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Thread: only testosterone cycle?

  1. #1

    only testosterone cycle?

    is it same if you for 600mg cyp or 600mg enath week?
    for 12 weeks,is it good cycle guys?
    what about it all same?

  2. #2
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    Basically the same. I prefer E of the two on long cycles and use prop for shorter ones.

  3. #3
    AXx's Avatar
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  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    First cycle test only go with the E

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I've interchanged both once. In fact, it was on my first ever cycle. First 5 weeks or so of the cycle was Cypionate and last 5 weeks I used Enanthate. Cypionate and Enanthate esters are very similar.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I've interchanged both once. In fact, it was on my first ever cycle. First 5 weeks or so of the cycle was Cypionate and last 5 weeks I used Enanthate. Cypionate and Enanthate esters are very similar.
    Yup, you wont notice a different in the two. I've done the same.

  7. #7
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    Cyp has a longer half-life than enanthate, but not much. For a 12-week cycle, both of them would be equally good. However, enanthate is probably the most popular ester, and therefore the most widely available and maybe a little cheaper. Personally I would go with enanthate.

    If this is your first cycle, 500mg/week is plenty. No need to take 600. I doubt the extra 100mg per week would lead to a substantial increase in gains, but it may increase the side effects, and if it's your first time you want to see how the sides effect you at a moderate dose before you go above 400-500mg/week. I think you will be very satisfied with your gains on a 12-week test e cycle at 500mg/week.

    As far as brands, no they are not all the same. Test cyp is always test cyp, but otherwise different brands can offer very different levels of quallity. You have three basic categories of brands: Human grade, veterinary grade, and gear made in an underground lab.

    - Human grade gear is very expensive, harder to get, often counterfeited, but obviously the best quality. If you have the money and a reliable source, I'd go for human-grade every time.

    - Veterinary grade has similar quality standards to human grade, but is significantly cheaper. I don't know about these days, but a few years ago the most common vet-grade stuff came out of Mexico. IMO, vet grade is a good alternative to human-grade if you want to save some money.

    - Finally there is gear from underground labs, or UGL's. As you can imagine, UGL's are dicey, the quality of gear is questionable, but the availability is very high and the price very low. In years past, UGL gear was not very popular because of the risks associated with it. However, in the past few years it seems to have become the most popular source for gear in the BB community as dozens of labs have cropped up and quality has incrased. With UGL gear, the key is finding a brand with an excellent reputation. Some brands are underdosed and poorly made in unsterile facilities, and have caused many BB's deep-tissue infections which are dangerous and very painful to treat. That's why getting to know members of multiple AAS and BB boards is crucial. Find out who's using what, what's good, and what are the most popular brands. On many boards, including this one, talking about UGL's is permitted (although talking about the sources themselves is NOT), and usually has a dedicated forum. These forums are excellent places to research the best brands and find out the quality of what's going around at any given time. If you do your research, UGL's offer the cheapest gear on the market, and many labs make an excellent, potent & sterile product. The key is to find out which ones these are, and then find a reliable source that stocks them. Again, networking on reputable message boards like this one is crucial. Get to know the veterans, moderators, and those who contribute a lot to the board in the form of helpful posts.

    If you were looking for specific brand names, I'm not going to list them, because that information is easy to find - for human grade, Google is your best source. For vet grade, I'm not too sure, but Google is no doubt a good starting place. For UGL's, the UGL discussion forum on this board and others is the best resource to find the most popular brands and read reviews. In the end, it's your decision as to which type of gear to buy. Obviously, human grade is the best choice, but there's a reason people use UGL's so much these days - the best labs provide safe, high-quality product at an excellent price. UGL gear is also much easier to source these days. Like I said earlier, if you can afford it and have a reliable source, go for human grade because it's the best and safest. Otherwise, do your research and UGL gear can prove to be an excellent, affordable option.

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by TOkidd; 09-10-2012 at 09:18 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Great response TO

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Great response TO
    Thanks dude. I hope the OP finds it helpful.

  10. #10
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    What is your ai?
    Are you going to run hcg?
    What is your PCT protocol?

  11. #11
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    What are some typical prices that you've come across for the human and vet grade test e? Are the vials you've seen typically 10ml?

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedauser View Post
    What are some typical prices that you've come across for the human and vet grade test e? Are the vials you've seen typically 10ml?
    you may not discuss prices.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    you may not discuss prices.
    Still learning the rules here

  14. #14
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    We have them so everyone can read them.But no one does they seem to lean by breaking them.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    We have them so everyone can read them.But no one does they seem to lean by breaking them.
    Wow.....strike 2. The last post was about sources then about prices.

    Maybe before new members get access they should be required to pass a test on the rules. Lol.

  16. #16
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    Srike 2? Well, I didn't ask for a specific price of what he can get them for. Just some averages so that's not totally fair.

    And the source one isn't a strike because I didn't ask for one or look for one. Just made a comment that I don't have one.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedauser View Post
    Srike 2? Well, I didn't ask for a specific price of what he can get them for. Just some averages so that's not totally fair.

    And the source one isn't a strike because I didn't ask for one or look for one. Just made a comment that I don't have one.
    Just read the rules. Any source talk is considered Fishing, which is also against the rules. We know you're looking for a source and this is not a source board. Just read the rules please.

  18. #18
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    I don't trust anyone saying they have goods just because they say they have them but that's besides the point.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ineedauser
    Srike 2? Well, I didn't ask for a specific price of what he can get them for. Just some averages so that's not totally fair.

    And the source one isn't a strike because I didn't ask for one or look for one. Just made a comment that I don't have one.
    Ok, semantics.

    Not trying to bust your chops, but it's very common for people to ignore the rules and jump right in. People come here enthusiastic to learn and absorb as much info as possible to achieve some fitness or aesthetic goal.

    I won't argue with you about how or what you said, but asking about prices and implying you have no source is as close to a rule violation as it comes. We're all trying to keep things as above board as possible, for everyone's interest and benefit. Yours included.

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