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  1. #1
    theanimal2114 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Test E Help

    I have been reading up on the forums for a while and I think I am ready my first cycle. I have been lifting hard for 2 years. Was wondering if anyone could critique my cycle.
    Age 22
    Weight 172 LBS
    Height 5'10
    BF 12%

    Weeks 1-10:
    500mg test e per week
    1 quarter tablet of Fincar per day (1.25mg)
    1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every other day (0.25mg)
    1 tablet of clomid every other day (50mg)

    Week 13:
    1.25mg of finasteride per day
    .25mg of Arimidex every other day
    100mg of clomid every day

    Week 14:
    1 quarter tablet of Arimidex every 3rd day (0.25mg)
    50mg of clomid every day

    Does this sound like a good first time cycle? Will the fincar work to avoid hair loss? (male pattern baldness runs in my family) Should I have anything else on hand or should add or subtract from this cycle? Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    First WELCOME!!

    And to only hit the tip of this thread.Your age is what will hinder many good advice, but Test E at 500mg a week split up into two shots. Extend from 10-weeks to 12-Weeks.

  3. #3
    theanimal2114 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, and yeah it seems like 25 years old is where most suggest starting. Can anyone else give me advice? Should I wait until I'm older? My diet is in check and I know I will be 100% dedicated. Is this cycle a good start?

  4. #4
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by theanimal2114 View Post
    Thanks, and yeah it seems like 25 years old is where most suggest starting. Can anyone else give me advice? Should I wait until I'm older? My diet is in check and I know I will be 100% dedicated. Is this cycle a good start?
    Bro no prob, but I would advice you wait till 25.

  5. #5
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    ~Split the test into 2 injections
    ~clomid is pointless while you're on cycle
    ~use adex .25mg eod weeks 2-14. .25 e3d week 15 and 16
    ~start clomid week 13 (or preferably like 10 days after last pin) dose 50 ED for week 13-14, and 25 ED for week 15-16 (could run 100 ED during week 12, but be careful of sides)
    ~would be good to use nolva or aromasin instead of adex for pct, but adex will get the job done.
    ~finasteride is not really a great compound, but it probably will help a little bit with the hairloss issue. I believe you're supposed to take that for a few weeks before and after your cycle. you might wanna research some of the nastier side affects of this compound.

    Edit: I've never cycled, so i'm not speaking from experience, but i've been researching this stuff for two years.
    Last edited by SportbikerKid; 09-10-2012 at 12:46 AM.

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The main reason 25 is advised is due to your bodies endocrine system. If you cycle beige it's mature you have a higher risk of shutting yourself down for good. This could lead to numerous problems later in life. Depression, erectile disfunction, and many others..I would say use the nex couple years to keep education and play with our diet/ training. You'd be amazed at what you can do to your body without AAS. I promise you can still grow! When the time comes to finally start your cycle an you see the results, you'll appreciate this info!

  7. #7
    theanimal2114 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys. So I will only use clomid for pct and I will not use the flnasteride. That is of course if I decide to cycle at 22 years of age. Anyone else think its a good idea for me to wait a few more years? Zreinke what you said sounds nasty I dont know if I wanna risk all of that.

  8. #8
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    It definitely wouldnt be fun. I have been waiting to cycle myself. I've been reading and learning all I can about AAS and my body for the last couple years. I'm 24 now and I'm goin to run my first cycle soon. That sounds hypocritical but I understand what can be done to me. Too many young people start horrible cycles without knowin there are any risks at all. More then half of them don't even have a clue what PCT is!! We want to promote safe use here so that's just touching on the 25 again. Ultimately the decision comes down to the individual. The more you put into prepping g you body naturally, the more you'll get out of a cycle. How is your diet right now?

  9. #9
    theanimal2114 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zreinke View Post
    It definitely wouldnt be fun. I have been waiting to cycle myself. I've been reading and learning all I can about AAS and my body for the last couple years. I'm 24 now and I'm goin to run my first cycle soon. That sounds hypocritical but I understand what can be done to me. Too many young people start horrible cycles without knowin there are any risks at all. More then half of them don't even have a clue what PCT is!! We want to promote safe use here so that's just touching on the 25 again. Ultimately the decision comes down to the individual. The more you put into prepping g you body naturally, the more you'll get out of a cycle. How is your diet right now?
    Yeah your right man, the risks for my age aren't worth it. I don't want to risk shutting down completely. As for my diet it could def be improved along with my training. Im gonna take your advice and wait. I'll research and learn more and build myself up more naturally. Thanks a lot I almost did something I would have probay regretted.

  10. #10
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
    bigZthedestroyer is offline Anabolic Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'm glad you decided to wait. If you ever have any questions related to diet and exercise feel free to hit me up.

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Anyone with half a brain will tell you to wait.We are not telling you this beacuse we dont want to see you get big.We dont want to see you suffer like others have.The choice is yours bro.

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes, please wait a few more years. Life's short. 3 years will come around pretty quick

  13. #13
    TOkidd is offline Productive Member
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    Why do these young guys not listen to the vets who have been there, done it, and learned better? I was 23 when I did my first cycle, but at that time there was hardly anyone warning young guys like myself not to cycle. Now we know so much more about the body's endocrine system and how it develops / changes over time, yet all these young posters think the vets are being assholes when they tell them they're too young. IMO, at 22, you still have very high levels of natural test, and with proper training and diet, you can continue to gain. Waiting 4 years isn't a big deal, and think how much stronger and how much more prepared you'll be to do your first cycle. It's not worth screwing with your natty test and maybe coming out of the cycle with much lower levels than you came in with.

    My $0.02

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