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  1. #1
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    Propecia dutasteride

    First question is what seems to be better to Prevent hairloss propecia or the dutasteride

    Second question I read reports from people that took propecia and it caused them gyno, since I'm already taking an AI will that prevent me from getting gyno?
    I also take prami when I run tren .

  2. #2
    eazyduzit's Avatar
    eazyduzit is offline Associate Member
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    Man this is a massive contreversial issue, im using finasteride (propcia) atm and have little to no sides, i have minoxidil as well as nizoral. and my hairloss has pretty much stopped if not grown a bit more.. check out forums and u'll get the answer, baldtruthtalk or

    As for fin or dut.. people say dut is better and i think i will try it but im happy with fin atm and gonna give it another year before i switch over to dut, as i think its harder to get (not sure about where ur from though)

    Gyno... no lol, a SMALL amount of people have gotten some messed up sides (ED,gyno etc) but yeah if ur takin an AI you wont get it, even if you didnt take it theres such a little chance of you getting gyno...

    as for prami, not sure.

  3. #3
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah I was taking dutasteride but I'm almost out of it but I do now have a prescription to propecia

  4. #4
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    Bump dis like a mofooooo

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