angles more weights, and nothing is really giving me that soreness. So in my mind I am thinking I am not going to gain if my muscles aren't tearing down so they can be built back up. Is this part of what is happening, am I not challenging myself hard enough?
    Well a plateau really has nothing to do with the feeling of soreness after you lift. It sounds like you are growing and if your lifts are getting better then you have not plateaud. Try drop sets, burnouts lifts that you normally don't do. If you really want that soreness back have one of the guys at the gym kick ya in the

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    So I was prescribed the normal Testosterone Cypionate 10ml 200mg/ml and it said on the script 10qty. He initially injected 400mg for day 1, a shot from his own vial at his office, before I got my script, then after I picked up my script and had my insurance cover it, I was told to inject 2cc or 200mg once every 2 weeks, I inject them myself no problems. Now I know this is on the low side, but I see his reasoning. I was also prescribed arimidex after I complained a bit about the sore nipples 3 weeks into it, although I only was taking .25 every other day for about a week, the stuff kept me wide awake I could not sleep on it. So I stopped it, and about a week and half after the sore nipples went away on their own... not sure why.Probably because I was on the high/low side of the scale... 300 on my test. Now I currently don't have free testosterone numbers with me, and don't remember them unfortunately.

    So the day he gave me the first shot, I weighed 154, and my wifi withings scale said I was around 8-10% bf I usually add 2% over, that thing can't be really trusted, especially when I see the bit of fat around my waist. Now over the past year before all this TRT, I put myself on a strict diet with all the trimmings greens, proteins, and eating 6 times a day. I also did an average of 4-5 day cardio run of only around 2-3 miles, and some working out. So the weight came off from 183-152 at my lowest, this was over a 3 1/2 month period. So I felt great somewhat but I knew I lost muscle with this, I looked pretty skinny at this point.

    So my weight on July 2nd day of my first shot was 154, as of today I am 174, and the withings scale says 7%bf. I was still running a bit, but less only 3 times a week at around 2 miles, and I started lifting... Not crazy lifting but lifting to the point of getting sore each time, not anymore though. So thats why I am wondering what I am doing wrong, I pin about 350mg to 400mg once every 10 days, I am not splittling it up. But sounds like I should. I think my body being skinny at the time responded really well to any dose of Testosterone at that point so I made quick gains. But now, I feel like I have plateaued. Apologize for the long read.
    Don't run 350 OR 400 mg. Pick one and stay consistant. Keeping blood levels level is important which is why you also should inject every 3.5 days. Will one a week or 10 days work yes, but you will have highs and lowes which is not good.

  8. #8
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    ^^^ I agree. Why don't we take a look at your routine?

  9. #9
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    Ha, yeah that will do it!

    I have been trying a few different things for a week or so. But still nothing, but I will maybe ad on a few more sets and see how that goes. Just amazing how this stuff can really change your body. I have never looked or felt this good my entire life, and I had to wait till almost 40 to get there. Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate it. I am new to this board, and thinking its gonna be a regular site for me to check in on now. Again, much respect!

  10. #10
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    The days change sometimes because of work schedule and timing. Also sometimes the routines or sets are more, or one less. But here is generally what I do. Also, I been trying new things to sort of surprise my muscles and get them use to the same routine.

    Monday: Chest

    • 2 sets Bench press warm up
    • 3 sets Bench press
    • 3 sets Incline bench press
    • 3 sets machine pulley system flyes
    • 4 sets pushups 45 - 50 each

    Tuesday: Cardio

    • May just run 2-3 miles and walk 1.

    Wednesday: Back

    • 3 sets Back extensions
    • 3 sets One arm dumbbell rows
    • 3 sets Deadlifts
    • 3 sets Pullups

    Thursday: Legs

    • 2 sets Squats warm up
    • 4 sets Squats
    • 3 sets Leg press

    Friday:Shoulders I may swap these to Tuesday sometimes.

    • 3 sets Standing Low Pulley Deltoid raise
    • 3 sets Lateral Dumbbell raises
    • 3 sets Dumbbell shrugs
    • 3 sets Upright Rows
    • 3 sets Military press

    Saturday: Arms
    • 2 sets Barbell curls warm up
    • 3 sets Barbell curls heavy
    • 3 sets Triceps pushdowns with rope
    • 3 sets Skull Crushers
    • 3 sets Triceps kickbacks

  11. #11
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    I am nearly 40 as well and have only been doing this (juice for a cpl years) and I agree. 40 is the new 20!!! Stick around man...plenty a good ppl and GREAT info and a few laughs

  12. #12
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    I just don't know how I will be able to continue the TRT, with the higher dosage. Gonna run out then I am sure doc won't prescribe more, so I will be screwed unless I come up with something. I would love to continue, or cycle if possible.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    I just don't know how I will be able to continue the TRT, with the higher dosage. Gonna run out then I am sure doc won't prescribe more, so I will be screwed unless I come up with something. I would love to continue, or cycle if possible.
    Back when my endo would prescribe 2 10ml vials with 4-5 refills I would do what you're doing. I'd run short minicycles for 6 weeks or so and then drop back the dose before I went back in to see him once a year. Since he now wants me to come in twice a year and the pharmacy only carries 5ml vials that's no longer an option. I made really good gains for quite a few years on the short cycles. Never needed adex on TRT dosages.

  14. #14
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    Gone fishing......

  15. #15
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    I would be happy to have that situation, I ran the first 10ml vial and toward the end told him I accidentally broke it, so he prescribed another. But I can only use that excuse once. I have 9/10 of a vial left and not sure what to do about getting another somehow... Ideas? Wish I had refills, It says on vial 30 day supply. That is weird right, especially when I am supposed to do 200mg every other week... That would be like 5 months.

  16. #16
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    I understand what you mean.
    Last edited by Choicethird; 09-08-2012 at 10:06 PM.

  17. #17
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    well there is no fishing so edit your posts.
    And you shouldnt be using the amount that is for your trt for a cycle. you are going to have issues when you run out and crash because it isnt time for a refill.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Idea would be to drop back to your TRT dose, or I'd suggest even less to stretch it out as long as possible. Maybe 100mg per week would be a good number. You were prescribed "2cc or 200mg every two weeks." Two different things there. 1cc = 200mg if it's 200mg per ml. At least your doc is prescribing you an ample amount giving you wiggle room. 9/10th of a vial can last a long time on a normal TRT dosage. But yours it not normal. And your doc doesn't understand the half life of test but at least he prescribes it as well as an AI if needed. What about HCG?

  19. #19
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    Im Perscribed 200mg (1 injection) every 2 weeks, 1cc.
    So I would have to do .5cc every week or 100mg a week. That starts getting low, not enough to really get much from. But atleast I would be making up for the loss of natural testosterone loss in the first place, hopefully.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
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    You'll be fine. My normal trt dose is 60 mg every 3.5 days and I run around 1300 serum level and top of the chart Free T. You just can't/shouldn't do the amount you've been doing all the time. Fine tune diet and training!

  21. #21
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    That is great being that high up. My levels were just at the bottom of 300 when I first started TRT. So about to get them tested here soon again, to see where they are at. My diet is pretty strict and on, I just hope I continue to gain without the feelings of not being sore like I use to. I always had that in my head, that if you are sore, even a bit, that you trained to a point where it broke down enough muscle tissue to rebuild later. So maybe after all, this isn't necessarily true.

  22. #22
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    One more time...if you are gaining strength and size you have NOT hit the wall! If it's working keep plugging away!!!

  23. #23
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    Well the past 2-3 weeks, I haven't seen much size difference. Could be in my mind but It just doesn't seem like much change, that is when I started thinking maybe that is why I am not sore. But my weight has gone up about 4-5lbs since then so something is happening. I know I tend to over think it, but you are right... I will keep pluggin away and not worry about the muscles not feeling sore. Hey I want to say no pain, no gain, but can't. Thanks Lunk1.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    Well the past 2-3 weeks, I haven't seen much size difference. Could be in my mind but It just doesn't seem like much change, that is when I started thinking maybe that is why I am not sore. But my weight has gone up about 4-5lbs since then so something is happening. I know I tend to over think it, but you are right... I will keep pluggin away and not worry about the muscles not feeling sore. Hey I want to say no pain, no gain, but can't. Thanks Lunk1.
    Good luck man...keep us posted. There is a place for before and after pics if you are interested in posting.

  25. #25
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    Hey guys, ok still running 400 mg week and I am feeling and seeing no difference in size or weight my bf has dropped another 1% but I feel the gains have plateaued. Has this happened to anyone at week 10 11?
    Again I started my injections low the first few weeks like 300 every 10 days then slowly worked up to 400- 450 every week now. 2 weeks ago is when I started 400mg every 7 days. But I feel like there has been no growth. My protien intake is high and diet is good. So I am wondering if you have any ideas of what may be going on at this point. Should I just push through and lift more with lower reps higher sets? Or just do a complete switch up?
    Thanks guys for any responses.

  26. #26
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    Hey guys, ok still running 400 mg week and I am feeling and seeing no difference in size or weight my bf has dropped another 1% but I feel the gains have plateaued. Has this happened to anyone at week 10 11?
    Again I started my injections low the first few weeks like 300 every 10 days then slowly worked up to 400- 450 every week now. 2 weeks ago is when I started 400mg every 7 days. But I feel like there has been no growth. My protien intake is high and diet is good. So I am wondering if you have any ideas of what may be going on at this point. Should I just push through and lift more with lower reps higher sets? Or just do a complete switch up?
    Thanks guys for any responses.
    Diet. It needs to be fixed. Protein intake is important, but there are other factors that have to come into play. Have you calculated your TDEE and upped your calories?

  27. #27
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    To a point I have, in the past I used dailyburn to understand the whole principle of intake energy expenditure, I thought I knew. But it wasn't until I really kept a journal of what I ate and calculated the amount of energy I burned, is when I could see the stats and understand the balance.

    I still do the same thing without using dailyburn. I don't eat processed foods, mainly meat and greens. Eggs in the morning with raspberries Turkey and slice of cheese for snack or lunch, Veggies, some fruits before and after exercise, alot of chicken throughout. All while drinking protein shakes of about 50g per serving with less than 10g carbs. I take stacks of amino acids the Animal Pak, all the Omegas as well as snacking on 15g protein bars with only low carbs in them.

    So I am sure the protein is there, and using the withings body scale, it tells me in general what my bf is although I know it is off 10% of the time. By using it constantly I can use an average and tell what I am close to. As well as using body measurements.

    By all means I am not a professional in any of these categories, I have only some knowledge and throughout the years read a great deal and wanted to look better and feel better. I went from no working out weighing 215 then cycling, jogging, not eating correctly, and losing about 25lbs. Then I finally started to job every day, and eating correctly but cutting out a great deal of carbs and got down to 152. I am 6'1" and I have always been sort of skinny with a belly. The worst kind of look there is. But I was skinny without the belly and feeling good. Problem is I lost muscles, and was just a rail. After starting TRT and using 300mg every 10 days for a month then going up to 400 a week I have gone up to 175 and lost about 2-3% bf but it has stayed the same for a while now.... wondering what I am missing here.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choicethird View Post
    To a point I have, in the past I used dailyburn to understand the whole principle of intake energy expenditure, I thought I knew. But it wasn't until I really kept a journal of what I ate and calculated the amount of energy I burned, is when I could see the stats and understand the balance.

    I still do the same thing without using dailyburn. I don't eat processed foods, mainly meat and greens. Eggs in the morning with raspberries Turkey and slice of cheese for snack or lunch, Veggies, some fruits before and after exercise, alot of chicken throughout. All while drinking protein shakes of about 50g per serving with less than 10g carbs. I take stacks of amino acids the Animal Pak, all the Omegas as well as snacking on 15g protein bars with only low carbs in them.

    So I am sure the protein is there, and using the withings body scale, it tells me in general what my bf is although I know it is off 10% of the time. By using it constantly I can use an average and tell what I am close to. As well as using body measurements.

    By all means I am not a professional in any of these categories, I have only some knowledge and throughout the years read a great deal and wanted to look better and feel better. I went from no working out weighing 215 then cycling, jogging, not eating correctly, and losing about 25lbs. Then I finally started to job every day, and eating correctly but cutting out a great deal of carbs and got down to 152. I am 6'1" and I have always been sort of skinny with a belly. The worst kind of look there is. But I was skinny without the belly and feeling good. Problem is I lost muscles, and was just a rail. After starting TRT and using 300mg every 10 days for a month then going up to 400 a week I have gone up to 175 and lost about 2-3% bf but it has stayed the same for a while now.... wondering what I am missing here.
    Go over to the nutrition section and let gbrice and 405 critique your diet. I'll follow you over there because I am interested in hearing their advice. Start a new thread there and post EXACTLY what you eat, drink, what time you eat, etc... and ask for critique.

  29. #29
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    Switch to 200mg every 3.5 days (Monday Night & Friday Morning or Monday Morning & Thursday Night)
    If you can add HCG to your TRT
    Increase your caloric intake with real food, you need to be in a caloric surplus to gain weight.
    Also, make sure that you are getting enough rest, the body needs sleep to grow.

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