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Thread: Synthol

  1. #1
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    What do u guys think of sensible and calculated Synthol use in a genetically lagging body part with no exaggeration and crazy stuff just (Tricep long head) where it will give some arm size without beeing obvious. And by the way I'm not talking for pro bb or fitness modeling just for so working out all their life with a cycle a year.
    Opinions please !!!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
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    Synthol just grosses me out. The very idea...

    If you're lacking in certain areas then it's probably time to reevaluate training habits/routine.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    There are no short cuts. Work. Put your time in. Change it if it isn't working..

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    There are no short cuts. Work. Put your time in. Change it if it isn't working..

  5. #5
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Personally, I am not a fan of synthol or any related product. And if you're not a pro, why would you even consider it (although I think pros using the stuff is also wrong and has led to a new generation of absolutely freakish looking monsters)? I think taking synthol to improve a weak area is going too far, especially for someone you doesn't make their living as a body builder. I don't mean to criticize or offend you, but you have to learn to be happy with your physique if you know you've done everything reasonable to develop it. It's one thing to take AAS, but I worry that synthol injections are an possible indication of an unhealthy body image, and need to obtain perfection (which is impossible, of course). I would just focus on weak-point training and forget the synthol.

    Perhaps I'm the wrong guy to ask. I'm sure other board members will disagree with me, and you'll probably want to hear from them.


  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I was agreeing with you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I was agreeing with you.
    I agreed 1st. I win

  8. #8
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Guy at my gym (i don't know him) has tried this and the large red bump type things on his triceps and biceps are quite unattractive.......

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Every other means possible should be executed before going down this route and in all honesty should only be considered if your competing. It's extremely painful if you carry out the correct protocol but size can be obtained when its linked with a cycle.

  10. #10
    zdudezdud is offline New Member
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    My two cents is never, I have a close friend that did this in his calves. Anyway he did it and now he calves look so miss-proportioned it's down right gross. Been over a month and they still look disgusting

  11. #11
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    My objections with synthol are because: 1) There are too many instances of infection due to poor production control. 2) Most people do not understand human physiology enough to inject Synthol to enhance natural beauty. It's mostly a butcher job. 3) The oil in synthol cause a smooth swelling on the skin like a balloon which is a huge contrast to the lean striation of natural muscles. 4) Once the muscles swell most users accept the artificial implant as a replacement rather than continuing to exercise the muscles and "replace" the oil with muscles. I got a few others but I mostly object to synthol because, IMO, it goes against the spirit of BB. Discipline, diet, hard work, controlled AAS cycles, rest, etc. goes out the window with a quick shot of oil & pain killer. Just my .02

  12. #12
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Greg Valentino...............enough said.

  13. #13
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why is synthol considered immoral but AAS are not?

  14. #14
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    I'm not talking of so going nuts like Valentino here and I'm not talking of lak of training or nutrition or anything like that I'm talkin small amounts in one head of the Tricep to keep it around a certain size untill this size overtime turns to muscle with training & nutrition.
    Everyone know our body is not built the same ppl with complete packages are champs and even they have weaker body parts I have a long( chest,lats,bis,forearms, and quad....) muscle belly but my try's are not that long longer tendons on the tris and I happen to be in love with big long Tricep that goes all the way above the elbow( I'm sure all u juice heads know what I'm talking about )
    So I got this idea while I'm on primo test cycle I injected 4cc in my Tricep lateral head wich I think was two much for it to handle so my tris were swollen and I loved the feeling and it looked amazing IMO so that's why I got the idea.
    I don't like short cuts I've been working out all my life it's just that I want to have big muscles in a place I don't own a muscle belly so unless so can assure me tendons can grow really thick I'm gonna stay frustrated for life.
    And by the way I love how my body looks and I get compliments and get asked questions Ed its just never enough and I know u guys know what I mean!
    That a long bla bla ......

  15. #15
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Why is synthol considered immoral but AAS are not?
    Because Synthol is an inert oil. INERT. It does nothing. You inject this oil, and it expands your muscles like a balloon (granted, it ends up looking ugly and deformed, goofy, and stupid), but nevertheless it is like a do-it-yourself implants. Where does the hard work come in with implants or Synthol? The dieting? The hard lifting? The drive to make time in the gym? There is NONE of that with synthol OR implants. WIth AAS you still need to put the god damn work into it to progress and make your way to getting stronger and bigger.

    Not only does Synthol really not make you stronger or bigger, but it doesn't require ANY effort on your part to make the changes. Do you understand?

  16. #16
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    Oh i'd just like to add that I don't consider Synthol 'immoral' or that I think anyone should or shouldn't use it. If you want to use it, by all means go ahead but I think it makes the musculature look very stupid and goofy even when done moderately or properly.

    The issue that comes into play for me is in competitive bodybuilding where the sport is of an asthetic nature whereby these asthetics are judged, Synthol is just as bad as implants when you consider the fact that there is no work to be done at all in making the changes aside from grabbing a syringe full of oil and injecting it into muscles. Might as well just get implants done then (and a lot of bodybuilders have gone and done exactly that over the years). Synthol and implants are one of the many factors that have destroyed competitive bodybuilding. So, in a competitive point of view, Synthol is pretty stupid.

  17. #17
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    it is used properly to stretch muscle fascia.. not to bring up a lagging body part unless you are on stage and holding at say... 4% bf..

    I've used it.. the best way to use it is when on a cycle and eating enough food to allow for the "stretched" facia to allow for easier growth of new fibers..

    hows that.. igflr3 and gh with a test/tren cycle.. now that's the ticket..
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  18. #18
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    personally wouldn't even begin to consider it. it's not even an option.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Because Synthol is an inert oil. INERT. It does nothing. You inject this oil, and it expands your muscles like a balloon (granted, it ends up looking ugly and deformed, goofy, and stupid), but nevertheless it is like a do-it-yourself implants. Where does the hard work come in with implants or Synthol? The dieting? The hard lifting? The drive to make time in the gym? There is NONE of that with synthol OR implants. WIth AAS you still need to put the god damn work into it to progress and make your way to getting stronger and bigger.

    Not only does Synthol really not make you stronger or bigger, but it doesn't require ANY effort on your part to make the changes. Do you understand?
    Your reasoning is driven by the synthol freaks what are at the forefront of any synthol news but in reality the above doesn't happen in the competitor world of bodybuilding. But I understand why you would think this.

    Synthol is used to stretch the fasica so you can release the tight envelope surrounding the muscle what restricts certain individuals. You have to train extremely hard and go through serious pain and you don't distort the appearance of the muscle and without doubt when done by someone who knows what he's doing you can't tell. You can also build tissue by expanding the fasica if you couple this with a mass cycle but again its not for the novice or anyone who just wants to pump up his muscles.

  20. #20
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Because Synthol is an inert oil. INERT. It does nothing. You inject this oil, and it expands your muscles like a balloon (granted, it ends up looking ugly and deformed, goofy, and stupid), but nevertheless it is like a do-it-yourself implants. Where does the hard work come in with implants or Synthol? The dieting? The hard lifting? The drive to make time in the gym? There is NONE of that with synthol OR implants. WIth AAS you still need to put the god damn work into it to progress and make your way to getting stronger and bigger.

    Not only does Synthol really not make you stronger or bigger, but it doesn't require ANY effort on your part to make the changes. Do you understand?
    False. The fascia isn't going to stretch it self. Like Marcus said, you are only judging the synthol abusers - if a guy is using it properly, then you won't even know he's using it.

  21. #21
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    the phrase, 'wouldnt touch with a barge pole' springs to mind

  22. #22
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    We all got weak points that drive us crazy - for me it's my chest. The ONE body part that I wanted to develop more than any other when I started lifting 14 years ago. I have a narrow rib cage, slim, narrow torso and my pecs get strong but never big like I'd like to see them, and certainly not proportionate to my shoulders and lats, which are strong points. But I concentrate on weak point training and live with it.

    Even if done properly, I don't understand why a non-competitive bodybuilder would want to take the chance of deforming themselves, because if it's not a doctor or expert giving you the injections, you're experimenting and might end up making your arms look a hell of a lot worse than they did before. This really strikes me as a case of fixation on body image taken to an extreme. Almost like body dysmorphia. I'd stick with weak-point training, use the shocking principle, strip sets, etc. and be happy taking your tri's to their limits without Synthol. Then learn to be happy with your phyique.
    Last edited by TOkidd; 09-10-2012 at 09:10 AM.

  23. #23
    letyourhairdown is offline New Member
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    Where exactly vial has to be pinned inside biceps to avoid nerve damage?

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  24. #24
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by letyourhairdown View Post
    Where exactly vial has to be pinned inside biceps to avoid nerve damage?

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    Consider starting your own thread.

  25. #25
    letyourhairdown is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Consider starting your own thread.
    I got syntol supply and the pharmacist might not be really able to pinpoint area; has anyone used syntol localized injections in biceps? If done, any hints on proper administration, please.

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  26. #26
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by letyourhairdown View Post
    I got syntol supply and the pharmacist might not be really able to pinpoint area; has anyone used syntol localized injections in biceps? If done, any hints on proper administration, please.

    Sent from my XT320 using Steroid Forum
    Consider starting your own thread.

  27. #27
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOkidd View Post
    We all got weak points that drive us crazy - for me it's my chest. The ONE body part that I wanted to develop more than any other when I started lifting 14 years ago. I have a narrow rib cage, slim, narrow torso and my pecs get strong but never big like I'd like to see them, and certainly not proportionate to my shoulders and lats, which are strong points. But I concentrate on weak point training and live with it.

    Even if done properly, I don't understand why a non-competitive bodybuilder would want to take the chance of deforming themselves, because if it's not a doctor or expert giving you the injections, you're experimenting and might end up making your arms look a hell of a lot worse than they did before. This really strikes me as a case of fixation on body image taken to an extreme. Almost like body dysmorphia. I'd stick with weak-point training, use the shocking principle, strip sets, etc. and be happy taking your tri's to their limits without Synthol. Then learn to be happy with your phyique.
    "Deformation" only happens from months and months of synthol abuse. Even if you use it properly, most of the oil dissipates out of the muscles with 7-10 days and you're most likely back to square one. That is why I only encourage guys that are competing to temporarily bring a body part up or if you're doing a photo shoot.

    To the OP- I know how you feel. I have the world's shittiest triceps due to genetics. I'm 270lbs with 17" arms - they look horrific. However, I know that the only way synthol would be appropriate would be if I were stepping on stage, which I am not - so I'm not gonna shell out close to a thousand bucks to get some of the legit stuff, which to my knowledge the only ones worth trying are Synthosizze by Dave Palumbo, and Syntherol by Synthetek.
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 09-10-2012 at 05:37 PM.

  28. #28
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    I'm not Taking synthol anytime soon guys so don't worry just wanted to know what u guys thought about it that's all and thanks for the replys

  29. #29
    Fllifter's Avatar
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    Here's a vid of Synthol abuse for a laugh.

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