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Thread: overweight advice needed.

  1. #1

    overweight advice needed.

    Im a 25 year old male, im 5"10 and 224 pounds, iv heard of the risks of taking steroids when overweight so iv recently changed my diet drammatically and started to do regular cardio exercise and generally keeping more active with sports etc..., also ordered some t5 fat burners as i want to get to an ideal weight before i even think about taking steroids. Is there an ideal weight for me to try and get to before i go ahead with my first cycle, if there is anything else you think i should consider i will take on board and appreciate the advice as i want to go into this with a sensible aproach and as much info as possible, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    As a friend and former gym partner used to tell me. It's not about what the scale says it's about how you look naked

    My point is that 5'10" 224 is awesome if you are 10%BF! Get your BF% checked and report guess is that if you are concerned about being over weight you probablly are and may want to cruise on over to the nutrition forum and give those guys a look at your diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    What is your bf%? Diet? Cardio?

  4. #4
    just done my body fat on an online calculator and it says 18%, but i av to say im getting tits bigger than my mrs haha and iv started eating 3 main meals a day and cut down portion sizes, either meat or fish with salad or veg with fruit inbetween meals, the odd round of brown bread if any. play badminton twice a week and an intense half an hour on the punch bag 5 days a week, been doing this now for a good 5 weeks, i feel loads better for it and my energy levels seem to be increasing but cant seem to lose any weight, t5 fat burners are in the post going to give them a go,

  5. #5
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tomb88 View Post
    just done my body fat on an online calculator and it says 18%, but i av to say im getting tits bigger than my mrs haha and iv started eating 3 main meals a day and cut down portion sizes, either meat or fish with salad or veg with fruit inbetween meals, the odd round of brown bread if any. play badminton twice a week and an intense half an hour on the punch bag 5 days a week, been doing this now for a good 5 weeks, i feel loads better for it and my energy levels seem to be increasing but cant seem to lose any weight, t5 fat burners are in the post going to give them a go,

    I would head to the diet section and ask over there.

    I personally would stay away from supplements that are fat burners. You need to eat anyway. problem with them is once you stop taking them, the weight comes right back.

    Diet and cardio is the key to real weight loss. Doing cardio 45mins a day five times a week will do amazing things. Tie in the diet and magic happens lol.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomb88 View Post
    just done my body fat on an online calculator and it says 18%, but i av to say im getting tits bigger than my mrs haha and iv started eating 3 main meals a day and cut down portion sizes, either meat or fish with salad or veg with fruit inbetween meals, the odd round of brown bread if any. play badminton twice a week and an intense half an hour on the punch bag 5 days a week, been doing this now for a good 5 weeks, i feel loads better for it and my energy levels seem to be increasing but cant seem to lose any weight, t5 fat burners are in the post going to give them a go,
    An online calc. will be highly inaccurate...if it says 18 you could easily be 22-25%...If you like to post a pic some guys are pretty accurate at assesing BF. Does not need a face but full body helps

  7. #7
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sounds like your headed in the right direction with eating and activity. Not recommending the fat burners and agree with Lunk. If these things worked we would all be skinny. Hit the diet section and pump up the cardio.

    And welcome....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Cardio n diet.

  9. #9
    "Diet and get your rear in a gym and work out" is probably not the thing you wanted to hear. The problem is, that's the truth. Take a long term view of health and steroids. You have to be "fit" so you can start on the steroids. Body fat over 15% and you have a really good chance of getting gyno and other side affects. Gyno hurts and it's pre-cancerous. You need to bring your bf down below 15% before you start. Some would even say below 13%.

  10. #10
    thanks for the replys , just goin get me head down with the diet and exercise for now

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Welcome! Sounds like a good plan. The guys over in the Diet and Nutrition section can help you a lot.

  12. #12
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    I woul aIM FOR about 200lbs and see where you are then

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I was in your same situation and dropped over 50 pounds in 4 months,
    the first month i hit it hard with a no carb diet and when i first started i couldnt run 1 mile straight, build your way up and push yourself, when your done you should feel sick!
    If you'd like i can go into more detail with diet and training but when it comes down to it, train with heart, passion and straight rage and you'll get there!

  14. #14
    is it worth me doing a lot of weight training aswell as the cardio, how is it best to mix and match the 2? goin see how i go natural without the steroids before i make any major decisions this forum has been a god send thanks

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomb88 View Post
    is it worth me doing a lot of weight training aswell as the cardio, how is it best to mix and match the 2? goin see how i go natural without the steroids before i make any major decisions this forum has been a god send thanks

    I would do cardio 5times a week for 45mins each session. and weight train however many days you are doing. Again I stress having your diet in check, if not anything and everything you are doing will be wasted.

  16. #16
    Why would anyone consider steroids when they don't even lift?

  17. #17
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    OK --- Im gonna get a huge backlash but --- I speak from experience.

    First of all. I know people love to say CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO --- however I say - 10 minutes tops. ANd I will tell you why. The less in shape you are - the less developed yoru muscles are. And there for cardio isnt doing what you think. Its a fact - muscle attracts muslce - and the more muslce you have the more fat your gonna burn when working out in ANY WAY. If you onyl do cardio at first --- your working with basically no muslce. And a day or two of heavy dieting and you attack what little muslce mass you have. So -- in my opinion 10 minutes to get the heart rate up on the treadmill. Then - hit your legs hard core - 3 machines at a top weight, no more no less - and do it everyday. Because your big, your legs will be able to handle it - and starting with that will have you burning calories waaaay after you leave the gym. After your legs - then you do your normal work out -- fore arms, chest - whatever day you are at ... If you first add some muslce, your work outs will come easier and burn fat longer after you are done. Id say start that for 3 or 4 weeks and get your self to where you are STEADILY LOSING BF and STEADILY GAINING MUSLCE MASS. Then I would start to take b12 shots - for 3 reasons. 1 they are good for you 2 they give you energy 3 they will help turn food into enrgy and not store it. That with some Kudzu Root or Rasberry Ketones with breakfast for a month and you should be ready to move on. THEN its time to start AAS --- your ACTUAL BF number - IMO - doesnt matter. I started at 31% ended at 19% ....and now im down to about 17% today. (4 weeks after cycle ended). Hope this helped --- if you have any questions PM me...

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