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  1. #1
    Arpan is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Second Cycle : Need Advice

    I am planning to start my second cycle after 1.5 years ..
    Stats are . I am 28 year Old..
    Weight 79 Kg/ 174 Pounds . Body Fat 11%
    Height 5 11
    Target is Body fat 8-9% and few pounds of Lean Muscle gain..

    I am lifting from past 7-8 years.. Serious from Last 4 years ..

    First Cycle was test / deca cycle for 10 weeks . That time I was with limited knowledge and I regret that. Gained Lot of Muscles that time but Lost half of them in few months after cycle.. But I have made decent progress without cycle in last 6 months..

    Now my Plan is

    test Ethanthate 500 Mg per week ( 250 mg twice a week ) For 12 Weeks
    deca 400 Mg per week ( 200 mg twice a week ) for 10 weeks

    PCT 2 weeks after last test Shot Nolvadex and clomid

    Now my Concerns are :-

    1. I have Hair fall Problem , though last cycle I actually had no hair fall in cycle and it went smooth.. But as precautionary measure should I include Finastride?

    2. I experienced severe Acne on back last time.. Can I do something to prevent it this time?

    3. I experienced heavy Bloat on my face.. What could be done to prevent it..
    Last time I tried with Arimidex 1 mg ever 3-4 days.. I only get minimum of 1 mg in Arimidex here.. What should be my dosage of Arimidex? I dont wanna over do it because my leg Joints are weak and thats the reason I included deca .
    Should I go with Arimidex or letrozole ?

    Should I include Cabergoline or Bromocriptine at what Dosages?

    Should Proviron be include in it?

    And last should I include HCG in this cycle ?

    I want to safe guard against any Shut down problems arising later on ? And Any views to tackle Deca Dick??

    I workout 4 days a week 1.5 hours.. Should I increase my workout?

    I know question is Big but I will be obliged

  2. #2
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    Your cycle looks good. In regards to your concerns:

    1. If you didn't have problems with hair loss the first time around, there's a good chance you won't this time either. Finasteride is known to prevent hair loss when taking test, but it does have worrisome side effects. I would do some heavy reading and decide whether you're prepared for the possible side effects.

    2. For acne, check out this thread:

    3. I think you'll just have to deal with it. Why don't you buy a pill splitter from the pharmacy (or use a knife) and cut your A-dex pills in half. Now you can take less mg more often. This might help with the bloat. Deca is well-known for causing moon face.

    4. I don't think you need either of these compounds unless you had problems with progesterone gyno in your first cycle. Just keep the A-dex dosing on point (0.5mg EOD is sufficient, although some members may recommend you take less), and take vitamin B6 daily (this is supposed to help with progesterone gyno and is an extremely important supplement besides, helping your body to metabolize protein, fat, carbs).

    5. If you're worried about hair loss, why would you take Proviron , which is a DHT preparation? If you were going to add any orals, I'd go for six weeks of D-bol (30-40mg/day) at the beginning of your cycle.

    6. Yes. 250IU twice weekly during your cycle, upping the dosage to 500IU twice weekly for the two weeks after you stop taking test, but before you start your PCT. Stop the HCG when you begin PCT. I've done tons of reading on HCG, and this is the most popular regimen.

    Taking HCG and a proper PCT protocol should prevent any shut-down problems later, but it's always a risk when taking AAS. Deca dick shouldn't be a factor if you're taking test. Post your workout plan in the lifting technique forum and see if it can be improved.

    I'm not an AAS vet, but I hope my advice is helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Deca retains water and so does longer Test esters. Not a huge amount of water but more than short esters. If your first cycle was 1.5 years ago. I'd just do another Test cycle. If you don't like bloat run a Test Prop cycle. You have to jab more often but there is less bloat. As for the acne? Acne just stinks all the way around. I got heavy acne on my first cycle too. The topical seems to work for acne with a head but the "nodules" are another story. I have lumps under my skin that resists washing in general. The only thing I found that works is accutane. Yeah, it's not good for you but that's just the solution that I found works for me.

  4. #4
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Jun 2012
    Test only and you should be good to go. Try and get some Test P and give it a go. Make sure you re read the stickys and adjust AI and PCT to the correct amounts. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Arpan is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Thanks a lot.. I was little scared for Deca Dick .. .. I thought of including Caber to fight Bloat and Deca Dick.. As per what I read in forum.. People adviced including Caber with Deca to offset Prolactin and Progesterone effects ..
    Should I start HCG from week 1 itself or wait few weeks?

    Its more a cutting cycle for me . But I am including Deca because of Joint relief !! Or Should someone Suggest anything else?

    I will share my results .. Here is my latest pics .. Lets see where I progress from this Click image for larger version. 

Name:	62bc5924e63511e1b5561231380f91a6_7.jpg 
Views:	777 
Size:	146.7 KB 
ID:	126414Click image for larger version. 

Name:	d3fd800af91711e186fe22000a1de753_7.jpg 
Views:	875 
Size:	65.7 KB 
ID:	126415

  6. #6
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Apr 2011
    Southern Ontario
    HCG from week 1 if possible, though many say you can wait until week 4. Still, it's best to get it started early and keep it going throughout. Test / Deca is an excellent, synergistic combo IMO. I would definitely stick with the test / deca combo, and not just go with test as some others are advising. You've done the combo before, know what to expect, so you should be good to go. I don't think the water retention is all that bad. The A-dex keeps it under control, and if you can't deal with a little bloat, then maybe you should lay of the gear and stick with creatine. I would think acne and hair loss are more worrisome than a little excess water.

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