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  1. #1
    Ole kristian's Avatar
    Ole kristian is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation realy hig cholestrol level, help!

    i did read my bloodtest wrong, not cholesterol level but ck and asat level

    hey. i got my bloodtest yesterday and it had some bad result. my doctor recomanded me to stop injectons. what do you think?

    my S-asat was 85 U/L and recomanded is less than 45 U/L
    s-ck was 3738 U/L and recomanded is less than 400 U/L!!

    didnt find much about asat but this i what i found on CK

    What does the test result mean?
    A high CK, or one that goes up from the first to the second or later samples, generally indicates that there has been some damage to the heart or other muscles. It can also indicate that your muscles have experienced heavy use.

    im 3 weeks in my cycle.

    some info that could be relevant.


    before cycle 67.7kg
    3 weeks in cycle 76kg

    traning history:
    been lifting for 4 years (not profesjonal)

    9 week cycle
    1 week 200mg/ml testosterone only and 4 weeks with all steroids listed under, and 4 last weeks with 2x the testosterone level under combined with same dosage of tren and deca as the 4 weeks before.


    trenbolone acetate 150 mg/ml (once a week)
    testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml (once a week)
    nandrolone decanoate 200mg/ml (once a week

    goal = gain as much as posible, this is my first and last cycle. just want som help reacing 85kg.

    food and supplements
    about >4000 calories
    2.5x recomanded protein for my age and weigth
    vitamine, minerals and omega 3,6,9 as recomanded for an average man.

    exersice 5 days a week

    im reading this forum up and down for any answers but i just had to put one post in my self with my situation more detailed

    sorry bad english
    Last edited by Ole kristian; 09-09-2012 at 07:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Ole kristian's Avatar
    Ole kristian is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Never had any cholesterol problems related to AAS/HRT what the heck are you eating????

    Many protein powders contain cholesterol so watch those

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    high ck levels is normal for people that work out
    steroids will effect your cholesterol
    And yes you should stop. Your 2 young and thats a bad first cycle
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Ole kristian's Avatar
    Ole kristian is offline Junior Member
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    why is it bad?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    your not using the tren correctly
    your using tren and deca
    just to start
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Ole kristian's Avatar
    Ole kristian is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    your not using the tren correctly
    your using tren and deca
    just to start
    What is wrong with that?

    I dont know so much about this. I got it from a friend who have been using steroids for 4 years.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ole kristian

    What is wrong with that?

    I dont know so much about this. I got it from a friend who have been using steroids for 4 years.
    That's exactly WHY you need to stop. You have no idea what you're doing. Now your blood work is screwed up an you want to know what's wrong!?!

    You don't know how to use steroids and likely have no idea about the risks. That is absolutely senseless. If your friend stood in front of a moving train or told you it was a good idea, would you do that too!?!

    The problem with your blood work should be a warning to you. Next time you may not get a warning and just may end up in a hospital or worse!

  9. #9
    Ole kristian's Avatar
    Ole kristian is offline Junior Member
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    Cant someone just help me instead of tell me to quit?
    I Know that steroids have many side effect, i dont know so much about the psychological side effect but i have been trying to learn as much about steroids as posible the 2 month before i started my cycle.

    I would not stay in front of a train if some one told me, but i have been i contact with alot of people that he have been helping up in weigth and none of them have had any problems, They just gained alot of weigth in short time.

    I have been looking up the ck level and it looks like its normal to have it realy hig then building mucles, but ill talk to my doctor about it as fast as i can.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    read about 19nors and the effect they have. Now you are using 2
    tren a is fast acting. And one of the strongest with most side effects. Its a short ester and your injecting once a week. Your hormone levels will be all over.
    Your not using anything for estrogen or progesterone

    what you are injecting has long term effect besides jsut the time you are on the cycle. Stop what you are doing
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ole kristian
    Cant someone just help me instead of tell me to quit?
    I Know that steroids have many side effect, i dont know so much about the psychological side effect but i have been trying to learn as much about steroids as posible the 2 month before i started my cycle.

    I would not stay in front of a train if some one told me, but i have been i contact with alot of people that he have been helping up in weigth and none of them have had any problems, They just gained alot of weigth in short time.

    I have been looking up the ck level and it looks like its normal to have it realy hig then building mucles, but ill talk to my doctor about it as fast as i can.
    Stopping IS the best advice. I'm not trying to give you a hard time brother, but at 21 your body isn't ready to be shut down and you need to spend more time learning about proper cycles and effects. The "learn as you go" approach to steroids can be dangerous and deadly.

  12. #12
    AZGOLDSMEMBER86's Avatar
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    Diet , cardio , train hard , use basic supps , BOOM!

  13. #13
    Ole kristian's Avatar
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    Been doing that for 4 years and just gained about 4 kg, i have always had a problem with gaining weigth, what ever i do i just get super fit, nothing more. I eat as an idiot and have never got above 70 kg before now. If it only was that easy.

  14. #14
    Ole kristian's Avatar
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    One of the fist thing i came over about 19-nor

    "Never combine nandrolone and trenboone in the same cycle."

    Great. I thought my friend had knowlege about this stuff.

    Would it be better if i just quit the tren or the deca ? I realy dont want to give this all up, been working my ass all summer to pay for all this and i realy love my progress! I just dont want to get back to there i was, i feel like a king! For the first time in my life i feel good about my own body size, i feel like a normal person i size. Hah yes i got some self immage problems, and its some psycological reasons for that... I would not try this out if i did se another way to solve my self immage problems.

  15. #15
    breakbones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    high ck levels is normal for people that work out
    steroids will effect your cholesterol
    And yes you should stop. Your 2 young and thats a bad first cycle

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