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  1. #1
    Gonzo7CR is offline New Member
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    First time Tren User Cycle Help!!!!!

    I just bought two Tren vails of 200mg each. Ive done plenty of research on steroids , side effects the whole nine. I've research on how to take cycles also but i wanted to have actual peoples advice and to guide me. I wanna do a cycle of tren too boast up my process. Ive been hitting the gym now for a year. Ive done it offcourse before but never consistent like this. so i wanna know how i need to take the cycle and all that other good stuff! thanks!
    gender: Male
    weight: 165
    Body Fat: 13%

  2. #2
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    The only advise you'll get from this board is that youre to young and need to stay natural for many more years. Eat & train.

  3. #3
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    There's a couple of problems oof rip that I can tell you which you probably wont like bit your hefe for advice right... so here we go... first of all you say you've done a lot of research but I can gell you, you definately haven't done enough.. first off you are way to young to be using aas (steroids ).. your body has yet to fully developed and youll probably end up doing your body more harm then good... your body should still produce enough hormones (testosterone ) ect.. to grow like a weed if you train and diet correctly... (which I doubt your diet is in check unless your 5'0"-5'1" at 165lbd) second tren is for advan e aas users.. definately not for a first cycle, third you didny even mention using test in the cycle which will end up causing your body shut down and you'll be feeling like sh*t... how a bout a ai or pct ect ect... you can do what you want but I can guarentee you wont probably get any advice you want to hear cause its all going sounds like this... you should wait till your 25ish before considering aas... it would be a horrible idea to run this cycle and it could have life long consequences.. as in trt/hrt ect ect.. there would be nothing good about doing this cycle.. so b patient fix your diet and train hard.. you WILL get results this way Good Luck

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Holy jesus, 17 years old and starting Trenbolone !!!

    Also, it is evident you have no idea what you're doing or what you have. Trenbolone vials that contain '200mg each'?? You have no idea what you are doing. You also did not read the #1 primary thread on the use of Trenbolone, which is stickied at the top of this forum.

    As mentioned already, the only advice I have for you (as will many others have for you) is that you should not do a cycle at all until at least 7 years down the road, and 40 lbs. heavier of lean mass.

  5. #5
    Gonzo7CR is offline New Member
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    okay well im deff taking that advice! i have been eating good, and have been losing ! but it seems like i cant get rid of the last ten pounds!!!!!! so do i just keep on eating and training hard and that would eventually go away ?

  6. #6
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gonzo7CR
    okay well im deff taking that advice! i have been eating good, and have been losing ! but it seems like i cant get rid of the last ten pounds!!!!!! so do i just keep on eating and training hard and that would eventually go away ?
    Go o our nutrition section and the workourt routine section there is a lot of great info there and I'm happy your not like a lot of these other kids here who don't take advice and end up in situations unnecessarily

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