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Thread: Started Trenazone Cycle Standealone 1.5ml, 2ml!!!

  1. #1

    Wink Started Trenazone Cycle Standealone 1.5ml, 2ml!!!

    Started trenazone cycle which is my second cycle. First cycle was last year with test only!!. I started with 1ml, 1.5, now 2ml...I know the dosage is high for my third day but I was recommended it because of my size.

    My stats are;

    Age 25
    Weight 202lbs
    Height 6.0'
    BF 11%

    Main lifting stats

    Bench Press - 315x8
    Squats - 415x6

    Supplements also taking is;

    Ad-3 pct
    Pure test (help with libido)
    ZMA (also for recovery and libido)
    L- Arginine
    Green tea Extract
    Amino X
    Also taking Jack3d for preworkout (hope thats not too much)

    I workout 7 days a week rotating my muscle groups every 4 days (ex; Chest, Arms, Legs (quads), Shoulders/back, Hamstrings, Calves, Chest [abs everyday]

    Diet consist of

    Meal 1: protein Shake, Cup mango (fruit)
    Meal 2: Protein Cookie, Granola bar
    Meal 3: banana, 1/2 cup roasted soy beans
    meal 4: Chicken, Cantaloupe (fruit)
    Meal 5: Protein bar, Almonds, Granola Bar
    Meal 6: Chicken, Fish, rice/pasta

    Any advice on my cycle would be great. Even dosage wise!!! Also am I missing something in the cycle that I should be taking??

    Im trying to gain now to atleast 210 lean mass with 10-11% bf. Doing 6 week cycle!
    Last edited by bodybuilder87; 09-10-2012 at 07:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Your just using tren? Ml means nothing how many mg's?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Your just using tren? Ml means nothing how many mg's?
    75/115/ Now 150mg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    And yes you missed real food. I don't know what your are trying to achieve but doubt that diet will do it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder87

    75/115/ Now 150mg
    I would stop. Ten alone is bad your using way to much. Another couple days the bad sides will start. And i would get laid tonight because soon you probably won't be able to
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    And yes you missed real food. I don't know what your are trying to achieve but doubt that diet will do it
    Difficult to eat m,ore real food because of my job, Thats the best I can do but it has work for me for the last 2 years.

    Even won a amateur bodybuilding competition last year

  7. #7
    Any advice besides (my diet) would be great. More towards the cycle. I can easily fix my diet is needed be

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Tren alone+Poor diet=Bad cycle

    Why run tren alone? And why 6 weeks? AI's...PCT...Anything else?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder87
    Any advice besides (my diet) would be great. More towards the cycle. I can easily fix my diet is needed be
    I already did. Your cycle is horrible. And all those otc sup s aren't going to help
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I already did. Your cycle is horrible. And all those otc sup s aren't going to help

    Ok so what do you suggest I add??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    You need test , a real ai. Real pct. And to lower the tren. Unless you have test at home right now i would stop
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    You need test , a real ai. Real pct. And to lower the tren. Unless you have test at home right now i would stop
    Dont have test right now.... any recommendations for test, Ai, Pct?

  13. #13
    ANYthing??? Im here for help ...... I dont want too many compounds but just enough for good strength gains. Thought tren would be enough??

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Tren is horrible alone man. I am scarred to death of thesides. I have a buddy who has done multiple tren cycles and he is mental. He doesnt know standard protocol and wont listen because he has been doing it for so long. He thinks he knows more than me. He seriously has messed mimself up. He has cysts all over his back and face. I am not taking about acne, I am talking about grape sized knots that ooze. He has severe mood swings and high anxiety. He never sleeps and is always sweating like a pig. He admits to not being able to get a boner, but he doesnt care. For some reason he would rather work on that body that he is destroying. He runs 75-100 mgs EOD, no test, no AI, no nothing. Be very careful, as he is the biggest reason I am afraid of tren. He has gotten huge, but he has also become a freakish monster with those oozing cysts. Its bad. And his diet sucks too. Please listen to these guys, as they are not trying to persade you one way or another, they are seriously trying to look out for your best intrest. Good luck!

  15. #15
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    Jun 2012
    There is a great teen sticky here you need to read it, it will tell you all you need to know. And just make due you are getting enough protien for your size.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder87 View Post
    Started trenazone cycle which is my second cycle. First cycle was last year with test only!!. I started with 1ml, 1.5, now 2ml...I know the dosage is high for my third day but I was recommended it because of my size.

    My stats are;

    Age 25
    Weight 202lbs
    Height 6.0'
    BF 11%

    Main lifting stats

    Bench Press - 315x8
    Squats - 415x6

    Supplements also taking is;

    Ad-3 pct
    Pure test (help with libido)
    ZMA (also for recovery and libido)
    L- Arginine
    Green tea Extract
    Amino X
    Also taking Jack3d for preworkout (hope thats not too much)

    I workout 7 days a week rotating my muscle groups every 4 days (ex; Chest, Arms, Legs (quads), Shoulders/back, Hamstrings, Calves, Chest [abs everyday]

    Diet consist of

    Meal 1: protein Shake, Cup mango (fruit)
    Meal 2: Protein Cookie, Granola bar
    Meal 3: banana, 1/2 cup roasted soy beans
    meal 4: Chicken, Cantaloupe (fruit)
    Meal 5: Protein bar, Almonds, Granola Bar
    Meal 6: Chicken, Fish, rice/pasta

    Any advice on my cycle would be great. Even dosage wise!!! Also am I missing something in the cycle that I should be taking??

    Im trying to gain now to at least 210 lean mass with 10-11% bf. Doing 6 week cycle!
    There is nothing in this diet that's going to do anything. All the protein shakes, bars, cookies are useless with the exception of PWO. The fruit is like eating snickers bars with vitamins in it. Drop all that. Granola is something you eat if your crossing the Rockies on foot or if your a hippie with no money and no refrigeration. Pasta's good if you want to look like Mamma Vitali and almonds are a good fat source but you have to be really careful. 10 almonds are good, 20 are usually way too many. On the positive side, the chickens good if it's breast and grilled...

    The reason why your having problems is mainly lack of protein. Real animal protein that is. You should be eating about 300 grams. One large chicken breast is about 50 g. All the powders, cookies etc. are mainly whey protein which if not used will enter and exit your body in 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Otherwise it either flushes out of the system or more than likely turns to fat.

    Go to the diet section. This is where you'll get what you want... Good luck!
    Last edited by The Titan99; 09-10-2012 at 11:47 PM.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    There is nothing in this diet that's going to do anything. All the protein shakes, bars, cookies are useless with the exception of PWO. The fruit is like eating snickers bars with vitamins in it. Drop all that. Granola is something you eat if your crossing the Rockies on foot or if your a hippie with no money and no refrigeration. Pasta's good if you want to look like Mamma Vitali and almonds are a good fat source but you have to be really careful. 10 almonds are good, 20 are usually way too many. On the positive side, the chickens good if it's breast and grilled...

    Go to the diet section. This is where you'll get what you want... Good luck!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    There is nothing in this diet that's going to do anything. All the protein shakes, bars, cookies are useless with the exception of PWO. The fruit is like eating snickers bars with vitamins in it. Drop all that. Granola is something you eat if your crossing the Rockies on foot or if your a hippie with no money and no refrigeration. Pasta's good if you want to look like Mamma Vitali and almonds are a good fat source but you have to be really careful. 10 almonds are good, 20 are usually way too many. On the positive side, the chickens good if it's breast and grilled...

    The reason why your having problems is mainly lack of protein. Real animal protein that is. You should be eating about 300 grams. One large chicken breast is about 50 g. All the powders, cookies etc. are mainly whey protein which if not used will enter and exit your body in 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Otherwise it either flushes out of the system or more than likely turns to fat.

    Go to the diet section. This is where you'll get what you want... Good luck!
    3/4 of my protein comes from chicken/fish. I usually eat 3 chicken breasts and 4 tilapia fish a day which equals over 200g protein. 1 cup soy beans 70g and extra protein throughput the day from bars and shakes. I usually take in 300-350g protein daily. The fruit is for extra carbs so insure I have enough energy for my workouts. I train 1 hr weights 30 mins of olympic style training. And 30 mins abs daily so my body requires a lot of carbs.

    Any suggestions on my cycle?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I guess just always run Test with Tren. Seriously though, lose all that fruit and eat some sweet potatoes/brown rice/oats.

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